Greylist Server DOGS OF THE STATE: OUTPOSTS [FeedTheBeast - MindCrack v8] [1.4.7] [Mature] [Military Minded]

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Yeah, it's a known issue with FTB that the scarecrows cause a game crash. Thankfully a quick fix though.

Also, you wanted me to post here to identify myself and so I have as requested.

Edit: Forgot that my account here doesn't use my MC username: chessmaster42

Scarecrows cause crashes? Where is this a known thing? I'm rather fond of the little blighters to be honest. Creepy as hell in droves, but that's what scarecrows are for though.
Of Fire and Lightning
After watching Bissit put out 50+ fires in the vicinity of Rake's place and another 30-40 by our residence, I mentioned to some people on Vent that we needed to have a plan to get rid of the fires. The Bissit Fire Prevention Team has only so much free time. So, we talked over a few options, and came up with a halfway decent plan: Turn on rain, and then fire spread, and let it pour let it pour let it pour. I know that there was some concern about the mis-gen'd volcanoes in trees, but after this discussion, I'm gonna rip those out. After that, why not leave fire spread on for good? We play on hard mode, so it stands to reason that fire should be a problem. The lightning fires could be controlled fairly easily with a kingdom wide lightning rod project, and they should be standard on any home that doesn't want to become a charred cinder. Just my two cents worth.
Of Fire and Lightning


Looking at all the fires does get tiresome. Turn on fire spread and you end up with a forest of half burned trees, and that's just as ugly.

If we turned off rain we would not have lightning and we would not have all these fires. But that's been vetoed before.
On Fire

Here are my thoughts on fire.
  • Fires do not NEED to be put out...
  • But then I also understand that you might not want to look at them.
  • Turning on fire-spread will burn down forests (but....)
  • Turning on rain will put them out (but...)
  • Neither of these things will happen where people are NOT.
  • Like the tree falling in the woods, it can only happen WHERE people are, and the chunks (sorta) near them.
  • I MAY turn on fire-spread again. If I do, I will give people 24 hours notice, HERE, before hand so they can modify their builds if needed.
Moon was crashing a lot today. If you have this problem too, disable a few mods before launching into minecraft.

"Edit Mod Pack" > "Mods Tab" > Select "Traincraft, Xycraft, and Steve's Carts" > Disable.

You will have fewer problems this way.
It's not just that they are an eyesore, they are animated textures, and people with par computers have difficulty rendering them all the time, that was one of my concerns. Thanks for thinking about it man.
Ok, here's a plan for taking out all the fires with rain:

1.) enable firespread
2.) /weather rain 6000
3.) have two or 3 mods fly a raster over the settled area (which is what? 1000x1000? doable enough in creative)
4.) profit!
Okay it seems to me a community who likes things challenging (i.e. Gregtech) should enjoy the challenge of dealing with fire spread. I agree with giving everyone the chance to modify their builds in case they built with the assumption that fire spread would always be off. But coming together to put out fires after a lightning strike or replant a forest that burned down or heaven forbid helping a neighbor who's fireplace went nuts and destroyed their lab seems right up our alley. And coming up with preventative measures in game sounds like fun.
  • Have you READ everything before this? Yes
  • How long have you spent looking around The Kingdom? Never
  • Where are you from (Example - Iowa or United Kingdom)? Canada
  • How old are you? 16
  • If you are not 18 or older, who is your Sponsor? (not too sure what this means)
  • What gender do you wish to be know by? Male
  • What is your Minecraft Username? Videopug
  • What other games do you play on a semi-regular basis? League of Legends, Diablo 3
  • What role do you enjoy taking the most in Minecraft (Eg: Farmer, Builder, Explorer, Digger)? I am more of a builder, pretty decent with mods.
  • If you are added, how often do you intend to be on? First week I'd be on 2hrs+, then I'd go every second day
  • What is your schedule like, what hours do you most often play? When I come home from school (3:30) to supper time (5:30)
  • Why do you think you will be a good fit for the Dogs of the State? I like the sense of community and the maturity will just make everything that much more enjoyable
  • (Optional) What have you seen worked well on other servers that you might like us to implement too? N/a
  • (Optional) If you have any history of Military service, what branch were/are you a part of, what was/is your rank, and where were/are you stationed? N/a
Well I just joined the server after reading the OP, and noticed the secret color code, only to screw up indigo and get banned... I guess I'm just scatterbrained like that :/ Is the ban permanent?
Hey guys I cant seem to stop crashing I am at bakers and here the error report:



  • Have you READ everything before this? Yes
  • How long have you spent looking around The Kingdom? approx. 20 minuets.
  • Where are you from (Example - Iowa or United Kingdom)? South Carolina
  • How old are you? 23
  • If you are not 18 or older, who is your Sponsor? N/A
  • What gender do you wish to be know by? Male
  • What is your Minecraft Username? Tatsu011
  • What other games do you play on a semi-regular basis? Terraria
  • What role do you enjoy taking the most in Minecraft (Eg: Farmer, Builder, Explorer, Digger)? Builder / beekeeper
  • If you are added, how often do you intend to be on? at least once a day unless college piles me with homework.
  • What is your schedule like, what hours do you most often play? I play in the evening
  • Why do you think you will be a good fit for the Dogs of the State? I have enjoyed what I have seen from the server and I have seen quite a respectful community. I would like to help in growing that community in any way I can.
  • (Optional) What have you seen worked well on other servers that you might like us to implement too? N/A
  • (Optional) If you have any history of Military service, what branch were/are you a part of, what was/is your rank, and where were/are you stationed? N/A
I wish the post would have said what roygbiv meant. Now I'm banned because I was supposed to solve a puzzle without knowing I was doing a puzzle.
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