Curiouskey's FTB Infinity World Journal

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Sounds good m8. Look forward to the videos :)

Cheers man! :) I must admit, I'm rather new to this lets play thing, hence all the questions about how to improve the quality of my videos. It's the game of balancing between whats easier and/or fun to record, and what's fun to watch. :p
I really appreciate the feedback!

Personally I must admit I dont watch the videos(or at the very most skims through them). Would personally much rather prefer you focus on building some cool stuff and show off some nice pictures of it. And then maybe show a short video now and then for things that are better conveyed that way.
But I am rather peculiar that way. Can't stand watching LPs either(rather play the game myself :))

I perfectly understand man, no harm done. :D That's why I do pictures with each post as well. I thought if I'm gonna do it, I might as well kill two birds with one stone. :p As for myself, I quite like lets plays, and I find them very entertaining to record, but that's not to say that picture journals are inferior in any way. :) If you think I should take more pictures, then I'll take that into account. Currently I thought I was taking as many as I could for the amount of building that was being done. :)
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If you think I should take more pictures, then I'll take the into account. Currently I thought I was taking as many as I could for the amount of building that was being done. :)
Nah amount of pictures are fine. Meant that you had more time to build more(and thereby more pictures). But you are doing fine so far.
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Nah amount of pictures are fine. Meant that you had more time to build more(and thereby more pictures). But you are doing fine so far.

Cool. :) Well currently I'm limiting the amount of updates I do because I'm weird in that if I updated every day I'd get all stressed if I wasn't able to maintain that pace for some reason. So I'm starting off fairly slow so I don't outpace my abilities. :)
Update #4:
Built a tower onto the first extension:

Doesn;t serve an exact purpose yet... I just love building towers.
Also did some thaumcrafty-stuff, as usual check the spoilers below for the rest of the images.

working on the walls of the tower.


Different perspective on the finished tower.


Ground floor of the tower.


Second floor of the tower.


third floor of the tower.


Third floor of the tower.


And just finished digging out what will be my infusing room/other magic stuff.

So that's it for this update! I derped a bit on my thaumcraft knowledge, so I need to do a bit more research and playing around between now and the next update, I'll probably get this room all laid out and decorated too. Got a few little ideas for it too, thinking of possibly creating a little balcony into an underground pond/stream with some plants. What do you guys think of that?

And also, the 4th episode of the lets play, for those interested:

As all always, all comments and feedback welcome.
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Very encouraging! I've been trying to figure out build styles in my new world, found a nice tower pre-built and going to somehow build off that. Looking forward to the updates!
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Very encouraging! I've been trying to figure out build styles in my new world, found a nice tower pre-built and going to somehow build off that. Looking forward to the updates!

Cheers. :) I found it's best to design a build style by limiting yourself to three or four blocks at maximum for the main structure. Then try to find a design that's got enough texture to be interesting and is also simple enough that it doesn't look too busy and can be twisted and distorted to fit different structures.

Apologies for the lack of an update last week, life is sometimes a jealous mistress, and dislikes me seeing other hobbies. :P

Finished my infusion room:



And I set up a tinkers smeltery workshop! (I love this mod, only recently learnt it, properly, but it's awesome)

The house is getting bigger, certainly.


I've begun collecting resources for a large project: I've decided my main base shall be built in the cradle of a massive tree, which will be the first hand-made tree I've ever created. It'll be tough, but that's why it's inspiring for me!

Now I have a plan for my main base, I'm feeling more and more inspired with this series. :) It's gonna be an interesting journey building this thing, and it'll certainly push my abilities, but that makes it interesting :)
I hope you enjoyed the update, and if you have any advice about building natural-looking trees let me know!

And as always, for those who are interested in the video lets-play that goes along with this thread:

Apologies for the lack of an update last week, life is sometimes a jealous mistress, and dislikes me seeing other hobbies. :p

Finished my infusion room:
View attachment 16413
Have the infusion stability mechanics changed? If not then those heads will actually add to instability. You need to place them so they are opposite to each other on an axis through the middle of the Infusion altar.
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Have the infusion stability mechanics changed? If not then those heads will actually add to instability. You need to place them so they are opposite to each other on an axis through the middle of the Infusion altar.

In that case... They must have changed I suppose, tests in 1.6 showed that orientation or even variety of stability items had no effect on the stability increase, you just needed lots of stuff. The most common method that I remember people using was a room below the altar that was just full of crystal clusters. Is this a 1.7 thing?

Unless I'm remembering it all wrong, it has been a long time since I set up an infusion altar. :P Last time I did it I just put crystals all over the place and it worked fine.
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In that case... They must have changed I suppose, tests in 1.6 showed that orientation or even variety of stability items had no effect on the stability increase, you just needed lots of stuff. The most common method that I remember people using was a room below the altar that was just full of crystal clusters. Is this a 1.7 thing?

