"CRU" - An unofficial addon pack for Crashlanding 1.6.4.

Release the Alpha or wait till Beta?

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  • I can wait a little while for a beta release.

  • Racoons have funny shaped tails.

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Rofl, yeah. I had become accustomed to flying through the questbook because I had played the original CL a billion times. Obviously, its a habit that I want to cut out. To go on to some of your points:

Blazing Pyro Cobble Gen: For some reason, when you trigger the explosion at X time, sometimes it doesn't blow up completely, allowing me to make that cobble gen.

Water: I had realized the water despawning on my first attempt after mining the clay, so now "Clever use of game mechanics" was my friend. Bahahah.

Nasty static is due to my house being broken into and the thieves ripping out my headset from my sound card, so it decides to lose it shit every once in a while with the new headset. I just need to pay attention to OBS.

The EU generator quest seemed to be a "Just go here and get credit" I'm logging in now to go dig around to see if there is something actually there.

Going hard mode actually is quite challenging, but extremely do-able. I haven't looked at the Easy Mode yet, but I'm curious as to what quests are there. At this point I've sustained enough food and water to last me while I get tinker's up. Today I'l be making a mob spawner so I can actually get mob drops without getting murdered.

So far, aside from the mass quest reward thing, its a good add-on. Lastly, I noticed in the quest book it states its too dry to compost things into dirt. Are the compost recipes completely disabled or is that something you can do after you obtain a saw mill?
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a couple requests. first can you stream in a lower quality. like 320, my connection can't keep up. also can you lower your your FOV.

Composting is disabled completely, the reason the receipt to make one is because the barrel is still used for other things.

In fact the main reason why you think the hard road is do-able is because you had the cobble gen. you should not have progressed that quickly it should have taken more time to get cobble. that's why. in all honesty you should start again.

You need to get into the habit of reading the quests, i put a lot of effort into explaining how the pack works. like i said it's a guide. don't see it as a reward book for completing quests. Cru will only get you so far, if you don't learn what you need to do to survive you will get behind.

you can make anything out of logs by the way. logs are planks. anything that uses planks uses logs.

the only real advice is take it easy. read everything twice.

Also again change your FOV, and still need to sort out your copyright music playing, because there are large sections where there is no sound, and you should probably comment more, talk a little more while you play, the volume needs to be turned up real high to hear anything.

Is it possible at all to stream to youtube? i cant adjust video settings here the stream is too large for my connection. i get massive buffering. also the crafting table should not be craftable i thought i fixed that too, so i need to fix that in future updates. get rid of the crafting table it's bugged.

EU generator read the quest book, it tells you where to put it.

you seem to be using some sort of duping bug when you created your tools also.

I will need to look why the stone barrel is disabled. or remove it from the questbook if i have a reason.

look to see how you make dirt! you need 4 graveyard dirt.. not just 1

I have to commend you though, not having died once, and you're quite the sneaky one, the bones were to give your dog, but you used them in the grinder, sneaky, you have a good amount of water and a good amount of food, so you are doing very well, better than i did anyway. i spawned my dog and gave it bones to tame it and then it died from heatstroke because i forgot to put water block down. i will update the water in the next update not to flow and to dissapear if any block updates near it. the funny thing was even after i said in the book the lava won't make a cobble gen you still tried lol

Happy gaming
- Leomist


That's the point of me trying to break things. If I can make something that will immensely up my progress, I'll try to do it. That's why the pack is in alpha!. Lol. No more lava for me though, sad days. I'll look into lowering my FOV, and I wont play my music so you can actually hear whats going on.

As for starting over, once I die in this world ;) Although, unless you have the pyrotheum blow up immediately, you do say in the questbook for the cobble quest to try and make the water and pyrotheum meet, just isn't recommended. Mixed signals man!


The stream bandwidth can you upload in a lower res? i usually view minecraft vids in 320 and it looks fine. your broadcasting way to high res for me to stream it. i know with youtube you can adjust the resolution, but can't seem to do that with this. as for no more lava, the lava and water should be repeatable quests.


I actually recorded as well, I'll upload the videos to youtube and put a link to the channel


Update: v1.0.1

+ fixed drying rack quest.
- wasted some time trying to work out why the crucible doesn't tell you heat level and the amounts contained. Turns out it's due to a mod conflicts from Random things the one that gives the life stones tried to reconfigure but it's hardwired problem. so i can't fix it. -sigh- A work around is to extract the contents via a fluid duct or ender io liquid pipe anything that can transfer liquid from the crucible into any tank such as the tank by open blocks there you will see the fluids.
+ reorganised the quest book a little.
- reduced a few rewards given from the quest book.
- reduced reward bag rewards a little.
+ Can now smelt compressed dust in the crucible
+ Can now use lava cell is the furnace.
+ added a few new uses for
+ added new extra lives at a massive early game risk.
+ got irritated by the quest book layout so i completely revamped it, not so crowded anymore, spaced out the quests into separate pages, and also added a few more, mainly a few intro quests.


update : v1.0.1
+turned on block physics This is to prevent exploit mining.
+ configured the quest book a little more.
+ play tested with the physics seems to work well.
+ New quest book layout is a little more thought out and less compacted. I am hoping it will encourage taking things a little slower.

