Defeating the ender dragon

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Playing on my Mindcrack FTB server I decided to give the End a visit and defeat the ender dragon.. or so I thought. I managed to die and get back in time to pick up my gear again, but I stupidly put on my nano chest plate instead of my jetpack right after I picked everything up and I got plowed off into the void by the dragon.

So, I lost a full set of nano armor, a mining laser, a advanced diamond drill, and an advanced lappack. Its taking every bit of self control I have not to switch into creative mode... that sure was frustrating. I know people defeat this thing all the time in vanilla minecraft, so I was kind of surprised I struggled. I think getting attacked by the enderman was my biggest problem, I'd set up for a shot at the dragon with my laser and next thing I know there was a mob of 5 enderman on top of me that would pound me into the ground.

This was unfortunately my first experience, yes, I know, I should have tried it out in singleplayer first... but what can I say.

So, any tips for round 2? Any "cheaper" ways to do stuff so if I die again I don't ragequit?
Go get Quantum armour and a GraviChest. Then your unbeatable. If you don't want to go to the trouble of getting that stuff, then I would suggest taking out the crystals with a mining laser, then take to the skies with a jetpack and use an enchanted diamond sword or a nanosaber.
Oh boy, if you guys are taking a beating when in tech armor, I wonder how I'll manage to defeat the bosses with magic... Then again I'm playing on Easy but still...
Oh boy, if you guys are taking a beating when in tech armor, I wonder how I'll manage to defeat the bosses with magic... Then again I'm playing on Easy but still...

Ender dragon is a very easy kill, iron + armor and you will be safe if you keep your food up. I'd recommend to get an infinite enchanted bow if your aim isn't very good - otherwise a power bow is the best thing you've going to have short of thaumcraft wands (not sure on their damage and range). You can easily do 6-10 damage on the ender dragon per hit with a Power V, but it's not the end of the world if it's unenchanted you just have to not mess up for longer.

Run around and shoot the crystals with your bow. All crystals are quite high up so you never have to look on the ground other than to check you won't run off the edge. Personally I'd stay very central since the ender dragon can easily knock you far if you don't see him coming. The moment you see him turn to fly right at you just plant an arrow right in his head and he'll back off though.

Once all crystals are down the hard bit is over. Now you can just stand still and keep your head in the skies. If you're a good shot you will not need any armor this entire time but one mistake will take half your health regardless of difficulty. Hence some armor of some form is recommended to make it so you can survive a couple hits if things go bad.

Anyway just keep your head up, and shoot at the dragon whenever he flies in. If you don't have much ammo don't waste shots while flying unless you know you will connect, not worth it. You can wait all the time in the world and if you keep relaxed he's a really easy kill.

Or just wear a pumpkin, some enchanted diamond or such armor, and go to town. Remember unenchanted nano-armor is weaker than enchanted diamond armor so your average person in the tech packages only advantage is the jetpack.
There is one and only one thing you need to do: don't look at the endermen. It's really not that hard, just keep your cursor up in the sky. We fought it with four people. Three died to endermen, one returned and died again before the dragon got to 50% health. I finished it off without ever taking any damage. The dragon doesn't do any damage by itself, so if you stay in the middle of the platform and wear some sort of fall protection (try the Portal boots if you're too cheap for quantum), there is no way it can hurt you and it is only a matter of time before you bring it down with any weapons available. Remember there is an achievement for killing him with a laser (which I successfully got).
what I would do is get bow and arrows, nano armor, a jetpack, an advanced lappack, an athame and a mining laser.
use the bow and arrows to shoot the regeneration stones with a jetpack to get closer, since a mining laser didn't seem to work (though I didn't use all the modes to try out)
when you've done that, fly up on a high obsidian pillar and stand there, you might want to keep the jetpack on incase you get knocked off or the advanced lappack so you don't have to worry about running out of EU.

then just wait for the ender dragon to get close, and when he does, shoot him constantly with the mining laser. it's best to wait for the dragon to get as close as possible to get as many hits in as possible.
the athame is for when you anger endermen, you can kill an enderman with just 2 hits with the athame.
atleast that's how I did it 2 days ago and it worked pretty well.
Hmm, does the Athame or a Disjunction enchant do bonus damage to the dragon as well?
What Raiju said. Keep your chin up, keep the dragon in your view, use the map for navigating. Shoot the dragon whenever he's lining up for an attack, and use the time he's just flying around to get the crystals.

