After pouring over the internet for hours searching and installing a couple different plugins to handle putting out fires, I've finally given up and am just using a rudimentary backup plugin to just roll back the world if the redwood forested areas that my players live on goes up in flames.
I've tried WorldGuard using BukkitForge, and the stopfire commands don't work. Editing the config file to turn off all fire spreading doesn't work (and I've made sure I haven't missed anything here about the config being improperly configured, spent and hour or so on that). Once again, the vanilla command to stop fire spreading just leaves hundreds of fires just constantly burning forever after every thunderstorm.
I tried getting spc (SinglePlayerCommands) to work as well, since it has a extinguish command, but no dice. I'm pretty suprised that such a simple thing is apparently such a diffcult thing to get working, and it's driving me crazy, because I'm pretty sure I've just missed something somewhere.
If anyone has any suggestions, or examples of how they keep their forests fireproof without just using the in-game doFireTick command, I'd really appreciate any help.