Whitelist Server Direwolf20 1.7 | US Server | Fresh

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Minecraft ign: willhami2
Modded MC Experience: since the beginning of FTB!

What you plan to bring to the community(optional): I will itneract and help build projects with the community and be very active.
Favorite Mod(optional): IC2!
Favorite thing to do in Modded MC/MC(optional): Progress through the tech age.
A little more about yourself (optional): Skype: willhami2 I am just looking for a server with an active community!
Minecraft ign:neoandrew
Modded MC Experience:been playing mods since 1.2 (haven't really played vanilla much)

What you plan to bring to the community(optional): i like to have fun with friendly people, share ideas and build some crazy stuff
Favorite Mod(optional): Ars magica (not included anymore), thaumcraft,
Favorite thing to do in Modded MC/MC(optional): automate stuff and build cool looking things
A little more about yourself (optional): i'm a 28 year old brazilian doctor, working freaking hard and trying to have some fun on my little spare time...
Minecraft ign: sarrowind
Modded MC Experience: direwolf for a few years now

What you plan to bring to the community(optional): building and good times
Favorite Mod(optional): applied energetics
Favorite thing to do in Modded MC/MC(optional): build large builds with working parts
A little more about yourself (optional): not much to say here i'm married and a stay at home parent i play mostly nights and i would like to play on a multiplayer server with some good ppl. and hi nightfighter i used to play with you on mindception server
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Minecraft ign:ben_scannell
Modded MC Experience:ive been playing modded since 1.5 rough

What you plan to bring to the community(optional):I like supporting other people when im towards the end game
Favorite Mod(optional):Botania
Favorite thing to do in Modded MC/MC(optional):Automate all the things
A little more about yourself (optional):Im alright at building but not the best I enjoy mining aswell
Age: 15
Minecraft ign: enteesto
Modded MC Experience: About 1.5 years

What you plan to bring to the community(optional): I would like to help others, and exchange ideas
Favorite Mod(optional): Forestry
Favorite thing to do in Modded MC/MC(optional): Bee breeding
A little more about yourself (optional): I am fairly knowledgeable in how the game works
Age: 21
Minecraft ign: rmx614
Modded MC Experience: about 2 years
What you plan to bring to the community(optional): a fresh mind and ready to build anything
Favorite Mod(optional): mfr ae2 EU
Favorite thing to do in Modded MC/MC(optional): Massive builds
A little more about yourself (optional): I love this game but yet I hate it for its sneakiness:D
Age: 14
Minecraft IGN:
Modded MC Experience:
I have played many mod packs about 15 of them now I know almost every trendy mod nowadays I also make mods myself so I'm pretty modded

What you plan to bring to the community(optional):
I plan to bring help for other players so they can learn more about modded I want to introduce people to ComputerCraft and teach people advanced AE2
basically overall just help people that are in need
Favorite Mod(optional):
ComputerCraft AE2 EnderIO
Favorite thing to do in Modded MC/MC(optional):
I love to code really cool things. Put it this way I would rather spend a week coding a program to work like a lever rather than installing
levers in 10 mins.
A little more about yourself (optional):
I am a very mature person and smarter than my peers . Don't want to sound too cocky and I love coding and I am very giving and very easy to get along with
since I'm a Capricorn :) Thanks for reading I hope you have a pleasant day.
Age: 19
Minecraft ign: Xerocry
Modded MC Experience: around 3 years

Favorite Mod(optional):EnderIO, AE2, Thaumcraft
Favorite thing to do in Modded MC/MC(optional): automatisation
A little more about yourself (optional):calm, mature person
Age: 19
Minecraft ign: Somnolency
Modded MC Experienxe: About 2 years
Favorite mod(s): Magic mods
ben_scannell, enteesto, rmx614, xXElite_TricksXx, Xerocry, Somnolency. Sorry for the wait, You have been added, welcome to the server!! :D
Age: I am 14 years of age.
Minecraft ign: FatalHarmift
Modded MC Experience: years now, I suppose. Been playing since the start of FTB, and before that, Tekkit/Technic. I know almost all of the technical mods (and if I don' know a mod, I am a quick learner). I'm not great on the magic mods, and usually stay away from them early game, but I do somewhat about them, and like to mix it up.
What do you plan to bring to the community(optional): Well, I do have a few group/community projects in mind, but they are just ideas. Besides that, I do hope to help with making community based buildings at the least, not only for new players but for everyone on the server to have easy access to each other.
Favorite Mod(optional): Originally it was ComputerCraft, still love that mod to death, but I'm not sure what my favorite mod at the moment is. DartCraft was fun for awhile, but was never in the DireWolf20 pack. I guess for a mod that is in this pack it would be EnderIO or ExtraUtilities, just because those mods add so much that I take for granted.
Favorite thing to do in Modded MC/MC(optional): Automate everything successfully is always fun. Besides that, making aesthetically pleasing buildings as well as power gen is always fun. I like to try and move towards renewable energy sources (don't even get me started on permanent lava power).
A little more about yourself (optional): I'm pretty easy going to be honest, I'll usually help anyone who needs help. This will be my first run through with DireWolf20 in 1.7, so that should be a blast. I usually live alone but I think this time around I'll want to either live with someone or start a community, but who knows.

