Do people still use rubber trees?

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Oct 30, 2012
Seriously? I see all these people complaining about rubber trees being so rare with exbl and I can't help but wonder why you even use them. Stickreeds take maybe an hour to get and as soon as you have 1 the second comes along 2-3 crosses later then you get them 90% of the crossbreeds. Once you have ~10 of them you'll never need another source of rubber ever. Not to mention they re-seed faster than tree taps and don't take a tool to get. The only thing that might net more rubber is a forestry rubber tree farm.

Not to mention the possibility of getting the blue nether wart which can be crossbred for regular netherwart. It's also only of the easiest things to do. Most think it's a PITA but that's because they probably didn't try it very much.
I get rubber by having a Slime shard and getting rubber from the slime, it's easy to make a slime drowning trap lol
I play with the IC2 crops system every now and again, and just end up getting annoyed with it. There is a lot of potential, but I usually don't have the patience to sit and breed the generations each time. It's one of the reasons that I tended to leave bees alone until I worked out the EB machines.

It's also one of the reasons that I'm rapidly losing patience with the tree breeding mechanics. I don't like the random chances, and having to wait so long between generations. I'm also not keep on having to babysit the crop sticks, lest they get infested with weeds and kill your entire plantation.

EDIT: I tend not to use IC2 much early game anyway. I am quite liking the gravity gun being able to move resin spots, though. It'll probably be removed soon.
You really don't even have to babysit it. Just make the normal set up for crossbreeding. Proceed to do anything else for early game(mine, house, whatever) come back every once in awhile, kill weeds add sticks back. Pull up worthless crops, void the seed bags, new sticks. It's literally one of the easiest things. I normally have 1-2 stacks of resin before I even have an extractor.
I still use rubber trees because I can't be bothered to learn anything about IC2 plant breeding (that's what you're talking about, right?).

Still, within an hour I can usually find plenty of rubber trees to suit all my needs. Or I just pick up whatever I find while looking for a suitable place to call home.
Also, why would I want to breed Nether wart? I'll just explore the Nether and get it in a Fortress, I need to go there for Slow Sand, Nether Brick and Blaze Rods anyway.

I don't think it's a PITA, but I do think the alternatives are good enough for my IC2 needs and I simply am not interested in it.
I still use rubber trees because I can't be bothered to learn anything about IC2 plant breeding (that's what you're talking about, right?).

Still, within an hour I can usually find plenty of rubber trees to suit all my needs. Or I just pick up whatever I find while looking for a suitable place to call home.
Also, why would I want to breed Nether wart? I'll just explore the Nether and get it in a Fortress, I need to go there for Slow Sand, Nether Brick and Blaze Rods anyway.

I don't think it's a PITA, but I do think the alternatives are good enough for my IC2 needs and I simply am not interested in it.
Yes; it hardly takes any learning.

Most people don't like looking that long/far because of exbl making the trees "rare." Same applies to finding a home. As for netherwart it's very possible that it might take quite some time to find a fortress and it's also possible it won't even have netherwart. It also makes it possible to grow it in the overworld. Having a stack of that before even going to the nether is a nice thing.
I've also heard people saying that rubber trees are more rare because of extra biomes. It makes no sense to me because I can't go anywhere without running into them. Especially with the addition of MineFactory Reloaded in the ultimate pack. With both of the MFR and IC2 rubber trees in world gen, I'm literally tripping over rubber. Now add in RP2's massive rubber trees and you effectively have more rubber than you know what to do with. :)

As for the IC2 crop system, I love the potential but need to learn better how to use it cause I never have any luck. XD

As a side note, does anyone know how to get rubber from the MFR rubber trees other than using an extractor or industrial centrifuge? Something like IC2's tree tap that is accessible earlier and doesn't require power. :)
I think you are only able to get the rubber normally by cutting down the trees - the other options for extracting rubber from the wood seems to be due to it being added to the ore dictionary.
I still use rubber trees. But they really are not hard to find. Just set graphics to fast. They are like the only tree that will still have fancy leaves. Makes them stick out like a sore thumb. And really it is not hard to farm them. I still like growing the perfect tree. Basicly one that is just tall enough i can reach all of it and has the max rubber spots I can get. It is really not that huge of a deal to go grab rubber when I need it.

Honestly I think having to much automation can be a bad thing. It is nice to have some stuff that is still manual or semi manual to do.
I still use rubber trees. But they really are not hard to find. Just set graphics to fast. They are like the only tree that will still have fancy leaves. Makes them stick out like a sore thumb. And really it is not hard to farm them. I still like growing the perfect tree. Basicly one that is just tall enough i can reach all of it and has the max rubber spots I can get. It is really not that huge of a deal to go grab rubber when I need it.

Honestly I think having to much automation can be a bad thing. It is nice to have some stuff that is still manual or semi manual to do.
or just look at the minimap, the grey blobs are rubber trees XD
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Seriously, folks. IC2 rubber trees spawn in EBXL biomes too. In fact, green swamps are as choked with them as vanilla swamps.
And in Ultimate, you now have MFR rubber trees too... Can this please be disabled FTB Team?? ;)

EDIT: Yes, I know I can edit the configs. But it would be nice if it happened by default.
The MFR trees are on by default in case people don't want to use IC2. It would be kinda hard to make plastic if they were disabled by default.
The trees would be fine if the rubber bars weren't in the forge dictionary. I personally love them as a cheap torch.
The trees would be fine if the rubber bars weren't in the forge dictionary. I personally love them as a cheap torch.

lol yeah on a whim I joind that open ultmimate server and yes that is about all I use them for. Torchs
Industrialcraft crops are a major pain, due to requiring babysitting to avoid having them destroy themselves, and there being no way to automate them. That said, I wouldn't go for rubber trees either for sticky resin, except in the early game. Centrifuging propolis is an excellent option once you have access to stringy combs.
Industrialcraft crops are a major pain, due to requiring babysitting to avoid having them destroy themselves, and there being no way to automate them. That said, I wouldn't go for rubber trees either for sticky resin, except in the early game. Centrifuging propolis is an excellent option once you have access to stringy combs.
They hardly require any babysitting. No more than bees since you chose that example. Not to mention it takes an extraordinary amount of time for them to jump plants because of the time it takes for the weeds to grow. Not to mention at most you will lose 2 plants and 2 crops per square which is palpable.
They hardly require any babysitting. No more than bees since you chose that example.

The important difference is that bees won't die if you leave them on their own. With crops, I don't have the option to walk away and do something else for an hour, because weeds will have destroyed everything in range by the time I come back. This might not be too much of a problem if you're playing by yourself, but as an LPer, it's very disruptive since I can't record a full episode while I'm crossbreeding crops without having to interrupt it every once in a while to patrol for weeds. I imagine multiplayer would be a problem too, since you can't log out and know your chunks will stay unloaded.