Creating the perfect mining world in mystcraft

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Or you could just spam a book with 15+ dense ores symbols and run like hell! Mine what you can, and then get out. I can usually last 60 minutes+ in such a world before having to port out with my modified linking book, during which I can get a CRAP load of ores.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Or you could just spam a book with 15+ dense ores symbols and run like hell! Mine what you can, and then get out. I can usually last 60 minutes+ in such a world before having to port out with my modified linking book, during which I can get a CRAP load of ores.

They do last that long? I only tried that once and when I got in, decay seemed to spread at 1 block/s ;-)

Maybe I was unlucky? Gotta try that again, since it seems like a more extreme version of what I was doing anyway.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Power? Redstone Energy Cells. Charge them up elsewhere, then use them for the quarries once they're full so you don't have to fuss about with power management. Not sure what MJ/t quarries need for max speed now though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You need either an enchanted pick or a mining laser and a pair of brass cojones to keep up with the corruption. As long as you can keep outrunning it, you do ok. I set up an Enderchest system for automatically charging ultimate lap packs, and I can pretty much go indefinitely. Yes, you miss a lot of ores, but with that many Dense Ores symbols, you will be getting more ore per second than any other system in the game as far as I can tell. Anyone feel free to correct me here...

Edit: Remember, corruption only starts once a chunk has been loaded. If you are constantly moving and loading new chunks, you can dig like hell and move on.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The problem with a quarry in a decaying age is not decay eating the quarry. The problem is decay eating all the ores before your quarry can get to them.

I also like to spam dense ores and play "outrun the armageddon". :) Kind of hard to get deep enough for diamonds and out in one piece, but for everything else up to and including iridium I don't think any other method beats it in yield times fun had.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That sounds really good actually. Gotta charge mah lazer!

I read that Quarries go up to 50MJ/t. I have yet to dabble in redstone energy cells. I love thermal expansion though (i avoided it previously, dunno why, probably because i liked ic2 more). Although upgrades to the machines would be really nice. IC² with advanced machines still beats TE when it comes down to pure speed.

For quarries i also want to check out the blulectric engines that were added with the recent RedPower release.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The problem with a quarry in a decaying age is not decay eating the quarry. The problem is decay eating all the ores before your quarry can get to them.

I also like to spam dense ores and play "outrun the armageddon". :) Kind of hard to get deep enough for diamonds and out in one piece, but for everything else up to and including iridium I don't think any other method beats it in yield times fun had.

I typically just dig down at an angle first thing, and just mine like hell. Gets me out of any surface based effects, and gets me to the good stuff pretty quick. Also, I like your "outrun the armageddon" title for it. I think I'll steal it for future use. :)

They say that the definition of originality is the ability to conceal one's sources. If Guido comes knocking at your door this week, let him in. He's a great guy!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Interesting discussion! Firstly, in a stable myst world is there a way to create a world with the starting layer at around 64? I made a flatland plains one for a quarry, but the ground level is 89! Unsurprisingly I now have enough scrap from all the cobble and dirt to keep my MF running til next Christmas but not a lot of anything else except some coal and apatite :/ . I see many recommend the mushroom biome, is this level 64 by default or is that 89 as well?

Regarding the dense ore world gens, Abdiel's comment above is a good one about the decay eating the ores before the quarry can get to them - something I hadn't considered tbh, but thinking outside of the box, I'm wondering about the BC filler and whether you could set up the frame quick enough for it to clear out a sizeable area before the decay gets to you? Anyone that watches Etho will have seen how fast his harvests the blocks and you could just toss away the ores you don't want on the ground and keep the ones you do. However, one potential issue I can foresee with this idea is the lava which would cause you a lot of problems if you have it running upwards, especially if it hits a big lava lake. Is there a mystcraft world gen that doesn't have any lava??


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I tried a world with 15 dense ore symbols and it worked! The world only survived for about 10 minutes and I had MASSIVE lag because of the mining laser, but getting out with three stacks of diamonds was worth it :)

I now have enough scrap from all the cobble and dirt to keep my MF running til next Christmas but not a lot of anything else except some coal and apatite :/
I have the same problem with my 64x64 quarry... It has already filled 3 diamond chests with junk before spitting out anything useful heh....

