[Direwolf20 1.10.2]: No real lava-based RF generators?

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You just quoted something that wasn't said and wasn't really strongly implied (to a reasonable extent)
Bad Shneekey.

I too am a bit concerned with strong preferences for regurgitated lava solutions fwiw. But if peeps log on to ask, its reasonable to just help em out. (Especially cuz half the time they're just kids)
Read the first half of the OP again. It was pretty heavily implied, actually. And I did provide alternatives instead of just bellyache. But yea, I failed my save vs cynicism. Happening a lot more these days, I guess I get a circumstance penalty from my age category.
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Lava's only ever been a so-so power source. Discounting the MFR power loop, it's usually a stop gap method or for low level power usage. Otherwise you end up pumping it out very rapidly, and spend time moving the pump instead of just making use of better power options.

I'd rather go infinite, or renewable. That said, I have time to spare to let a vibrant capacitor charge completely from a Waterwheel for example, but not everyone does.
For backup I love passive gen like solar/wind/water it's always there. I've been playing around with the thermoelectric generator. Fairly cheap to make. Add a single bucket of lava on one side and ice/pack ice on the other
Lava's only ever been a so-so power source. Discounting the MFR power loop, it's usually a stop gap method or for low level power usage. Otherwise you end up pumping it out very rapidly, and spend time moving the pump instead of just making use of better power options.

I'd rather go infinite, or renewable. That said, I have time to spare to let a vibrant capacitor charge completely from a Waterwheel for example, but not everyone does.

Lava has been a crap power source, only useful for bootstrapping to something better, since 1.3? maybe 1.4? whenever Thermal Expansion broke the positive Netherrack loop in the Magma Crucible. To me personally that is part of the fun of heavily modded minecraft, screwing around with different options in how to do things, so what if you end up not being able to do it efficiently? You learned something.
I got all my Lava Power kicks out on Monster (prior to Reika's nerf on Magnetostatics). A mixed mod loop provided infinite Lava gen, so I abused it to power our whole server. After that, it's been more useful in buckets traveling into MFR Steam Boilers for infinite power in 1.7. Pumping the Nether dry never seemed like a very good option to me, although I can see the draw for some.

But there are just too many other ways to make power these days. A good number don't involve spamming magic blocks mindlessly, too. The main reason I decided 1.10 over 1.7 for my latest play was to see what new ways existed to break the scene. Safe and reliable is great and has its place, but breaking things for the sake of Science is much more interesting.
Doesn't the DW pack have actually additions? Did he disable the heat collector? If not, bam, lava power.

It does but the issue is the OP basically said he doesn't want any kind of complicated power systems. The heat collector isn't exactly as easy as pump lava into generator get out power as you actually have to put it into the world on all 4 sides and replace as necassary. Though I think there are a number of mods that could do so.

While we are on the subject of using lava as a power source. Personally last time I did it was in Monster as well. Though using Blood magic as a turn mobs into LP and then LP into lava method. Pumping out the nether just feels cheap.
Actually Additions does has the Fluid Placer, which is fairly cheap to make and basically does turn the Heat Collector into pump lava in, get power out.

Of course, said power is 40 rf/tick for a 3x3x1 area. I'm not entirely convinced that's worth it when I can get the same power from a EIO coal gen as soon as I have access to the nether, not to mention the AA oil generator. Getting basic oil is straightforward, and I just finished making a contraption to mostly automate turning it into crystalized oil. Now I just need to figure out how to up production of the canola farm without it costing an arm and a leg (An empowered palas block per block of greenhouse glass is not happening)
Actually Additions does has the Fluid Placer, which is fairly cheap to make and basically does turn the Heat Collector into pump lava in, get power out.

Of course, said power is 40 rf/tick for a 3x3x1 area. I'm not entirely convinced that's worth it when I can get the same power from a EIO coal gen as soon as I have access to the nether, not to mention the AA oil generator. Getting basic oil is straightforward, and I just finished making a contraption to mostly automate turning it into crystalized oil. Now I just need to figure out how to up production of the canola farm without it costing an arm and a leg (An empowered palas block per block of greenhouse glass is not happening)
I think crafting the AA greenhouse glass gives you 3 at a time.

For my "free" power I'm using the Thermal generators from Immersive. With (2) Uranium blocks you get about 45 rf/t. Gives me something to use all that Uranium and Nickle for.
Geothermal generator from IC2 with either a eu to rf engine or an immersive engineering connector (if they still convert eu to rf), Heat Collector from Actually additions, immersive engineering thermogenerator. You can also make water wheels from immersive engineering very cheap since they changed the creosote recipe. I'm using a 5x5 x pattern of heat collector with 12 lava placers and 10 basic capacitors. It works well for passive gen (about 200 rf/tick). actually additions makes a leaf eating generator which goes well with the farm block (little buggy but runs off rf).

Also let's not forget about the mid level power gen from RF Tools, The ender pearl generator. depending on setup you can get massive amounts of rf but you need a good supply of ender pearls and some patience to set it up.

