Greylist Server Dogs of the State: Phoenix Reborn|Direwolf20 1.7|Mature|Military Minded

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
NimeniAltu666 has joined our ranks as a novice player. I'm sure we will see great things from him. Join me in welcoming him to the community.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
-Have you READ everything before this?
Yes I have.

-Where are you from (Example - Iowa or United Kingdom)?
I am from Denmark.

-How old are you?
I am 27 years of age.

-What gender do you wish to be know by?
I am male, so male would suit me just fine.

-What is your Minecraft Username?
It is Manowarra

-What other games do you play on a semi-regular basis?
I play some arma 2/3 and Planetside 2 from time to time.

-What role do you enjoy taking the most in Minecraft (Eg: Farmer, Builder, Explorer, Digger)?
Tinkering :D

-Which mod do you know best (from the ones we have installed)?
Probably Buildcraft since it's been around since the dawn of mods.

-If you are added, how often do you intend to be on?
I intend to be on 3-4 times a week, depending on work load and other such things.

-What is your schedule like, what hours do you most often play?
Generally what is evening time for me, maybe some day times on off days.

-Why do you think you will be a good fit for the Dogs of the State?
I think I am a good fit because I'm a mature selfsufficient individual.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
*APPRENTICE o2man68*

o2man is hereby promoted to the rank of Apprentice!

Please congratulate him when you see him!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
-Have you READ everything before this?

-Where are you from (Example - Iowa or United Kingdom)?
Niles, MI
-How old are you?
-What gender do you wish to be know by?
-What is your Minecraft Username?
-What other games do you play on a semi-regular basis?
ArmaII, ArmaIII,World of Tanks, Warthunder, Wargame,
-What role do you enjoy taking the most in Minecraft (Eg: Farmer, Builder, Explorer, Digger)?
-Which mod do you know best (from the ones we have installed)?
-If you are added, how often do you intend to be on?
4-5Times a week, When I have Free time
-What is your schedule like, what hours do you most often play?
Mostly during the late night 0000-0500 sometimes during the day on my days off.
-Why do you think you will be a good fit for the Dogs of the State?
Well I am prior army , Alpha Minecrafter , Tekkit/Technic , Dont mind helping when its needed and I also enjoy playing with people who respect my creations / contraptions.

-(Optional) If you have any history of Military service, what branch were/are you a part of, what was/is your rank, and where were/are you stationed?
US Army SSG Fort Bragg, NC Fort Campbell KY, Fort Drum NY, Goodfellow AFB TX


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Santa Claws, the Evil Witch and Jack Skellington the mass murdering Skeleton have been seen in the KIngdom! If you see them, you are free to get rid of them!

(This is a small Xmas Event, get em, kill em, they drop good loot :) )
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
-Have you READ everything before this?
Read, yes. Understood, partially. Honestly, committed suicide to restart the maze and re-read it.

-Where are you from (Example - Iowa or United Kingdom)?

Texas, to keep it simple.

-How old are you?

28 years young.

-What gender do you wish to be know by?


-What is your Minecraft Username?


-What other games do you play on a semi-regular basis?


-What role do you enjoy taking the most in Minecraft (Eg: Farmer, Builder, Explorer, Digger)?


-Which mod do you know best (from the ones we have installed)?


-If you are added, how often do you intend to be on?

I can't honestly say. Trying for twice at week at minimum.

-What is your schedule like, what hours do you most often play?

Work is 9 to whenever I get off the phone past 6. I normally play games from 7-10 if possible.

-Why do you think you will be a good fit for the Dogs of the State?

Abiding by most rules, besides being active, I follow to a T. It is not that I am following your rules but how I myself prefer to be treated and I extend that to other players.

Above all, I am loyal, honest and work hard when I enjoy it.

-(Optional) What have you seen worked well on other servers that you might like us to implement too?

This one is difficult as I am not sure what you have going right now. My favorite was the ability to claim land for the time spent in game. It worked well with my play style and even better for my large projects.

-(Optional) If you have any history of Military service, what branch were/are you a part of, what was/is your rank, and where were/are you stationed?

Regular Army. Disabled veteran and I was a specialist. Benning, Gordon, Wiesbaden Army-Airfield, Iraq.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Have you READ everything before this?
Yes, I have.

-Where are you from (Example - Iowa or United Kingdom)?
I am from Latvia. [Europe- for people who doesn't know]

-How old are you?
A am 19.