+ After watching Calrich565 in action i have Increased difficulty.
+ added a little more cost to the "bonus" lives...

will be going away for a few days so i will get the new release out tonight.

Download link will still be the same as it will open the folder for browsing. Still located top of original post.

Edit: New Version "Cru 1.6.4 v1.0.1" is now online!
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update v1.0.2
lost all my updates notes...
new version has quite a few chances and bug fixes.
online now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey @Leomist, thanks for doing this.

Ok, first try and... Ouch. First, killed by an invisible spider < 5 mins into the game! Then, when I went to collect the clay, somehow I ended up with only 15 balls of clay. I scoured the place, above and below ground, mined out a ton of dust, but no luck on #16, so I'll have to start a new game I guess.

Starting next to a graveyard which was cut in half by a city was tough. The pigmen spawners kept me away even though there was all that tantalizing loot so close!

EDIT: Second world, same graveyard/etc. This time I only got 14 clay balls. Might need to fix that via a quest or enable cheats (or add one more block?) for the alpha/etc. because starting over at that point is bumming me out. :)

EDIT 2: I took the easy route, but I don't understand what the quest book is asking me to do with the sync shell and mining dust and logging out/etc., where it has some instructions on the right-hand page and the words "LOG OUT" on the left. Maybe make that part a bit more clear? Is there a specific place I'm to put the sync? A specific amount of dust to dig? etc.
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You're welcome,

i thought that i already changed it to the 14 clay, anyways i have updated the the quest book again so it should only require 14 clay as i have noticed also sometimes it doesn't drop the 16 before.

Basically if you ever see "NO ENVIRONMENT DATA" it means you have died, so you need to logout and back in again. to prevent that after using the sync shell if you log out it shouldn't happen. as for placement of the sync shell, it needs power, so put it where you have power.

the graveyard is sort of a glitchy thing, in my tests it spawned 70% of the time. the city should spawn 100% of the time. just be sure you have the latest download for v1.0.3 i am working on 1.0.4 depends on how much time i get today i should have it out by the end of today.

Happy Gaming


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Headed south, away from the graveyard, toward the 1/2 mound of dust. As I got closer, I saw some very small dust piles to left of the huge dune. I noticed that some of the blocks on the ground were sand. Let's just say what happened next nearly killed me. Was that on purpose?

Related to that, it seems like the placement and contents of the surrounding dunes is always the same. Granted, I've only gone out and dug them up in about 5 or 6 games, but each time they're the same. For example, I know exactly where to go to get that rare block of nickel dust. Is that be design? Will it change in future builds?

Just had an avoidable death on a game where I had made a lot of progress. Will wait for 1.0.4 before I start another.


Headed south, away from the graveyard, toward the 1/2 mound of dust. As I got closer, I saw some very small dust piles to left of the huge dune. I noticed that some of the blocks on the ground were sand. Let's just say what happened next nearly killed me. Was that on purpose?

the answer is both a yes and a no, the 1/2 dunes happen when to random ruins decide to spawn almost on top of each other, in your case, it spawned one with the sand and one with the large dune as soon as you caused a block update to the dune the physics kicked in probably near smothering you, and the update is going to throw a few extra surprises yourway. sand is usually an indication that something is there. because sand back in the day was not that highly valued so it was used as a place marker for buried hidden treasure, though over time pirates discovered this is started burying their own treasures usually in the form of an explosive. this would lure people in and blow them to kingdom come and then look their bodies. although sometimes it was just there to look nice. so a sand ruin can give a variety of interesting things. mostly it will give you just sand. more rarely it will give you buried treasure, then less rare it will be some sort of trap. Then there is the ultimate guarantee your going to die. all traps have a variety of explosive power. some will kill you by the explosion, some will kill you by the avalanche of dust smothering you.

It's a wasteland that also wants to kill you.

Related to that, it seems like the placement and contents of the surrounding dunes is always the same.
It should be random as you venture further from the spawn point. The dunes in the immediate area should be the same spawn, i originally wanted unique spawns though the ruins mod tracks it. some dunes have been told to spawn there. others just spawn there because they have a better chance to spawn. as you move outside of spawn there will be 100% random chance of anything.

i may try to make spawn a little more random, for some unknown reason in the update the graveyard no longer spawns though a farm house spawns in the opposite direction, the city should always spawn though not as close, it's spawn location may vary but will still be around that area.

I've been sick the last week, still am, so my production has slowed, my apologies about that, the trap is still not fully tested. sometimes it has done unpredictable things, but ultimately it is designed to kill you, so its all good. just let me know if there is any exploits created.. i'll try to push out the 1.0.4 tonight, ready or not.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey, no rush, get better first! :)

But now I'm really curious about what I can find by/near/under the sand. I don't _think_ I did anything to cause block updates other than walk near it. I didn't try to dig or place a block for example. I guess I'll have to try to be even stealthier...

One possible and very minor exploit: you can find sets of 4 glowstone emitters in some of the cities. Of course, they break really easily, but they don't require power.