Deep resonance is nice but you need a very steady supply of deep resonance ore.
The trouble I have with Deep Resonance is that it requires a large amount of it's power to be dumped into finding more Deep Resonance ore to keep it going. It's something like 30 ore per crystal, plus all the stuff that goes into refining it, and it needs obsidian or dense obsidian to contain it's radiation. It's very powerful, but it's been over balanced into a mod I have no interest in using.
The trouble I have with Deep Resonance is that it requires a large amount of it's power to be dumped into finding more Deep Resonance ore to keep it going. It's something like 30 ore per crystal, plus all the stuff that goes into refining it, and it needs obsidian or dense obsidian to contain it's radiation. It's very powerful, but it's been over balanced into a mod I have no interest in using.

Thank you for verbalizing what I couldn't.
Newest update of ExtraUtils2 adds the previous generators back including some new ones. so u can get either the lava generator or the heated redstone generator.
Is anyone having problems with railcraft? I cant seem to find the iron tanks or rolling machine in the jei menu. It isnt disabled because I can make some things. also the energy loader is uncraftable
the Coal generator from AA is also capable of using lava as a fuel source. Place a Ender-io tank (I think that's the one) on top of the generator and have it Pull/Push from the bottom with a bucket.
The trouble I have with Deep Resonance is that it requires a large amount of it's power to be dumped into finding more Deep Resonance ore to keep it going. It's something like 30 ore per crystal, plus all the stuff that goes into refining it, and it needs obsidian or dense obsidian to contain it's radiation. It's very powerful, but it's been over balanced into a mod I have no interest in using.

Actually all of that is what I kind of like about Deep Resonance. Big Reactors was just free power for example, Even running a decent size Big Reactor I had more yellorium than I knew what to do with even without touching turbines. Deep Resonance atleast makes you think do I really want this power generation system to be my main power system or perhaps as a backup system to a weaker power generation method.

The problem I have with most high power power generation systems is they not only easily generate lots of power they are easy to fuel such that you can use that system and that system only.

Still not very happy with deep resonance as IMO even a 85% purity 10% strength 10% efficiency early game is way too easy to make and way too powerful for the 1700 RF/T it creates. Atleast it doesn't last long though.
Big Reactors was planned to have some more balancing features, but they never made it. Eventually the reactors and turbines were supposed to explode, or otherwise fail catastrophically, but it never happened. Turbines have a tooltip about failing if overspeed for too long, but A) there was no point to going over speed because it produced less power than the sweet spot, and B) nothing ever happened. And C) it was too easy to put it in the sweetspot and keep it there forever.

Yellorium was also both incredibly common, and oredicted with IC2 uranium, which was also very common. Deep Resonance goes a bit the other way, by making it's ore pretty uncommon, which is fine, but also requiring nearly half a stack to make anything of it, and then requiring crystals to improve it beyond the basic 85/10/10, which is also fine, but after you've used all the natural crystals, you reach a point where you're forced to burn weak crystals, generating lots of pollution to get burnt ones to fuel the purification of other crystals.

Frankly, I'd rather just pump out biodiesel and get a steady 4096/t, then build a huge elaborate refining system that'll end up going dormant because I have nothing to feed it. That's just wasted resources.
Big Reactors was planned to have some more balancing features, but they never made it. Eventually the reactors and turbines were supposed to explode, or otherwise fail catastrophically, but it never happened. Turbines have a tooltip about failing if overspeed for too long, but A) there was no point to going over speed because it produced less power than the sweet spot, and B) nothing ever happened. And C) it was too easy to put it in the sweetspot and keep it there forever.

Yellorium was also both incredibly common, and oredicted with IC2 uranium, which was also very common. Deep Resonance goes a bit the other way, by making it's ore pretty uncommon, which is fine, but also requiring nearly half a stack to make anything of it, and then requiring crystals to improve it beyond the basic 85/10/10, which is also fine, but after you've used all the natural crystals, you reach a point where you're forced to burn weak crystals, generating lots of pollution to get burnt ones to fuel the purification of other crystals.

Frankly, I'd rather just pump out biodiesel and get a steady 4096/t, then build a huge elaborate refining system that'll end up going dormant because I have nothing to feed it. That's just wasted resources.
This is the sort of thing that a mod pack developer takes into consideration when doing custom oregen. The mod I was planning on using still hasn't come out yet, but the plan was to create geodes that were roughly spherical and mainly hollow ranging in size from 5 to 7 block diameter, with the outer crust being resonant ore and the inner having a chance to spawn crystals, and hollow inside that. This would've given you enough resonant material to get yourself started with, AND would've been a cool feature for you to discover in the world (they typically spawned under Y20). Sadly, the mod I was going to use, O.R.E., is still in development. They are currently concentrating on the coremod, B.A.S.E. which is supposed to be their equivalent of Substratum, before fixing O.R.E..