Draconic Evolution/EXU - Efficiency 10 book?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is the ability to disenchant any unstable item (shovel, sword) from EXU intended? I only have tried this with the Draconic Evolution disenchanter to get the book, not with other ones. I would assume it's a bug, because the tool doesn't TECHNICALLY have efficiency 10, but it could just be a strange interaction with disenchanters no one had ever known about... In the meantime.... I'll have fun with it on my Draconic staff of power ;3


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What if you took that efficiency book, put it on another unstable tool, and THEN disenchant it and do it all over again and again o_O


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Building/Mining/Tunnel Making/ almost everything else is made much more fun with fast tools. Honestly if your at that point you should have fast tools, it doesn't hurt anything and makes you more capable to play the game. Its not like your getting sharpness X books instead, that might make the game much too easy. Maybe it should be a config option