[Direwolf20 1.12.x] Riddle78's Questions & Musings

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Just to continue on from Inaeo's excellent suggestions, if you go the Thermal Expansion route, you'll want a Reinforced Tier energy cell at minimum (or split it across multiple cells) unless you are taking power off prior to the storage - the maximum RF storage and transfer rates of the tiers are listed below, and if memory serves the diesel generator produces 4096 RF/t.

Basic: ----------- 2,000,000 RF --- 1,000 RF/t
Hardened: ------ 8,000,000 RF --- 4,000 RF/t
Reinforced: --- 18,000,000 RF --- 9,000 RF/t
Signalum: ----- 32,000,000 RF --- 16,000 RF/t
Resonant: ----- 50,000,000 RF --- 25,000 RF/t​

Thanks alot!
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And thank you two for answering their question for me! In general,Newtotech,Draconic Evolution does everything it does better than everything else,at the expense of complexity and resource costs. With one notable exception. The final word in power throughput goes to Thermal Expansion,and its Cryo-Stabilized Fluiducts. They have a power throughput of literally infinity,something that nothing in any other mod can match,not even Draconic Evolution. It's not wireless,and the things look like blue oil pipes,but if you absolutely,positively,need to get a bonkers volume of power from Point A to Point Z,and all points in between,its probably your best bet,provided you don't mind obnoxious pipes spoiling the scenery.

As for my current power generation woes,I think I've found an Extreme Reactors design that can help,thanks to a video. I'll embed it in a spoiler at the bottom of the post. Essentially,it's an 11*11 footprint,which means a 9*9 interior space,with a hollow,3*3 footprint "box" of fuel and control rods in the middle. Now,the video also goes into detail about how coolant works; It only works in the cardinal directions. If I'm willing to sacrifice some fuel efficiency,this means I can occupy the corners with more fuel and control rods,to make maximum use of the coolant in my reactor. If I can substitute Yellorium for Uranium,which I get hand-over-fist for some odd reason,then fuelling the thing should be relatively easy. Speaking of fuel... It produces Cyanite as a waste product,yes? Which I can re-purpose into something approximating MOX,or some sort of reprocessed fuel? Compared to Uranium,how good is it?

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Don't forget to take those cells and enchant them. If you luck into Holding IV that triples their ability to store power.

Cyanite processes into Blutonium, and Blutonium is equivalent to Uranium/Yellorium. But it's also necessary for Turbine construction, and Turbines are where you truly get power from Extreme Reactors. One reactor in theory, should produce steam fast enough to supply four turbine which will each generate something along the lines of 25k RT/t at default generation.

There's a Big/Extreme Reactors simulation tool available on the net, but I don't recall the address. It'll let you play around with the various designs without building them in game either in creative or survival. And saves a bit of time.

Also don't forget that the control rods allow the reactor to be throttled. I'm also pretty sure it's redstone controllable, so you can have it auto throttle the rods when it gets to a certain point, but I've never done that. I know Direwolf used a ComputerCraft program to control his Big Reactor in older versions, and I'm almost certain there's an open computers variant, but I'm not sure. Basically it plugged into the reactor and/or turbine, and balanced them out so they'd run optimally to produce the most power with the minimum waste.
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Extreme Reactors turns Yellorium (oreDict with Uranium in most packs) into Cyanite and power (or steam in an actively cooled system). That Cyanite it used for components of the Turbine, which can net you more power and/or more efficiency. It could be reprocessed into Bluetonium in old Big Reactors, which could be used as fuel with no additional byproduct. This essentially meant you could use the Yellorium, then reprocess it and use it again.

I've not used Extreme Reactors, but last I saw it was functionally identical to BR, which I was quite familiar with. After a while, i started to bypass the Reactor and go straight for a Turbine, which I would power with steam from other sources. Not sure if you can still get Cyanite without a Reactor, or if that was removed.

Edit: King Ninja...
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Ah, right, if you want Cyanite without a reactor, look up the dust and there should be a recipe to combine Yellorium Dust with Sand to make it.
I feel like the Dust + Sand recipe isn't in Extreme Reactors.
I think if you want Cyanite without the reactor. You crush/pulverise yellorium ore for a chance at Cyanite Dust.
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So,what does a Cyanite Turbine offer? Like,steam power? In ludicrous amounts?

EDIT: Found that Big/Extreme Reactors Simulator. Plugged in a 9*9*5 interior space,and my layout is as follows; Five hollow 3*3 squares of rods,checkerboarded. In the middle of the resulting empty spaces,a pillar of rods. Gelid Cryotheum coolant. According to the simulator,it has the following stats at 0% control rod insertion...

