Request Deleting posts which do not concern FTB

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have learned to despise these forums due to the amount of spam posting done from advertising companies. Such as posts about weight loss and brain capacity etc.

I understand this is a general chat but it is "general FTB chat" so surely things only concerning FTB should be posted.

I just find i struggle to see modded related posts in a sea of advertisments.
From what I've seen, all of those "important messages" are the very first post by new users. To be honest, I don't understand why they allow this to continue.

Simply forcing the first post by a new user to be moderator approved would have removed all the spam, or close to it.
I understand this is a general chat but it is "general FTB chat" so surely things only concerning FTB should be posted.
Right you are. The thing is, there's only so many people who can actually delete spam, and we only have so much time. The best you can do to help is probably to report every single spam post you see (yes, the 30-second cooldown is obnoxious, there's not much you can do about it), and at some point Jaded might promote you to Spam Cleaner status. You'll then be able to ban spammers and delete their posts. There are some restrictions, of course- the user has to have been registered for less than a month or so, and not have too many posts, etc, and it's easily reversible (by a moderator) if you make a mistake. And there's no blasted cooldown.

I remember Lawbroken (I think) once saying that he tried to make it so that users could not put links in their first posts, but was overruled due to concerns that it would cause problems in the Support forums. I don't remember the exact details, though.
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I wasnt aware of this status! I think from now on ill start doing that !! It honestly does ruin the look of the forums and the way in which its users interact with eachother.
fwiw, I just deleted another dozen or more spam posts.

There's a window around 5-6AM EST, give or take 2 hours, when the spammers hit and none of us trash collectors are around. I always find a bunch just after that.

And sadly I was sick this morning so I skipped work and didn't get on the forum till now :)
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What the hell man, where am I going to buy my muscle supplements now?
Do you think I'm removing them out of the kindness of my heart? I'm cornering the FTB spam market and hoarding them.

Want to learn 7 surprise new ways to get spam emails? Click this link to find out how! (not really a link).
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I clean it out when I can! But lately it seams more and more people are making threads just like this one...

Sent From Something That You Won't Care About Using Tapatalk 2
From what I've seen, all of those "important messages" are the very first post by new users. To be honest, I don't understand why they allow this to continue.

Simply forcing the first post by a new user to be moderator approved would have removed all the spam, or close to it.

^This. One other thing about the spam... It's usually the only post by that particular "new member"... Never using the same account twice is the oldest trick in the book of spam posting.
I clean it out when I can! But lately it seams more and more people are making threads just like this one...

Sent From Something That You Won't Care About Using Tapatalk 2

I know you guys do the best you can but at least in the Pacific time zone at 7am we can usually count on seeing more spam than meat.