[Direwolf20 1.12.x] Riddle78's Questions & Musings

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It also prevents you from passing through Ineffable Glass. Dire had this problem,and nearly got killed by his captive Wither Skeletons for it. When he tried to Angel Ring out,the Vector Plates brought him straight into the Mob Masher,killing him in short order. On foot,if you sprint,you can move against the flow of green Vector Plates.
Alright,I need to think of a way to move even MORE power. My Atomic Reconstructors use RF faster than the High Voltage Wire Connectors can provide it. Per operation,the Atomic Reconstructors use the following amount of RF;

1,000 (Base) + 60,000 (Lens of the Miner) + ??? (Variable,depending on what the Lens makes) = ~61,000 RF per operation,per Atomic Reconstructor,of which I have four.. There's a 32 tick delay,at least,between Reconstructor shots. The primary reason why my Resource Engine picks up Smoothstone (I stuck Silk Touch books in the Mechanical Miners) is because the Atomic Reconstructors don't have enough RF stored to transform the Smoothstone. As such,I need to increase throughput. I have the means to make Cryo-Stabilized Fluxducts,but that's only part of the solution; I need to get the large amount of power to them to begin with,and running Cryo-Stabilized Fluxducts is going to be ugly as sin.

Any suggestions for a fix?

EDIT: Dire's potion build inspired me. However,they behave like vanilla potions. I don't want to stand with my rear out for two seconds slurping down a potion in the middle of a fight. Further,they don't stack,which is... Unappealing. Botania's potions have multiple doses,but they don't even come CLOSE to approaching things like Speed V or Strength V. Would I be able to concentrate Splash Potions to magnitude level five with a similar setup?
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Stick the ducts underground....... Atomic Reconstructors only need power so having it underground nullifies any issue
Or stick it in a compact machine. Out of sight out of mind.
I can't stick the ducts underground,in this instance. That's where I stuck the wiring for the off switch,as well as my power originating from roof-level,while the Resource Engine is on ground-level. Besides,I'm averse to underground cables to begin with,because,in my opinion,it's just too much hassle for when you need to connect to the trunk line,or update the infrastructure,or just trying to troubleshoot the circuit. Hence why I default to the IE wires; Put up a pole,put up some relays and connectors,and string them up. I don't have any Compact Machines infrastructure yet,so that's a ways off. What I need is a way to deliver ~61k RF/tick to the Cryo-Stabilized Fluxducts,without running a string of Cryo-Stabilized Fluxducts. This was my original question. You answered "Run a string of Cryo-Stabilized Fluxducts".
Thermal Suite comes equipped with a facade system to hide the pipes. I happen to like the Cryostabilized Fluxducts, so I've never had them, but I've hidden off a fair amount of other duct with little effort.

You could also use an energy cell to add more connection points and steady the ebbs and flows of use. Resonant can move 25k/t.

Have you considered using an RFTools Scanner set up to only only allow the Mechanical Users to work if the stone has been changed? It would function similar to a block update detector.
A friend on a Discord server suggested Draconic Evolution. Having tested it out in a test world... I'm inclined to agree with their solution. It operates via osmosis,and has excellent throughput. Stick I/O Crystals on Cryo-Stabilized Fluxducts,and you have the last word in energy feeding. The problem,though... Is getting to that point,to begin with. Time to work up,then. And maybe get a bow. I hear those things are like sniper cannons.
See also Phantom faces for normal inventory, energy and redstone purposes, which make life easier when hiding stuff.

Integrated Dynamics to read what block is in place, mechanical user only functions when it's not smoothstone.
So,made a detour to the End so I can grab End Stone (Arrowheads) and End Rods (Arrow shafts),but I noticed something as I romped through the Stronghold. Chests don't work. I right click a chest,and nothing happens. If I want to get into a chest,I need to break it. Any idea how I can fix this?
No blocks above the chests,block updates don't help. Freshly-placed chests refuse to open. And it's ONLY vanilla chests.
Is it FTB Utils? I know its kinda buggy and has block protection. It may be bugging out and not let you open Vanilla chests.
I wouldn't know if it's FTBUtils that's the problem,though it is a possibility,considering how hilariously broken it is. That said,this is all vanilla chests; Ones in my claimed territory,and ones outside of it. After I set up the essentials for my Refined Storage system,I'll see about removing FTBUtils from the pack.
Having done some research,I think I'm gonna need more energy production,or find a way to massively spike Biodiesel production. I have three Biodiesel setups feeding into my Advanced Generator,but it's never running at peak,even when I (In my test world) run my grid at a net loss. Thus,my attention turns to Extreme Reactors. I'm sitting on thousands of Uranium ingots,with no way to use them. Extreme Reactors,if I recall correctly,will allow me to substitute Uranium in place of Yellorium,and thus produce stupid volumes of power from that. Since I produce mineral ores ex nihilo,rather quickly I might add,resources aren't a concern. I need an Extreme Reactors setup that provides stupid volumes of power,quickly. Can anybody help me with that?
Hello, i'm new to modpacks and also new to fora :) I hope my question can be asked here. If not i'm sorry.

I'm currently playing the direwolf20 pack and was wondering what the best midgame powerstorage option is. I am about to build the biodiesel generator from Immersive Engineering and want to make sure i can store all the power it produces.
Hello, i'm new to modpacks and also new to fora :) I hope my question can be asked here. If not i'm sorry.

I'm currently playing the direwolf20 pack and was wondering what the best midgame powerstorage option is. I am about to build the biodiesel generator from Immersive Engineering and want to make sure i can store all the power it produces.
A small Draconic Evolution Power Core might be the best option if materials aren't gating it. If they are, Thermal Expansion Energy Cells enchanted with Holding can hold a fair amount, are upgradable, and can be chained together for extra storage if needed.
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A small Draconic Evolution Power Core might be the best option if materials aren't gating it. If they are, Thermal Expansion Energy Cells enchanted with Holding can hold a fair amount, are upgradable, and can be chained together for extra storage if needed.
Just to continue on from Inaeo's excellent suggestions, if you go the Thermal Expansion route, you'll want a Reinforced Tier energy cell at minimum (or split it across multiple cells) unless you are taking power off prior to the storage - the maximum RF storage and transfer rates of the tiers are listed below, and if memory serves the diesel generator produces 4096 RF/t.

Basic: ----------- 2,000,000 RF --- 1,000 RF/t
Hardened: ------ 8,000,000 RF --- 4,000 RF/t
Reinforced: --- 18,000,000 RF --- 9,000 RF/t
Signalum: ----- 32,000,000 RF --- 16,000 RF/t
Resonant: ----- 50,000,000 RF --- 25,000 RF/t​
A small Draconic Evolution Power Core might be the best option if materials aren't gating it. If they are, Thermal Expansion Energy Cells enchanted with Holding can hold a fair amount, are upgradable, and can be chained together for extra storage if needed.

Thank you very much. This helps!