DomainCraft Direwolf20 Modpack Server! | 1.4.6 (Dw20Pack) | Whitelist |

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
Minecraft Username: section8ruly
Age: 26
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) no i do not just just started ftb
Are you a mature player? yes
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? no
Did you read the rules? yes
What is the policy about lag? do not complain about the lag you guys are trying your best to deal with it do not say LAG in chat does not help
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D): Yes, alot about them i have played with them for a while now
Are you a mature player?: Yes
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why?: No, mostly play SSP
Did you read the rules?Yes
What is the policy about lag?Don't complain about it
Age: 13
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) Oh yes a lot of them!
Are you a mature player? Yes I really am, Many people thought I was 17 on servers and skype how I handle things.
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? No. Nothing should show up but I've been falsely banned 2 times but am unbanned of course.
Did you read the rules? I sure did.
What is the policy about lag? You guys are doing your best and do NOT COMPLAIN!
Minecraft Username: vahva
Age: 16
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) I haven't checked the mods, but I know the basic FTB mods :)
Are you a mature player? Yes
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? No, I haven't
Did you read the rules? yes
What is the policy about lag? Don't complain about it
Minecraft Username:First_Ace
Age: 15
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know ) I know enough about most of them, big fan of thermal expansion :D!
Are you a mature player? Yeah, I am, I've actually been promoted to op on a couple of ftb servers.
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? Yes, I have, unjust bans because of power hungry admins. I don't care if you're an admin, if you disrespect me, I'll disrespect you back.
Did you read the rules? Did, I'm one to ask if it's okay to do something if I'm not sure though so don't mind me :3<3
What is the policy about lag? You guys might remove mods to lessen it, are doing your best to keep it low, and don't spam the chat with it, it doesn't help.

Edit: wow i was stupid enough to make a whitelist app and not post my username... silly me
Minecraft name: swarthybard
Age: 29
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? Yes, I've played with, and installed most of them for clients and servers.
Are you a mature player? Yes.
Have you ever been banned on a server? No.
Did you read the rules? Yes.
What is the policy about lag? I run servers, I don't complain about someone else's rules or my connection when playing in their sandbox.
Minecraft name: ThaSiouLouS
Age: 19
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? Yeah, I used most of the mods, and i am eager to play RP2 again.
Are you a mature player? I hope so.
Have you ever been banned on a server? No.
Did you read the rules? Yes.
What is the policy about lag? You are working on making it as smooth as possible, which is more than you have to do (Since you dont even have to give us access in the first place), and I appreciate it. (Simple: DO NOT COMPLAIN)
Minecraft Username: Missle59
Age: 25
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) Yes, I like to play around with IC2 and forestry a lot.
Are you a mature player? Yes I am.
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? Nope
Did you read the rules? Yes I have read them all.
What is the policy about lag? Don't complain in chat that doesn't help, you are working to make it as good as possible.
Minecraft Username: homerunlogan
Age: 16
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) Some, but not alot
Are you a mature player? Yes
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? No
Did you read the rules? yes
What is the policy about lag? Not to complain, because you are doing your best
Minecraft Username: Zabuka
Age: 15
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? Yes I have played modded minecraft for over a year
Are you a mature player? Yes
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? Yes, I was banded falsely and was unbanned after. (You can't expect someone playing minecraft for over 2 years to not be banded falsely once.)
Did you read the rules? Yes
What is the policy about lag? Don't complain about it if it occurs as you are doing your best to keep it as low as possible.
Minecraft Username: scatfur
Age: 16
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? Yes tottaly famirialized with all the mods
Are you a mature player? Yes
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? No, i have been the most polite as possible, but once i got false banned
Did you read the rules? Yes
What is the policy about lag? Don't complain, complaining about it its not gonna solve anything
Minecraft Username: deathbringer1128
Age: 13
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? I know about the mods very well, I've watched every episode if his server play series that's been uploaded.
Are you a mature player? Yes, I've never grieved and never yelled using caps.
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? No bans at all,
Did you read the rules? Yes, I read them 3 times to make sure there's nothing I have to include, like a specific word.
What is the policy about lag? Do not complain about lag because you guys are trying to keep it minimal.

P.S.: If I do get accepted, I won't be able to log on for a few days because I'm on vacation and didn't bring my laptop.
Minecraft Username: theshinesprites
Age: 13
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? Yes. I know lots about Thaumcraft 3 and IC2, learning BC and TE and Forestry.
Are you a mature player? Sure.
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? No. Haven't been banned to my knowledge.
Did you read the rules? Yea.
What is the policy about lag? Don't complain about whatever little amounts are on FTB servers.
Minecraft Username: Jk1ller

Age: 15

Do you know anything about the mods in DW20 pack? (We don't care, it's just nice to know :D) Yes I have spent a buttload of hours in mods like RP2, BC, and IC2. I also have seen alot of his videos, I'm knowledgeable of most of the mods in the pack.

Are you a mature player? Yes I'm mature and don't curse or any other kind of junk.

Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? My sister who doesnt live here anymore pushed an AFK admin off a cliff >_<

Did you read the rules? Of course :)

What is the policy about lag? Don't spam about lag
Minecraft Username: uncutas
Age: 19
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) Yes I do, I've been following direwolf's LP's since season 2 of his SSP LP.
Are you a mature player? I would say yes.
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? I think I was, once I killed a player, and I got banned for killing him, I suppose PVP wasn't allowed even though pvp on the server was enabled.
Did you read the rules? Yes I did.
What is the policy about lag? It is to don't complain about the lag because you guys are doing your best to keep the lag minimum.
Minecraft Username: bary3000
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) i know 80% of the mods
Are you a mature player? yes
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? 1 time in capture the flag, anticheat bag
Did you read the rules? yes
What is the policy about lag? don't complain about lag, cause you trying to keep it minimum
Minecraft Username: WatcherShadows
Age: 33
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? All them. Perhaps not the recent updates. Bbbbuutttt.
Are you a mature player? Yes.
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? No.
Did you read the rules? Yes
What is the policy about lag? Don't complain about it.
Minecraft Username: Food_Ninja
Age: 14
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D): I sure do.
Are you a mature player?: I would say so, yes.
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why?: Nope.
Did you read the rules?: I have read all the rules.
What is the policy about lag?: Don't complain.
Minecraft name: Acialwip
Age: 14
Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) I have played a fair bit with some of these mods.
Are you a mature player? Yes, i'm a very mature player very trustworthy and don't argue with anyone.
Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? I have not been banne from any server before.
Did you read the rules? Yes.
What is the policy about lag? Don't complain about it because you guys are doing your best to keep it to a minimum.