What are your opinions on mods that someone could and should add to the modpack. It could be simple quality of life changes or drastic machinery packs. Anything you enjoy!
Since this is a dw20 related thread,i guess you guys are watching his series.Any of you know what is that quarry he talks about which is so powerful?
You mean the buildcraft quarry he uses just outside his base in his SSP LP?
In his smp forgecraft1. I overheard a conversation between him and rorax,saying it can go through lava,is something ender,and is extremely powerful
Oh thats from extrautilies from my understanding and its not in the available modpacks yet. Its a multiblock quarry system that functions similar to a digital miner (mekanism) in that it can teleport the ores in the area into its inventory rather than destroy the land entirely like a regular BC quarry.
I only started using this mod a few days ago. It's so amazing what you can do with this mod.Steve's Factory Manager.