Crystal Core

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I recently got around to acquiring a crystal core and set out to move / merge some of the nodes surrounding my base, but they seem ridiculously tempermental and the need to reconstruct the cores after breaking them is making this a major PiTA.

Many times, it seems like I will set my totems down and place the core in the middle of them, 1 block higher than the surrounding totems, but when I go to click right click on the core with my wand of the thaumaturge ... absolutely nothing happens.

I have had this problem using a variety of ranges that should be within the acceptable 24 block reach of the core. In other words, I might try from 23 blocks away and the core will not respond to the wand, I'll try 2-4 blocks away and it won't work, and then I'll try 16 blocks and it works.

This is particularly infuriating because of the need to reconstruct the core every time I try a new location. I eventually did manage to merge 2 of the surface nodes that I wanted to create a larger pure node, after much trial and error, but I am having a nightmare of a time trying to pull a node to the surface from y=34.

It seems almost impossible to pull nodes upward. I did successfully raise the node in question 4 of the 56 blocks needed to get it back above ground, but I finally had to give up and go to bed.

Anyone have any tips or insights for using these things? I really wish it would not allow you to place the core if it's not going to respond to the wand.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The core can be pretty temperamental, which is why I never take chances with it. I always make my pulls between 16-20 blocks. That way even the slightest miscalculation on my part probably isn't going to cost me the core.

Honestly, I'm just glad that you don't need a new Nether Star per core.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The core can be moved with frames and pistons without breaking it. It's pretty easy to set up an inchworm drive hooked up to frames surrounding the whole assembly to move it 20 blocks or so, then reactivate it.

Wow, that is a great idea. I'll have to try it out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The core can be moved with frames and pistons without breaking it. It's pretty easy to set up an inchworm drive hooked up to frames surrounding the whole assembly to move it 20 blocks or so, then reactivate it.

Cool, I've just build a frame motor platform for this purpose but wasn't sure it was going to work - going to pull a dark node about 800m to my base to see if I can :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Defiantly gonna need to do one of these. Do you need a frame adjacent to actual crystal cluster? And if so does it need to be adjacent to where you first placed the crystal or where it floats in the air?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, the cluster needs to be adjacent to a frame just like any other block. It's actually quite a bit easier to just move the cluster where you want it and rebuild the totems around it than it is to move the entire assembly at once.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The core can be moved with frames and pistons without breaking it. It's pretty easy to set up an inchworm drive hooked up to frames surrounding the whole assembly to move it 20 blocks or so, then reactivate it.

I feel kind of stupid for not thinking of this myself the last time I moved a node.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The core can be moved with frames and pistons without breaking it. It's pretty easy to set up an inchworm drive hooked up to frames surrounding the whole assembly to move it 20 blocks or so, then reactivate it.
I guess they're just a bit buggy/particular about whether or not they want to work, but this idea would at least save me from having to reconstruct the cores.

Thanks for the suggestion. :cool:

EDIT: I also figured out my problem in raising my node up from below ground.

It should have been obvious to me, but in order to lift a node straight up along the y-axis, you need a completely cleared 3x3 shaft. I had previously been trying to pull the node through a 1x1 hole. :confused: