detect redstone energy cell's storage

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you are worried about constant updates, why not add a CC timer program.

When the energy cell hits "full", send a redstone signal to the computer.

The computer runs a loop that keeps the engines "on" by default, using a redstone signal. When the computer receives the signal indicating that the redstone cell is full, turn off the engines and sleep for a period of time before running the loop again.

It's quite easy. If you know the load on your cell is 20MJ/t (you can even restrict the output in the redstone cell GUI), the calculations are pretty straight forward. I do those ones in my head usually.[DOUBLEPOST=1373494131][/DOUBLEPOST]edit startup

while true do
--redstone.setOutput("side", true)
--redstone.setOutput("side", false)

side = Side your engines are located.

x = Time you want to sleep for. x = cell max energy in MJ / (MJ/t) / (20t/s)

x should be in seconds. I've tested this a few times. Don't include the dashes. I used them to indent the while loop, for clarity.