But you can always mine down yourself and place the quarry underground at the desired level... I think I am going to do that actually.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
GregTech Rubies, Sapphires, and Green Sapphires, but that's no big deal with Redpower 2 included. I'm not sure how Sulfur generation is controlled, whether that's biome specific or not.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I tried a world with 15 dense ore symbols and it worked! The world only survived for about 10 minutes and I had MASSIVE lag because of the mining laser, but getting out with three stacks of diamonds was worth it :)

I have the same problem with my 64x64 quarry... It has already filled 3 diamond chests with junk before spitting out anything useful heh....

But you can always mine down yourself and place the quarry underground at the desired level... I think I am going to do that actually.

The mining laser annoys me for the simple reason that you can't take out the line at foot level unless you angle it down (or dig down a level). This then creates progress issues as you keep having jump up out of holes. I guess you could clear out an area at eye level all around you then jump up a block and do it again for a 2 high space, but it's rather cumbersome when you have decay chomping at your arse.

That's an interesting suggestion re the quarry, I think I'll have to give that a try. The only issue I see is the time it takes for the quarry to clear out the blocks where it needs to put the frame. Even with a circuit board overclocker thingy they do like to take their time doing that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Regarding the dense ore world gens, Abdiel's comment above is a good one about the decay eating the ores before the quarry can get to them - something I hadn't considered tbh, but thinking outside of the box, I'm wondering about the BC filler and whether you could set up the frame quick enough for it to clear out a sizeable area before the decay gets to you?

I am pretty sure that even when purely the speed of breaking blocks is considered, no automated method* comes anywhere close to digging in a straight line with a diamond drill, laser, or even a decently enchanted pick. Add caves, cherry-picking valuable ores, and silk touch maceration of minerals, and it's not even really a contest. From experience I can fill up a woven backpack with valuable ores (no copper/tin/iron/gold, obviously no rocks) in about an hour or less.

* Except for a supermassive frame quarry, or MFFS block breakers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Isn't that what the Horizontal Mode is for?

Theoretically yes, but as I said, it doesn't work like that because the laser fires from head height. You can do perfectly straight lines at head height but you can't move anywhere until you remove the blocks at knee height which can't be done in straight line when the laser fires from your head.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am pretty sure that even when purely the speed of breaking blocks is considered, no automated method* comes anywhere close to digging in a straight line with a diamond drill, laser, or even a decently enchanted pick. Add caves, cherry-picking valuable ores, and silk touch maceration of minerals, and it's not even really a contest. From experience I can fill up a woven backpack with valuable ores (no copper/tin/iron/gold, obviously no rocks) in about an hour or less.

* Except for a supermassive frame quarry, or MFFS block breakers.

Having just tried the filler on 'clear' mode, I agree. I fired up an electric engine hooked up to a lapatron pack fuelled MFSU to power the filler and I was actually really surprised at how slow it was. Maybe I missed something from Etho's vid but his was clearing out full layers in about 20-30 seconds whereas mine was taking at least that just to do one single row of a layer. Out of curiosity, I wonder what the best thing is to power them and how fast you can get them to go? But I think all things considered, just running straight in with an effy 4/5 diamond pick and some storage bags/ender pouch would probably be the best way. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Theoretically yes, but as I said, it doesn't work like that because the laser fires from head height. You can do perfectly straight lines at head height but you can't move anywhere until you remove the blocks at knee height which can't be done in straight line when the laser fires from your head.

This is not correct. I use this mode all the time. Whichever block you are pointing at determines the height of the horizontal laser beam. Just right-click the head-height block and then the knee-height block in front of you and run. The only thing that can bog you down at that point is sand/gravel falling in your way.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Having just tried the filler on 'clear' mode, I agree. I fired up an electric engine hooked up to a lapatron pack fuelled MFSU to power the filler and I was actually really surprised at how slow it was. Maybe I missed something from Etho's vid but his was clearing out full layers in about 20-30 seconds whereas mine was taking at least that just to do one single row of a layer. Out of curiosity, I wonder what the best thing is to power them and how fast you can get them to go? But I think all things considered, just running straight in with an effy 4/5 diamond pick and some storage bags/ender pouch would probably be the best way. :)
The Electric Engine doesn't get faster from a greater power supply. It only gets faster, to a limited extent, from circuit board upgrades. Etho was using multiple biogas engines, making his setup far faster.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For the filler:
Grab a bunch of redstone energy cells and plop them down beside the filler. Max speed guaranteed :)

btw: Are there any faster ways than just running around to collect all the falling goodies without the NEI-cheating magnet mode?