-What gender do you wish to be know by?

-What is your Minecraft Username?

-What other games do you play on a semi-regular basis?
League of Legends, Runescape

-What role do you enjoy taking the most in Minecraft (Eg: Farmer, Builder, Explorer, Digger)?
I would be an Engeneer

-Which mod do you know best (from the ones we have installed)?
Applied energestic, Thermal expansion.

-If you are added, how often do you intend to be on?
Few hours on daily basis, if not, then atleast 10 hours a week.

-What is your schedule like, what hours do you most often play?
It would be after Univeristy, about 16:00-20:00 [+2 G.M.T]

-Why do you think you will be a good fit for the Dogs of the State?
Because I like small community servers, having fun and I am communicable person.

-(Optional) What have you seen worked well on other servers that you might like us to implement too?
I dont have any ideas at this moment but if I catch up somenthing I will let know

-(Optional) If you have any history of Military service, what branch were/are you a part of, what was/is your rank, and where were/are you stationed?
I was volunteer of National guard.

I would like to throw another note- English is not my native language i may mispell, or write somenthing wrong.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
-Have you READ everything before this?

-Where are you from?

-How old are you?

-What gender do you wish to be known by?

-What is your Minecraft Username?

-What other games do you play on a semi-regular basis?
Misc. RPGs / Retro Consoles

-What role do you enjoy taking the most in Minecraft (Eg: Farmer, Builder, Explorer, Digger)?
Electrical Engineer / Farmer / Cook

-Which mod do you know best (from the ones we have installed)?
IC2 / Thaumcraft / EnderIO

-If you are added, how often do you intend to be on?
I'd usually say 3-5 but I'd be lying, it's more along the lines of 5-8.

-What is your schedule like, what hours do you most often play?
I work from 0100-1100 EST. Usually glued to my office from 1200 onward.

-Why do you think you will be a good fit for the Dogs of the State?
I have almost 4 years of non-vanilla experience and I'm very anal about my building projects. (Cosmetics over functionality)

-(Optional) What have you seen worked well on other servers that you might like us to implement too?
Multiplayer build projects/contests

-(Optional) If you have any history of Military service, what branch were/are you a part of, what was/is your rank, and where were/are you stationed?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

It all happened so quickly. The eerie stillness followed by a deafening boom and a freak lightning storm put me on edge. Perceptus headed off to grab some gear while I set off in search of the source of the explosion.

My path brought me close to the crater that had appeared near the Spawn Gardens some weeks ago. I noticed immediately a ring of fire that had not been there the last time I had seen the crater. Surely this must have been the source of the strange events. I edged in closer to have another look. That's when I saw it. A demon... some sort of towering abomination.

Perceptus arrived just in time as the demons first strike against me left me reeling. Perceptus provided the support needed to down this hideous creature. His final words revealed his impending return through some sort of portal. We knew what we had to do. We had to head into the crater and seal the portal.

The beasts pooring from the crater were too much for the combined force of Perceptus, Phantagor and me. Luckily we were soon joined by Aceldamor, o2man, EvilMaL and AlokiWanderer. Still our efforts while effective seem to be gaining little ground. It wasn't until the Necrotech began a dark ritual and called forth demons of his own that the tide started to turn in our favor.

Systematically we cleared the crater of all evil and severed the tie of all the dark portals bringing forth these demon spawn until at last no more monsters could threaten us. The others were distracted with mining up the vast riches the crater had to offer when I noticed a demon corpse unlike any other in the crater. He clutched a monstrous sword and his flesh glowed with powerful magic. Beside him lay a parchment with demonic runes written on it. I attempt to read them but I left that life behind long ago. You can keep your runes, I'll take a tech manual any day of the week.

What happened next I can not explain. Something in the back of my mind... like an itch in my brain that could never be scratched began whispering to me. I grabbed my knife and quickly removed the flesh from the demon. Stuffing it into my pack before anyone could see and just in time too. As I turned back to collect the rest of the demon's possessions I see Aloki and Evil dividing the Sword and Robe between each other. They deserve some loot for their problems (then again the itch says otherwise... kill them!). *You have no power over me*.

"The structural integrity of the crater has been comprimised. It will soon collapse on itself. Take what resources you can and get out as soon as possible. Good work today people."

