IGN?: chaoticdarkninja
How old are you?: 12
How long have you been playing feed the beast?: About 3 months, I need to learn from other people and become a expert
Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity?: Yeah, I know a lot about redstoning and building since I played vanilla for a good year and a half
Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?: I agree to the server rules and will accept the updates for the rules.
How old are you?: 12

How long have you been playing feed the beast?: About 3 months, I need to learn from other people and become a expert

Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity?: Yeah, I know a lot about redstoning and building since I played vanilla for a good year and a half

Do you accept the rules of the server and any updates that are made to them?: I agree to the server rules and will accept the updates for the rules.