"If I was in room with Hitler, Bin Laden, and Toby, and I had a gun with only two bullets; I would shoot Toby twice." - Michael Scott
This is our server and we want more people; so apply! We love to have fun and would love to see what more people could bring. This is a fresh server as of 11/1/2014. We don't have plugins, but maybe an option if enough people want it or if we need it.

  • No greifing.
  • No Duping/Exploiting
  • No stealing.
  • Respect other players.
  • Keep PvP down to a minimum, don't PvP with people that don't want it.
These rules aren't outrageous, so follow them, they aren't hard, and aren't strict. Depending on what rule you break you might get a warning, or you might get banned; so play smart.


Minecraft ign:
Modded MC Experience:

What you plan to bring to the community(optional):
Favorite Mod(optional):
Favorite thing to do in Modded MC/MC(optional):
A little more about yourself (optional):

Server Specs
RAM - 4608 Mb
HDD - 58 Gb
CPU - 3 Cores

Server IP : ftbfun.PlayAt.CH
Age: 15
Minecraft ign: kabahata
Modded MC Experience: been playing since before the ultimate pack was out :)

What you plan to bring to the community(optional): to be kinda and helpful. once i get situated and have a decent amount of stuff i will help supply people with stuff they need :)
Favorite Mod(optional): Thaumcraft :D
Favorite thing to do in Modded MC/MC(optional): explore and loot :)
A little more about yourself (optional): Well ive been looking for a good minecraft community to join for a long long time now. I thought i found it on the mindception server but that server was shutdown and no longer exists. the website is still up thought, and there was a comment to this forum so i thought i would apply :) and maybe this server could be the server i have been in search for for so long. :) also hey NightFight3r its been a long time hasnt it? :)
Does anyone know when the direwolf20 1.7.10 pack will be updates to 1.04 , cause I really like the thaumcraft mod and it got a huge update adding a whole dimension. I'm just really excited from the new things in thaumcraft and its already been a long time since this update can out.
Thanks a lot I just wanna know when to watch out for the next update.
Age: 13
Minecraft ign: tom3519
Modded MC Experience: I've played modded minecraft for a bit more than a year, and I've played vanilla for around 3 years.

What you plan to bring to the community(optional): A nice guy who will help out with people if they need supplies or don't know how to do something
Favorite Mod(optional): thermal expansion
Favorite thing to do in Modded MC/MC(optional): Create automatic ore production, and delve into mods I have little to no experience with, but sound fun.
A little more about yourself (optional): I have skype and teamspeak, and I consider myself a hardcore gamer.
Age: I am 18 years of age.
Minecraft ign: Ryan784
Modded MC Experience: About three years now, I suppose. Been playing since the start of FTB, and before that, Tekkit/Technic. I know almost all of the technical mods (and if I don' know a mod, I am a quick learner). I'm not great on the magic mods, and usually stay away from them early game, but I do somewhat about them, and like to mix it up.
What do you plan to bring to the community(optional): Well, I do have a few group/community projects in mind, but they are just ideas. Besides that, I do hope to help with making community based buildings at the least, not only for new players but for everyone on the server to have easy access to each other.
Favorite Mod(optional): Originally it was ComputerCraft, still love that mod to death, but I'm not sure what my favorite mod at the moment is. DartCraft was fun for awhile, but was never in the DireWolf20 pack. I guess for a mod that is in this pack it would be EnderIO or ExtraUtilities, just because those mods add so much that I take for granted.
Favorite thing to do in Modded MC/MC(optional): Automate everything successfully is always fun. Besides that, making aesthetically pleasing buildings as well as power gen is always fun. I like to try and move towards renewable energy sources (don't even get me started on permanent lava power).
A little more about yourself (optional): I'm pretty easy going to be honest, I'll usually help anyone who needs help. This will be my first run through with DireWolf20 in 1.7, so that should be a blast. I usually live alone but I think this time around I'll want to either live with someone or start a community, but who knows.

lol copy paste (check first application)

Age: I am 14 years of age.
Minecraft ign: FatalHarmift
Modded MC Experience: years now, I suppose. Been playing since the start of FTB, and before that, Tekkit/Technic. I know almost all of the technical mods (and if I don' know a mod, I am a quick learner). I'm not great on the magic mods, and usually stay away from them early game, but I do somewhat about them, and like to mix it up.
What do you plan to bring to the community(optional): Well, I do have a few group/community projects in mind, but they are just ideas. Besides that, I do hope to help with making community based buildings at the least, not only for new players but for everyone on the server to have easy access to each other.
Favorite Mod(optional): Originally it was ComputerCraft, still love that mod to death, but I'm not sure what my favorite mod at the moment is. DartCraft was fun for awhile, but was never in the DireWolf20 pack. I guess for a mod that is in this pack it would be EnderIO or ExtraUtilities, just because those mods add so much that I take for granted.
Favorite thing to do in Modded MC/MC(optional): Automate everything successfully is always fun. Besides that, making aesthetically pleasing buildings as well as power gen is always fun. I like to try and move towards renewable energy sources (don't even get me started on permanent lava power).
A little more about yourself (optional): I'm pretty easy going to be honest, I'll usually help anyone who needs help. This will be my first run through with DireWolf20 in 1.7, so that should be a blast. I usually live alone but I think this time around I'll want to either live with someone or start a community, but who knows.

"If I was in room with Hitler, Bin Laden, and Toby, and I had a gun with only two bullets; I would shoot Toby twice." - Michael Scott