16.96 Ingots/min. Let's just round that to 17.
3,706.27 RF/mB.
61.83 RF/block. Let's just round that up to 62.
4.38 RF/mB/block.
2,584.68 C running temperature.
52,373.76 RF/t (52.3 kRF/t).
14.13 mB/t fuel consumption.
435.58%. What even is this stat?

This bad boy should be able to feed my power needs for quite some time,I think. If I need more after putting this in place,I'll reevaluate my life choices,then come here asking for another solution.
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435.58% is the fuel efficiency basically. When you build your reactor it'll show that, and tell you whether higher is better. It controls how quickly you burn through the fuel.
A BR Turbine, using Ludicrite core and 80 blades, would consume 2000mb/t of steam (and return it as water, allowing for a closed loop cycle) and generate a touch over 24kRF/t. Most Reactors are capable of producing enough steam for multiple Turbines.

I used to use the RailCraft Boilers (not implemented in later versions) and later the MFR Steam Boilers (not available for 1.12 either) to feed it the needed steam. Thermal Expansion allows Steam Dynamos to be upgraded to provide steam as output, but I've heard that the output got reduced in a later version, so it may or may not be of help.
I can't seem to turn my reactor on. I have my reactor built as described above; In fact,the link leads to my build in question. It has two access ports,one on input,the other in output. I have my Refined Storage system feeding Uranium Ingots to a "Small" Storage Crate (Vanilla Chests are still borked,after deleting FTBUtils),with an Impulse Itemduct with a Resonant Servo pulling Uranium,and everything with its Ore Dictionary alias,into the Input Access Port,with a filter on it for good measure,while the Output Access Port pulls Cyanite into the crate. All that happens is Uranium Ingots piling into the Input Port,with the odd Cyanite Ingot coming out the Output Port. I manually filled by reactor with Gelid Cryotheum,by chucking Florbs into the spaces between fuel rods,and the fuel rods appear to be empty and transparent. I have no way of getting Yellorium,nor can I get liquid Yellorium,and I cannot melt Uranium outside of the Smeltery.

I need to make this thing work. Now.

EDIT OF RAGE: All I needed to do was relog? Ooh,that stings.
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Work continues apace. I've put much of my Refined Storage system in place,taking input from my Resource Engine,which now Imports Stone from the Material StoneWorks,and then uses Constructors and Destructors to place said Stone and harvest the mineral bounty. From there,ores are sent to my Pulverizers and Redstone Furnaces,which are made possible via Interfaces for the sake of Exporting into the machines. The processed materials then find their home in the drawer bank I use for items I farm,which then sends Uranium to my Extreme Reactor. Cyanite's sent back,and every eight Cyanite produces a Blutonium,thanks to a Sequential Fabricator. That Blutonium is sent back to the Extreme Reactor to fuel it. Meanwhile,the Helvault's drops are collected via Ender Chest,and dumped unceremoniously into the RS system. Attempts to filter out unwanted junk from the incidental spawns in the Cells have all met with failure,thus far; While the junk is voided,so are all future inputs from all sources. And if I try to void Skeleton Skulls,the game also voids my Wither Skeleton Skulls. So,here's my solution. I keep Skeleton Skulls... For whatever reason. Every other item I want to void is sent to another Ender Chest,which then outputs into separate Refined Storage network,which exists solely to house Trash Cans for item disposal. Hopefully,this degree of separation will be the solution I need.
In 1.12.2 in my experience the closed-loop system doesn't work in the direwolf20 pack. I have the same design I've been using since 1. 7 for my steam reactor and I can't control one turbine easily. But if I try turning on the 2nd all it does is bog it down.

That being said I also have a mechanism turbine that I power with dynamos with the steam boiler augments in them. Evette turns out significantly more than the big reactor turbine.

Also if you have the direwolf20 pack you have environmental Tech which has solar panels that produces an insane amount of RF
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I have no real need for the Cyanite steam turbine,so I'm converting all of it into Blutonium to fuel my reactor,to the tune of 57 kRF/t,according to the numbers on the control panel; That simulator is,obviously,old and out of date. But,it helped. Does anybody know of a way to tell the system to tell the difference between Wither Skeleton Skulls and normal Skeleton Skulls? I've tried multiple filters,and no system can tell the difference,outside of Drawers,and that's because Skeleton Skulls and Wither Skulls don't stack.