If something is "in beta" and "not balanced yet" I don't see why it should be included into a "production" pack.
As it stands Dartcraft completely breaks early power generation. Very early game the "best" engines used to be hobbyist engines at 1.6MJ/t each. Now it's Force engines that give 8MJ/t, require less expensive components, and don't need an infrastructure to create the fuel (unlike charcoal) because it's abundant.
You can now just plop down 3 force engines and an aq accumulator, have a quarry run at 24MJ/t (great speed) and basically power itself with the force gems it digs up. It completely removes the challenge of getting a decent power supply early game.
Have you tried an MFR tree farm with biofuel reactor(s) and generators? Puts those engines to shame, realy.
For "early game" we clockwork engines, great early game power that doesnt cost you anny fuel at all! We also have TE steam engines running at 4mj/t, not as efficient but alot faster! Together with the hobbyist steam engine they are all great treefarm kickstarters, wich in turn can feed a hobbyist/TE steam engine to run forever...
Also, whats so game breaking about there being an infinite loop with the quarry? A tree farm is an infinite powerloop aswell, do you have a problem with that? Heck a tree farm is an infinite powerloop 50 times more powerfull then the quarry + force engine. Now before you say that the quarry provides resources: the immense power generated from a treefarm can be used with a laser drill/mass fabricator to produce resources just the same and it does not require moving.
Talking about power loops, are you also fine with boilers? Because they allow for another infinite loop with the MFR oil fabricator. And thats not even talking about nether pumping lava or creating a lava age.
Honestly, getting power is easy and inevitable. The challenge is in finding wich path provides you with the best rewards/most enjoyable playing experience. You seem to think its force engines + quarry. I defenitly disagree and think its TiC hammer with MFR tree farm into laser drill. Because lets face it, a quarry is nice and all, but compared to targetted mining (rushing a laser drill) it realy isnt the be all and all thing it once was.
I think it's great to add cool mods to a pack but if a mod author just adds stuff that is MUCH cheaper just to get people use their mod (seriously, what else is the force engine there for? The mod doesn't even really use MJ so why does it add an engine? Yes, to get people to use the mod. If all modders would do this we'd end up being able to build anything from dirt and cobble in a year or so.
Honestly i coudnt care less about the force engine. I want the mod because of the clipboard, the unification pipes, the non random enchanting system, the vastly superior bags and lots of other features. That it adds a way to generate power? Cool addition, especially because his implementation is unique and actually a realy good gameplay mechanic (talking about the throttle here). The power generated from force gems? Realy not that special considering there are plenty of other options (see above) and its not all that renewable. Sure you can squeeze logs, but turning them into golden power sources into a boiler is significantly better. And thats ignoring that you need a forestry tree farm wich is significantly slower/more expensive, aswell as force trees being small trees which dont produce alot of logs to begin with.
Rereading my post, it looks like MFR is a much bigger offender then dartcraft. Interesting...