Decisions, decisions, decisions... server time!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Greetings FTB community, I've decided to put up a "real" server (compared to the small Ultimate one which I currently have and which is pretty much me alone :p ). And so I need some help/tip/tricks on what I should choose. currently leaning towards using the Unleashed pack for the mod pack. What is important to think about when setting up a server, what plug-ins are a "must have"? should I host it at home or use some kind of hosting service? What more is to note about keeping a server up?
That's some of the questions I have and as I'm kinda a noob when it comes to having a server (basicly only thing I know is how to get it to run, not much else) any help is appreciated :).

I don't really need detailed steps be steps instructions on how to do things but more like general directions of what's important, part of the fun is to discover and learn ^^

Also if anyone would like to join me in my quest to learn about it servers feel free to do so, also anyone that just wants to have some on the server once everything is finished, feel free to join in! :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We just run a server with the basic default pack. Currently DW20 but we'll probably be moving to Unleashed when 1.6 hits (not going to move now because 1.5 will probably be incompatible with 1.6 again). I think if you play with a bunch of adult people you don't really need a lot of 'protection' plugins or whatever.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I might be interested in that when you move on to unleashed but for now I want to put up one of my own, needs something to fiddle around with a bit :p and a fresh start now when I finally got my friend to get minecraft :D. also you are right about not needing a lot of 'protection' plugins when playing with adult people but some plugins can be good to have in case something happens (like restoring certain chunks if somebody accidentally blows up a nuclear plant in a bad area...).
Thanks for the offer anyway and I hope we'll meet in minecraft eventually :)