Unless I'm remembering it all wrong, it has been a long time since I set up an infusion altar. :p Last time I did it I just put crystals all over the place and it worked fine.
No even in 1.6 you needed to have all the items placed matched by another item directly opposite in order to make it reduce instability. If there were no item present it instead adds to the instability.
This explains the mechanics very well:

For each item in the junk list: (the author of the post lists all the candles, skulls etc. as in the "junk list")
  • Add 0.1 (Instability)
  • If the radially opposite block is a cluster, candle, node, or head/skull, subtract 0.2. (Instability)
No even in 1.6 you needed to have all the items placed matched by another item directly opposite in order to make it reduce instability. If there were no item present it instead adds to the instability.
This explains the mechanics very well:

Well I guess it's been too long, I forgot. :P Cheers for the help :) Considering that the second infusion I tried went ok (despite an explosion) and the first went badly, I guess I was unlucky the first time and really lucky the second time. :P I'll put a layer of stuff underneath at some point I guess.

Again, thanks for the advice :) you're like an encyclopedia :P
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Update #6

I was testing out ways of getting Sky Stone: (I'll need ALOT of it)


@rhn Followed rhn's advice with stability items in my infusing room, and it payed off: Created an Arcane Bore without a single hitch. :)


This is after a few minutes leaving the Bore to do it's thing. Not perfect, but honestly this will do adequately for my plans if I can't find a faster method. (I can also apply enchantments to make the Bore mine faster}


I'm also only using an iron pick, I don't think pick quality makes much of a difference to speed (it only uses durability as far as I'm aware)


So here's my basic concept for the tree. I used a building guide to get a circle, and then ran around the perimeter semi-randomly placing the outer line of blocks (which is going to be the true outline of the trunk) because a perfect circle doesn't look natural.


Another image just to give a better perspective on clean circle vs "random" circle. :p


the circle in the bottom centre is where the tree is going to be, and in the upper left of the map, you can see where my starter house is.

So I'm starting to get excited for my future plans in this world. The tree base is going to be a really challenging build, but I'm already enjoying it. Looking forward to getting the cradle for the tower built so I can show you guys what it looks like in my mind (hopefully) :p

For those interested, here's the latest episode of the lets play:

I had some issues with OBS in this video, unfortunately they weren't detectable until after I finished rendering the video. There's some blur in the second section of the video due to OBS making some kind of error with the fps, and there is some bad stuttering later on in the video, which I haven't yet identified the cause of, because it had no relation to my actual fps.

I hope you enjoyed the update, keep me posted if you have any advice or ideas. :)
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@rhn Followed rhn's advice with stability items in my infusing room, and it payed off: Created an Arcane Bore without a single hitch. :)
With that knowledge it becomes almost cheaty easy :P Personally never had any infusion hickups since other than when I derp and don't have enough essentia :P
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With that knowledge it becomes almost cheaty easy :p Personally never had any infusion hickups since other than when I derp and don't have enough essentia :p

Yeah, I was honestly surprised the altar didn't take the opportunity to troll me right at the beginning of the video. :P The worse thing that happens to me is when I have just enough essentia, and one small flux event causes it to need more essentia brings everything to a halt. :P
CuriousKey that Infusion room looks cool. I might have to copy the design and use it in my build.

Cheers! :) It's literally all chisel versions of the Arcane Stone block from Thaumcraft. :) If you want to take the concept further, you could try working in a contrast to the dark grey tones... That's all I can think of if I was to do it again. :)
omg i love your building style but you should have 10k subs with the quality of the videos

Thanks man I really appreciate it :D Honestly I'm surprise the response to my series has been as positive as it has, especially with how new I am to youtube. I'm just doing my best, and I have alot more to learn in terms of producing quality videos, but that's the way it works... I just focus and try to improve just a little bit with every video I make. :)
Thanks man I really appreciate it :D Honestly I'm surprise the response to my series has been as positive as it has, especially with how new I am to youtube. I'm just doing my best, and I have alot more to learn in terms of producing quality videos, but that's the way it works... I just focus and try to improve just a little bit with every video I make. :)
Well that's kinda surprising. I would like to play with you sometime.
Update #7
Built up the base of the tree to height where I'm gonna have the plateau:


Inside view. I hadn't realised just how much open space I'd have on the inside. I hadn't made any plans to use this space, but I guess I'll find a use for it sometime. :P


I'm actually in danger of running out of canopy wood after building the base of the trunk. I think this has used up around 5k of logs already. :P


Getting some work done on the staircase. This is just a concept though, and I'm not happy with it yet.

So the projects coming along, though this was a fairly small update. I'll have alot more to show you next time hopefully :)

For those interested, the 7th episode of the lets play series is up as well:

Feel free to comment with any ideas or thoughts you have about the project. :)