Desync in Single play?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, if i've got this terminology right, Server Desync is when the actions of the player/client aren't properly recorded by the server. This typically shows itself in the form of placed blocks not placing and broken blocks not breaking.

I've played Horizons, DW20's 1.6, and Monster without any issues, but i downloaded Magic Farm 2 this morning and i'm having an unplayable amount of desync. I've redownloaded the pack, and i've tried all of my other packs, but i'm only having this issue in Magic Farm 2. I'm up to date on my Java 64-bit, and i'm not having any sort of RAM issue. I'm not playing on an actual server, just a Single player and select world click.

Any ideas on how to fix this? None of my searches have come up with anything decently helpful.

Tristam Izumi

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Have you tried using the JVM arguments in this thread? It will hopefully help your situation. If not, can you post your console log to pastebin and link it here? There may be something in there that will help us further diagnose this.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, the text under the Server spoiler tag seems to have fixed it, but after having to increase the amount of RAM i'm giving minecraft i'll have to wait and hope it doesn't try to use it. I'm having to give it more ram than i probably should be giving it based on my total ram.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A lot of the dsync issues I've been seeing lately are from how JIT handles compilation/decompilation of classes. This was an issue I was trying to address with a previous set of arguments.
The issue with it is causing overburdened memory connections that will cause dsync to a point that you can be reset several seconds backwards even on SSP. My current testing arguments do prevent this from happening AFTER it happens once. It's that first time it happens that is something I haven't been able to fix. (my testing iteration is not in the post btw.)
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