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Do you think Dartcraft should be added?

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On the other hand flight is very cool and balanced, backpacks are combination of best features of Forestry backpacks and RP2 canvas bags,
Problem with those backpacks is the upgrade, ender packs, are incompatible with any FTB mod that uses enderchests. Which is all of them.
Problem with those backpacks is the upgrade, ender packs, are incompatible with any FTB mod that uses enderchests. Which is all of them.
If you have enderstorage, you also have their ender pouches. Problem solved inherently. Besides, that's not why you bother getting them. You get them because they are upgradeable backpacks that you have full customization of what goes into them and how automatic it is for it to go into or out of them.
If you have enderstorage, you also have their ender pouches. Problem solved inherently. Besides, that's not why you bother getting them. You get them because they are upgradeable backpacks that you have full customization of what goes into them and how automatic it is for it to go into or out of them.

Perhaps though it would be nice to see some cross compatibility between those two mods.

Now that I'm reminded of it EE3 is supposed to be getting some kind of pouch. Should be interesting to see what that's like.
The pulverizer/smelter upgrades on picks and shovels is awesome. Put lumberjack/smelter on an axe and turn trees into charcoal in seconds! And a much more accurate bow on top of it all. Tip - farm force trees for ingots, squeeze the gems to get extra force juice out of them and use them for fuel for engines and your infuser. The logs can be smelted into some golden charcoal stuff that's a great fuel too. This mod adds lots of energy.
Don't forget that Milk is a multiplier somewhere between crushed ice and water, and easily obtainable with MFR. So you can end up with 12 MJ/t with Milk.

At the rate that those force engines use the multiplyer liquids you will need alot of milk aswell though. Like 1 bucket of force eats trough 100 buckets of liquid. Pretty crazy x)
At the rate that those force engines use the multiplyer liquids you will need alot of milk aswell though. Like 1 bucket of force eats trough 100 buckets of liquid. Pretty crazy x)
Well that's explain why you get more power per. GT make crushed ice making cost a tab of power quick and easy. Idk how many engines a single Freezer can do.
The only thing I think is overpowered is the force engines. They are easy to craft, they take very low resources to use, and they are the most powerful engines. By that I mean that they make the most mjs. That is why I use dartcraft. :)

really, if you're playing FTB ultimate, then the MOST powerful engine is the bluelectric engine, which is also easy to craft, and power (just hook it up to a couple of solar panels), and it can make in EXCESS of 25 mj/t, much more than even the industrial steam engine.
really, if you're playing FTB ultimate, then the MOST powerful engine is the bluelectric engine, which is also easy to craft, and power (just hook it up to a couple of solar panels), and it can make in EXCESS of 25 mj/t, much more than even the industrial steam engine.
Aye, however, that comes at the cost of requiring a pretty large amount of blutricity. I think the conversion ratio is somewhere around 1 kW -> 1 MJ, which if I remember correctly, would require a fair few solars to power. But, once you get it up and running, yes, free power and a lot of it. So, at maximum (32 MJ/t, methinks), the Blulectric Engine is the most powerful MJ-producing engine available. Hell, mingle that with some nice Power Converters work, and you could have a good amount of free energy for anything that's not RedPower.
Aye, however, that comes at the cost of requiring a pretty large amount of blutricity. I think the conversion ratio is somewhere around 1 kW -> 1 MJ, which if I remember correctly, would require a fair few solars to power. But, once you get it up and running, yes, free power and a lot of it. So, at maximum (32 MJ/t, methinks), the Blulectric Engine is the most powerful MJ-producing engine available. Hell, mingle that with some nice Power Converters work, and you could have a good amount of free energy for anything that's not RedPower.

124-128 solar panels in a circular formation around the engine to be exact, reaching somewhere between 24-26 MJ/t depending on the exact setup, as far as i know you can't realistically reach that 32 MJ/t due to the way Blutricity works.
Can anyone let me know how to disable the Spoils Bag?

There isn't anything in the config file. Or if there is a way to change drop rate.

Thank you!
Did you try deleting this from the config? I:"Loot Bag"=6041

I didn't think of that, but noticed it, but the item id isn't the same as the one in-game...

and what if the server has already been running for a few days....what would happen?
I didn't think of that, but noticed it, but the item id isn't the same as the one in-game...

and what if the server has already been running for a few days....what would happen?

Well I might have the name wrong. Simply searching for that Id would be a way to be sure. As for items already spawned. They will simply vanish. But as with making any modification copy your saves first.
I didn't think of that, but noticed it, but the item id isn't the same as the one in-game...

and what if the server has already been running for a few days....what would happen?

If ID in game is bigger by 256, than everything is OK. Item ID is a bit messy in a game code and both forms of giving ID in config (with or without this 256 shift for blocks) are justified.
I thought I'd put my opinions up here, just so I can post this to all the guys I play with on the server.
I have looked at Dartcraft, and found it OP. There are some aspects that are there that unique and clever. However, the overall balance of the mod is wrong. So, while everyone on the server is flying around, I still walk, in my silent protest against the mod. My resources are lower then everyone else, yet I feel more of an accomplishment when I succeed in a build.

Everyone plays different. These are only my opinions.
For all the people who are saying this mod is OP...
1. Personally, i like having the ability to use options that arent end of game. makes it a bit more enjoyable.
2. remember that this mod IS in beta and that balance isnt the biggest priority right now.