Do you want feedback on the quests? Here is some anyway... Things like weird names ("Pick Your Surprise!" isn't on the quest with surprise bags, for example) and things like asking you to pick a reward when there's only one thing to pick. Seems like you should just not have a choice... Unless there's something I'm missing. (totally possible)

The dirty water quest seems weird, as you ask for a bottle of dirty water twice.

And the reward for turning in all those ore dust blocks is so small! The dusts themselves are worth way more than three one-shot batteries... :) Any chance you'll take another look at that one?

I've found myself almost never choosing reward bags now, as so far, the rewards are very weak.

If the graveyard is gone, it'll make it tougher starting out, for sure, without all those leaf blocks and wood to harvest. Can't imagine not having that H2O cushion to start out. ;)

By far the hardest thing to get in the beginning (to get into the rest of the quests via the getting dirt quest) is getting salt. Today it took me sifting 7 double compressed dusts before I got a single salt. Then after 12 more, I still hadn't gotten the two more needed for the zombie flesh quest. Almost like you swapped the drop rates for fish and salt.

Is it supposed to be so hard to harvest dust? Seems like you end up with a huge pit around your ship, or you end up running out into the dunes to harvest some. Just curious if that's the plan, or if I'm missing something obvious. Hating block physics.

So far, aside from the clay drop issue (which I haven't run into since I first mentioned it), I haven't run into any issues that weren't my own fault (accidentally doing crafting/etc. before making sure the quest book acknowledged it/etc.).

My last deaths were due to boredom with trying to collect dust, deciding to instead risk the city/etc.


Block updates are something you cant change, plus most traps will have a entity detector, that causes block updates and explosions.

I'll have to track down the glowstone emitters, so difficult to get them all, like friggin pokemon.

I have adapted a lot of the quests that were in the original quest book, and then some of them are redundant, like the dirty water, really, all it's there for is information, to make you read it, if you consider the quest book more of an informational guide you'll be better off.

the ore dust quest was updated in 1.0.4 to something more reasonable, it was a late entry in 1.0.3 and only had a basic reward.

reward bags, are supplementary, and they got nerfed a little, they are ok once you get the first few pointless rewards out of the way to deter people from choosing them. you will always get the lower tier rewards before anything else, once all lower tier are gone, you start getting higher tier. there is no real help in this environment. there is nothing that's going to make your life a lot easier.

the whole point is to make it barely survivable. i did want to keep the graveyard in though honestly, the ruins generator mod is a real pain in the ass, and i can't work out why it's not generating anymore, and now it's generating the farm nearby instead. so yeah..

salt and fish and everything has exactly the same drop chance as everything else. they all drop exactly the same, just unlucky i guess.

you can make salt water bottles. though without a furnace you cant cook the salt out. i'll add the salt water to the transposer, so you can extract the water from it and get salt as well as a most likely 90% for salt. you will loose some water in the process though.

still working on it.
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ok i have added a few qu

Qests modifications, and a few of the things already said. So, the ruins mod is now 100% randomized. you spawn in with only the city. the graveyard and farm are both gone, Seems the mod locked in old fixtures. not sure why it done that, but hopfully wont do it again

this was the original intended use for this anyway. I may add a specific spawn location for the farm and grave. To be honest i don't know why the grave and farm are now missing. it's a strange mod. I'll look into it further.

but for now, the quest book is updated.

the traps are built in now.

there is still a chance for the grave and farm to spawn in just as they did in my test world. hence why they where in the game, because i copy my test world files. but no idea why file is responsible for the grave and farm.

in anycase v1.04 is now online. i need some rest.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, trying 104!

Water is a bigger issue now... ;)

Something strange with the Contamination Field Breach quest at the beginning. I've tried three new games and each time I get to the part where you have to craft the oneshot batteries, I craft 8 as per the recipe, but I only get credit for crafting 3. I ran out of water before I got any redstone to try crafting them a second time. I didn't want to use the dirty water because I need it for the dirty water quest... Yeah, I could have survived, but I was trying to save the leaves for the transposer quest/etc. Figured it was easier to just start over since I hadn't gotten too far yet.

Will have to try again and see if maybe I'm doing something wrong.


Water is supposed to be an issue, though iv'e added a quest in to make it apparent to people how to get more bang for your buck so to speak for making your water last a little longer.

Quest mod does have a bug for example if you shift clicked. shift clicking the items out sometimes messes it up because it can't count them, just get into the habit when dealing with a crafting quest not to shift click. you'll probably find it works no problem..

This particular quest needs 8 because it's just to teach players how to make the one shot battery using hydrated coal to get 8 instead of the regular 5 using non hydrated coal.

The whole idea of cru is to just be a guide and sometimes give rewards.

Happy gaming
- Leomist


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yep, I think it was the shift-clicking that got me on that quest. Tried it again in my latest game and did it right.

Hope you don't think I'm complaining or nit-picking. Just sharing my state of mind as I play.

104 reset/overwrote my radar settings so now pigmen don't show up on the map. Have to figure out how to change that back asap. I'm sure it's in there somewhere, I'm probably looking right at it.


not at all mate, i send you a private message if you would like to add me on steam, i'm more than happy to discuss these things with you.