Do you set yourself any challenges?

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Do you set yourself any challenges?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The many "exploits" that the game offers and the sandbox nature of FTB makes is so that self-limitation on what strategies you can/cannot go for, go a long way in extending the entertainment value of the game.

Whether it be creating fully self-sustaining/automated systems, limitations on usage of one-block renewable energy, or the strict regulation on EE usage (1.4.7 especially), are such examples.

My interest in the game is being able to engineer systems. Whether it be designing, building, modifying, expanding or upgrading them, it is always a challenge to do so, when certain limits are put into place.
This was why I loved RP2 it gave you the basic tools and said "go nuts, make the system yourself". We are getting a fair few blocks now that allow the same level of system design but it's till not quite to the level RP2 brought to the table.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My challenge this time around was to use no buildcraft or IC2 (or as little as possible). Thus far, I have reasonably succeeded. It's been very difficult in some cases to come up with good equivalent solutions, but also very rewarding.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My challenge this time around was to use no buildcraft or IC2 (or as little as possible). Thus far, I have reasonably succeeded. It's been very difficult in some cases to come up with good equivalent solutions, but also very rewarding.

Heh. I removed both of these mods totally. Suprising how you really don't need them. Everything in them is done in other, better, mods. Struggled to find a decent pump or a replacement for a filler, but over wise it's widen my horizons by so much.


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
My build challenges are always DON'T build something, or do something a particular style. My first house was the hole in the ground, expanded as I needed more room. My first 1.5.2 house was... you guessed it, a hole in the ground. So my challenge was to build a house that was NOT a hole in the ground. And I ended up with a fairly awesome one that slowly expanded into a miniature village of my own design. Of course, I was also spending lots of time in a hole in the ground mining, because I really don't like to mine automatically, so I felt like the challenge didn't quite workout. My latest house was... yeah, another hole in the ground on the mountain. But this time the challenge was to build the base as large as possible. Now all the processing is taking place about two hundred blocks away, the mining is under the ocean, and I built myself an underwater mansion to live in. So that worked out much better.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't play enough to go tired of non-challenging ways to play (at least I haven't yet). Though, I once played a world pretending to be some sort of underground mole-man.
1) The sun will burn me - only traverse the surface at night time.
2) The surface is "sacred". Do not gather resources from there unless extremely necessary (punching down a couple of trees to get started, shearing sheep to make a bed).
3) Do not build anything above ground.

The result is a vast hall the size of a football stadium, spanning from Bedrock to layer 55, hidden underneath an NPC village (quarries, ya know...). The only entrance is via a hatch in the remotest little hut in the corner of the village. In my giant hall, I've built a village of my own, mirroring the one above. A naturally-generated hole in the ceiling allowed me to use the searing power of the sun to generate electricity.

This is equal parts disturbing and awesome. Well done sir!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is equal parts disturbing and awesome. Well done sir!

reminds me of solar apocalypse plugin
  • Days length increase each day.
  • World slowly changes to a wasteland.
  • Day light causes plants, and trees to die and water to dry up and lights players and animals on fire.
  • At Night Players take cold damage when away from heat sources (lights), leather armor protects players when underground, but not aboveground.