I'm creating a small group, for a no limitations, no banned items, whitelisted, Direwolf20 server, that runs on 1.6.4!
No crybabies or whiners, just a small, mature, and self-regulating group of people! Age does not matter, you just have to be mature
No one will get advantages, and this is a 100% legit play through!
To signup just comment below, and give me your Skype, Steam, Email, or any source of communication you have!
Currently, we have a 7 people
We're still completely open to applications!
I hope you consider applying for the group!
Cheers, stay happy!
I'm creating a small group, for a no limitations, no banned items, whitelisted, Direwolf20 server, that runs on 1.6.4!
No crybabies or whiners, just a small, mature, and self-regulating group of people! Age does not matter, you just have to be mature

No one will get advantages, and this is a 100% legit play through!
To signup just comment below, and give me your Skype, Steam, Email, or any source of communication you have!
Currently, we have a 7 people

Donofan, with Email ([email protected]) and Skype, and he will also allow us to use his server to play on, and give us a TS3 server to chat on (egsforever.playat.ch, with a private chat with a name of Direwolf20 Modpack), cheers to you 
BrianHernando, with Skype ( BrianHernandoMC ) Email ([email protected]) and steam! (BrianHernando)
GODOFMINECRAFT4, with Skype ( XGODOFMINECRAFTX ) and email ([email protected])
Jalders200, with Skype (James Alderson) and Steam (MALDERS1971)
TrollPlaysGames, with Skype (TrollPlaysGames) and Steam (TrollPlaysGames)
Zangen, with Skype (lego.master.luke) and Steam (Zangen)

BrianHernando, with Skype ( BrianHernandoMC ) Email ([email protected]) and steam! (BrianHernando)
GODOFMINECRAFT4, with Skype ( XGODOFMINECRAFTX ) and email ([email protected])
Jalders200, with Skype (James Alderson) and Steam (MALDERS1971)
TrollPlaysGames, with Skype (TrollPlaysGames) and Steam (TrollPlaysGames)
Zangen, with Skype (lego.master.luke) and Steam (Zangen)
We're still completely open to applications!
I hope you consider applying for the group!

Cheers, stay happy!
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