Upon returning to my home I begin to fashion a suit of armor from the demon flesh. An exhilaration fell over me as I did. At the same time panic and fear. I am a leader. My people count on me to be the voice of reason. Magic has no sway over me. Tech is my religion. They must never find out about this. NEVER....
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
-Have you READ everything before this? Yes

-Where are you from (Example - Iowa or United Kingdom)? Portugal

-How old are you? 27

-What gender do you wish to be know by? Male

-What is your Minecraft Username? zeca_maria

-What other games do you play on a semi-regular basis? Tribalwars, Binding of Isaac, others

-What role do you enjoy taking the most in Minecraft (Eg: Farmer, Builder, Explorer, Digger)? I like to do everything but usually i spend most of my time Digging and Building

-Which mod do you know best (from the ones we have installed)? IC2, starting to learn EnderIO

-If you are added, how often do you intend to be on? Around 2 to 3 hours a day, more on weekends

-What is your schedule like, what hours do you most often play? Afternoon and Latehours (GMT +0)

-Why do you think you will be a good fit for the Dogs of the State? I haven't seen much, but from what I saw, you're a close and tight group, and that's what I'm looking for, help others and be helped in benefit of the server.

-(Optional) What have you seen worked well on other servers that you might like us to implement too? I think for now that you're going in the right way, if something comes to my mind, I will share it on TeamSpeak if i get the grant to play on your server

-(Optional) If you have any history of Military service, what branch were/are you a part of, what was/is your rank, and where were/are you stationed? No background on Military service.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For his service to the community, helpful nature and keeping me and the mods informed about what is going on on the server, as also his long year standing with us, we, the mods, hearby declare that Journeyman Perceptus should now be called: Craftsman Perceptus!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The Forbidden Lands (Lore)

We all might have seen the now tainted and forbidden lands in the north-west of our kingdom, but what we do not know, is that this once was a fertile and bountiful enchanted forest, spawning all the horizon.
What tainted these lands is unknown to these days, but something terrible evil must have happend there.

The name of the Forbidden Lands does not only come from it permited status to arrive, but also of the Forbidden Magical Properties that lay in the Lands themselves. Only madman would explore these lands in search of forbidden knowledge, yet alone live there.

But then why has the Necrotect himself has choosen this wasted, dangerous land full of corruption? The Undead Lich himself, who has been known to fight against all evil? Has something stirred up his mind? We all know, that the Necrotect himself exiled himself after the events of our escape from our last world. Has his mind been warped and is he following the path of evil know? But then yet again, the only save haven in the forbidden lands is the Manor of the once Great Undead.

In the meantime, corrupting is rising. More and more foolish travellers start to explore those lands, there skeletons and warped bodies a warning to everyone trying to reach further. And there is something else, a whisper in the wind, calling for a champion. A champion of darkness. Some once brave hero, some once leader of man:

*On the night that it came to me
It was like nothing I'd ever seen
A vision darker than death itself
A violent cloud straight from the depths of hell
And that's when I saw my destiny
As it approached I was frozen still
I couldn't move, couldn't scream for help
Out of the darkness it reached for me
And that's when it planted the evil seed
And that's when I saw my destiny*

Someone who already did the first steps towards ascension...ascension in the ranks of hell...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hell is freezing

...and we do not know why. But something started a magical process that, for now, cant be hold. We do not know, what is behind this purpose, but whoever did it, seemed to know what he does. We are loosing ressource and precious space in the Nether even right when i write this. There has to be a way to hold this off or the nether will soon be no more.

Dont be fooled: the demonds can survive this, they can adapt fast, but we are going to loose all the precious ressources the nether has for us. Or, maybe, something even more common inside the nether is so important and maybe dangerous to the entitiy who started this fire, that he wants the nether to be destroyed so we cant harm him?

After further inspection, something seems to spread and further the strange fires in hell.

As the Necrotect, i advise forming an Away Team to explore the depths of the Nether and try to get several samples together so we can further research what is actually going on.

I guess 1-3 samples of each soil of the nether or what is currently in the nether might help. We also want to take a look at the inhabitants of the nether, maybe parts of the magic has already gotten into their system.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Since nobody seems to be around, the server is acting all sorts of messed up, I can't even log in and do anything without getting timed out. This is AFTER the restart. I've been monitoring my network activity, it's not on my end, the stream just seems to stop completely from the server.