Whitelist Server Direwolf20 1.5v2 (1.1.3)|Australian|Whitelist|Mature24+|PvE|

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello fellow crafters, this is a Brisbane hosted server running Direwolf20 1.5 v1.0.0 the fix from the privatepack option on hard difficulty. With 2 gb of ram hosted 24/7 by minecraft server Australia. This is a new server with a fresh map.

Sexgoddess 28 and I gibboxox 33 are from mindcrack and wanted to have a break from gregtech so direwolf20 was chosen after trying hexxit, unleashed, unhinged and new world which if i could have got to work i would have played. But without the server preloaded onto our server and hard to find the latest server files it was just easier going with dires new fix. We are looking for mature players experienced or not to help build a friendly community. Follow the rules and be respectful to others should go without saying.

There is no teamspeak server as of yet but can be introduced if wanted or needed.
Good luck with your applications and hope to see you in the server soon.

IP :

1. No griefing Leaving holes in the terrain, destroying peoples work, editing peoples work friend or not.
2. No PvP Unless agreed upon by both parties or in an event where pvp is accepted (note pvp is enabled on config)
3. No begging If you die to in game circumstances your inventory will not be replaced you must retrieve it your self. Everything has to be mined.
4. No glitching unfair advantage is unfair.
5. Responsibility It is your account and i am not responsible for your password strength. If someone has logged onto your account and broke the rules its your responsibility therefore you must suffer the consequences.
6. Abuse Is not tolerated, theres having fun and theres going too far
7. Stealing If its not your item dont touch it.
Hey guys I've been looking for a mature Direwolf20 server for a while now and this one sounds good.
My name is Bob and I'm 21, I have quite a bit of experience with the modpack and am really just looking for people to play the game with.
My ign is billbobobins and I really hope you accept me.
Hey guys, Looking for a nice DW20 server that isnt to crowded or filled with little kids.
My IGN is Veggetossj and im 24 years old. I have been started playing FTB for a month now, cus regular Minecraft got a bit stale.
I do not know all the mods yet, but im quite familiair with both Buildcraft and Thaumcraft, cus I've been using those the most.

Cant seem to connect Using DW20 1.5 V1.0.0? Its missing mods or the versions are wrong?
You have to use private pack code is Iwanttorestartmyworld at work at the moment see if i can white list in the next couple of hours
hello everyone, im looking for a small server with not that much players
and this is the best server i could find so far
My IGN marthijn14 i am 14 Years i play minecraft for as long as i can remember
My Favorite mods are: Forestry,Industrialcraft and Buildcraft
i hope that i can join because singleplayer is boring me and this is the best server if seen for now
Hi, my name is tom (IGN: tompy97). The Australian server I used to play on has just announced that it's going to be shut down :(.
I would love to join your sever. I'm 23 years old, living in Aus and have got quite a bit of FTB experience
Hey mate, Im auzzie. Looking for a mature server that will keep updating as the pack progesses. Also im 30 ! :)
IGN: unixndata
I would like to join to play with people on my own timezone and just chillout build and have a good community, so hard to find auzzies on a good server ! , plus i can donate if needed to help out.
Unixndata accepted
Sorry again marthijn people will apply for this server with the intent of playing with people of the adult age so im staying firm mate
hey so i was looking for a server to play and hang out on and i found yours so i would like to join being that im auzzie and 23 and would like to see a team speak server if this is a small server lol
ps IGN:thatsright90
Hey. I'm Marius , 24 , and I would like to play on your server. I'm in GMT+2 but I'm more of a night creature so we gonna be just fine.
IGN 2muChPride
Hey, Im Ben from sydney, Im 25 next month, my IGN is: meshocky. I enjoy building both in a community and a personally, I respect all the rules.

Thanks for your time.
Hey. David from Mackay, QLD here. Looking for a direwolf20 multiplayer experience as I'm just about done with single player. Ideally, I'd like to have a small plot to work on by myself - but wouldn't mind getting involved in server projects either.

Can't wait to join you.
g'day Damien from Brisbane age 25 . Played little direwolf20 looking to play with mature players ..build a community. Wouldnt mind my own area to get started. ign damo24888
Damien, ben, marius accepted david you didnt supply age and ign. I know i didnt ask but would still like to know. Thanks for applying. There wont be many more added unless the server gets upgraded