I submit as evidence your entire post. (Not that it matters, but you did ask (if ending a sentence with ellipses counts as 'asking').)
Just Because he isn't responding very well, or not using correct grammar doesn't mean s/he's a kid
Immaturity=/= Kid
While I agree with the people above, in that X-ray shouldn't be encouraged (especially in SMP) (Although SSP is okay-ish i suppose) Instead of attacking the OP directly, try and be nice. If you don't want to tell him/her how to install an X-Ray, so be it, but be nice about it. We dont need 9001 flame wars over X-raying, this subject has already been discussed
BTW, going to make use of the post merge function cuz im lazy
Possible and Easy are different.
It certainly wasn't easy to make mine. And redstone logic may not have much directly in common with programming, but they are on the same order of difficulty, and use many of the same skills. Redstone computers require programming, not just digital logic.
I don't think the OP was talking about redstone computers, s/he was infering to use of redstone and machinary in infrastructure, Ie. lever to turn on automachine pumping, than cover it up with RP2
Also, some people are amazing at redstone, but can't code for their lives, or can code very little. Redstone doesn't necaserally need the 8+ years it can take to master java.
Not really defending the OP, [Dude, if your okay-ish at redstone, than you SHOULD be able to figure it out (i've made my own, and it doesn't need coding, just GIMP or Photoshop (hint hint)
@OP, Installing a mod doesn't belong in General Chat, it belongs in tech support. Also, the fact is, your a new member like me, people aren't going to believe you much AT ALL.
and what Shurken said, all my +1's to that post.