Open Server Dig For Diamonds [DW20v1.1.2][1.5.2][24GB Ram][MyTown][Economy][Twilight Forest][Mall][TS3][MCMMO]

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so yeah ... Busi .. please dont kill off all animals in the world... im trying to maintain a farm... total loss to date: ... 20 chickens... 4 cows... 8 sheep, 2 pigs... and ive seen you kill off my sheep personaly with the lightning...
What are you using for bukkit? one of my players on my (private therefore not your competition) server is bugging about we need bukkit, but i've tried almost all the available stuff I know of to get it, and wasn't pleased with any of them.
Joined up, watched spammed chat for a few minutes, joined the TS and listened to some kid who's vocabulary conisisted mainly of "the f word". Got bored of listening to preteens cussing each other out and logged off. Rather disappointed.
Server is still running great,

Just passsed 1400 players who have been by
and most of the bad rep is comming from people who got banned for griefing, bug abusing, glicthing, or by having hacks / hacked clients
loving the server! Even donated 25 bucks, which is the first time for me, donating to a MC server lol :) Keep up the great work Busi ^^!
donating 30 bucks in a week cant wait till the server gets up only problem server uptime is not that much like right now its down
Love the server, great staff (me included :D) and limited amount of banned items, only the necessities to keep the lag down and the happiness up! Come join us, everyone is welcome!
-Your friendly moderator MrEpicnesss
Server is still running great,

Just passsed 1400 players who have been by
and most of the bad rep is comming from people who got banned for griefing, bug abusing, glicthing, or by having hacks / hacked clients
I was banned for one of the above. It was a false ban, I don't even know any hacked clients that support mods!
really enjoying my experience. Lag at my play times is low. And using the direwolf20 mod pack is pretty cool. *New to me* ... Busi knows his stuff yo lol ... get on .. have fun .. no problems
This server is one of the best servers that I have ever had the opportunity to play on. The staff are great and handle problems very efficiently! I even donated because I really love what this server is doing! Since we have gotten a new seed, there has been soo many new modifications that makes me excited to see what comes next! Although there have been a few people that are unhappy with the server(most of them don't like to play by rules...), the community is really great! Be sure to invite your friends to join this server along with you! WE'RE WAITING...... :)
Amazing Server! Amazing Owners and Staff! Its just amazing! I cant believe how much amazingness can be in one Server!