After that it's just sitting in the middle waiting for the dragonbro to come at you.

Keep the good stuff back home, dress up in iron. Bring a laser perhaps, for the achievement. 4 stacks of arrows should be more than enough. In case you don't have enough time to notch an arrow, slap the dragon across his fat snout with your bow.
Jetpack, advanced lappack, mining laser, long fall boots and a bunch of snowball is all you need, actually. And maybe, an enderpouch linked to a recharging contraption, just to be extra safe. Destroy the pillars with the snowball, rape the dragon with the laser equipped with the jetpack; right before the last bit of energy of your laser, quickly switch jetpack and lappack to recharge your laser then back to the jetpack. If you run out of EU, just use the enderpouch to recharge everything. It's fairly easy to defeat if you have the patience to shoot only when you're really close to it.
My favorite method is to bring two buckets of water with you. Make a large enough pool that is 1 block deep as so the dragon can't wipe it out in one pass and just sit there with a bow or wait for her to swoop at you. It's more fun that way, you can look at all the endermen you want and watch them very angrily charge towards you only to *bzfff* off each time. Even if you don't want to just sit there it's always a safe haven if you start to attract a group of endermen.
I'd recommend to get an infinite enchanted bow if your aim isn't very good - otherwise a power bow is the best thing you've going to have short of thaumcraft wands (not sure on their damage and range). You can easily do 6-10 damage on the ender dragon per hit with a Power V, but it's not the end of the world if it's unenchanted you just have to not mess up for longer.

One thing that has always bothered me about MC was the random enchantments. s there any way to target for and obtain a specific enchantment? I see in different forums all the time this type of advice "just get such and such enchantment" as if it's something someone can just pick out of the air and apply.
If you enchant the item question instead of just a book then you increase your chance significantly - so enchanting bows for infinite. It's still a fairly rare enchant so you will probably want some form of exp grinder, whether this be a natural spawner, vanilla, soulshard, just running around killing stuff, smelting things, mining, etc.

Getting 30 levels a couple times isn't difficult really. That's why people say "just get". Infinite is a high level enchant so using 30's is your highest chance (around 10-20% iirc)
One thing that has always bothered me about MC was the random enchantments. s there any way to target for and obtain a specific enchantment? I see in different forums all the time this type of advice "just get such and such enchantment" as if it's something someone can just pick out of the air and apply.

Yeah same here, although I find it less annoying since you get exp for mining etc... If you play SSP you could simply throw Enchanting Plus in the mods folder, works like a charm for me...
I did it with a jetpack - rest 3 pieces of nano armor, a plain bow and 2 stacks of arrows.

Ignore the dragon and fly to each pillar and blow the regen things. You can dodge the dragon pretty good mid air if you have to, but you can mostly ignore it during this part.

Once all the regen crytals are gone go to the tallest pillar and just be patient and wait for it to charge at you. On the tall pillar most if not all the endermen will not be able to teleport to you or care if you hover over them.

Once you get it low you might switch to a pumpkin helmet and go to the surface to make your portal easy to access. Although just being careful where you aim is enough to avoid the endermen on the surface.
I thought I read in one of the mod change logs that ender crystals now actually have a use? Was it thaumcraft?

In any case, that makes trying to kill the dragon without shooting out the crystals quite the challenge :P
I thought I read in one of the mod change logs that ender crystals now actually have a use? Was it thaumcraft?

In any case, that makes trying to kill the dragon without shooting out the crystals quite the challenge :p
GregTech adds generator that can absorb nearby crystals enrgy and produce EU. Good for End base but useless otherwise.