Whitelist Server CrazyCraft - Ultimate - White list - No Banned Items 24/7 - Keep items on death

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Whitelist Application:.
How often will you play? 22/7
Have you ever been banned?Why?never been banned
Age 12
Country Canada
Timezone: Est
How often will I play, As much as I can I have school and stuff :)
Have I ever been banned. Nope. I always try not to bug people to much.
Skype: I don't have 1 :( it doesn't run on my comp.
In-Game Name: musicman148
Age: 16
Country: USA
Time Zone: Central time
How often will you play? Daily
Skype? Yes, pm me for the name
Have you ever been banned? Why? No i have not.
In-Game Name: nibbles872
Age: 14 1/2
Country: England
Time Zone: GMT
How often will you play? As often as my friend is on
Skype? Yes - killercroc18
Have you ever been banned? Why? I've only ever been banned when my server got hacked

I'm applying for my friend too (me^^My friend V V)

In-Game Name: spikearse99
Age: 14
Country: England
Time Zone: GMT
How often will you play? Whenever my friend is on
Skype? Yes - spikearse99
Have you ever been banned? No - Hopefully not in the future either
In-Game Name:cromaxjacob
Time Zone:MST
How often will you play? i will play alot since i love crazycraft and ive been serching for a server for a long time but never found one, well i did but they didnt work
Skype? cromax jacob
Have you ever been banned? Why?only from my friends server because well idk he just realy hates me :/
In-Game Name: ButterAwesome35
Age: 17
Country: Michigan
Time Zone: Mid-West
How often will you play? A lot because I can't get onto any other FTB servers and I'm REALLY excited to play!!!!
Skype? Maybe in the near future...
Have you ever been banned? No.
In-Game Name: Boratanoim
Age: 19
Country: Australia
Time Zone: EST
How often will you play? 9 hours a day
Skype? Joel.fugguson
Have you ever been banned? Why No I have not been banned
In-Game Name:Awesome84155
Country:United States
Time Zone:EST
How often will you play? Maybe around once a day.
Skype?Daon Peterkin
Have you ever been banned? Why? No I not been banned.
Last edited:
In-Game Name: Tsunami_Miyamoto
Age: 12 but i act like im 15 o3o im not too childish
Country: USA
Time Zone: Central american time zone o3o (im in Wisconsin)
How often will you play? as much as possible manly on weekends a little bit during the weekdays
Skype? (tell you in secret o3o)
Have you ever been banned? Why? nope o3o
and if your still looking for admins i would be a great one because i hate people who dont follow the rules and if they break the most important rules i will take care of it imediatly because i want players to have a really good time![DOUBLEPOST=1397782878][/DOUBLEPOST]also i have alot of experience o3o
In-Game Name: Mike0090
Age: 15
Country: USA
Time Zone: CST
How often will you play? Most days, but I may not be here during weekends, I go to my mother's house usually.
Skype? mikedragon500 On pretty often, Mic&Webcam
Have you ever been banned? Why? nope =3

Thanks for taking time to read this ~Michael
in-Game Name: trozza12
Age: 15
Country: AUS
Time Zone: GMT+/--10:00
How often will you play? Probaly a lot, I would have to see on my school work
Skype? no but can get if need be
In-Game Name: Corgi_Lover123
Country: United States
Time Zone: Central
How often will you play? I'm homeschooled so... everyday if i must
Skype? garrett.fincer18
Have you ever been banned? Why? Nope. Also have ran a server via mcprohosting.
In-Game Name:Fortis
Time Zone:I don't know :P
Skype? no but i will if needed
Have you ever been banned? Why? never been ban I have run my own server once and it turned out well but had to shut it down due to lack of funds but i do know how to run a server pretty well.
Fortisxd3.No banned.
In game name:ClaireBearKitty
Time Zone:Eastern
How often will you play:Reagulary
skype:Gaming Team Masccot) Dah Wolf Dragon
Have you ever been banned:Yes,ON MY OWN SERVER,my friend got mad at me so we had a ban war
We are a completely new server! We are a very friendly server! We run 24/7! We'd love for you to apply! Mods will soon be added when we get more Moderators!


Be respectful to the staff and other players
No hacking/glitching/cheating
No racism or other offensive remarks.
This is a mature server so please keep the cursing and foul language to a little.
No griefing/stealing/finders keepers. If it is questionable then contact a staff member.
Please do not ask for items, we generally will do lots contests, often to assist you.
Chunk loaders are allowed, but we require them to be removed/turned off before you go offline

Whitelist Application:
All applications are researched heavily. Be honest or you will be denied. I will PM people who are accepted.
In-Game Name: PurpleFrogGD
Country:United States
Time Zone:EST
How often will you play?About 1 time per day for an hour or more
Skype?i dont have one probally should get it
Have you ever been banned? Why?No never

Server specifications:
Location of data center:
Chicago, USA
85 Players
SSD: Unlimited

Connection: 100/100
Disabled mods: Mystcraft (Maybe)

All whitelist applications will be processed as soon as possible or within a few hours of your request!
We do ask that you keep RP2 timers above .8 (We won't ban you if you don't) and sparingly use any type of chunk loader. Please keep in mind that chunk loaders will unload when you log off.
In-Game Name:MCPokeguy
Time Zone:Mountain Time
How often will you play? A lot and I mean at least 1 hour a day.
Skype? Yes, it also has the same user name as my In-Game Name
Have you ever been banned? Why? No, not once.
In-Game Name: chriszack567
Age: 15
Country: United States of America
Time Zone: EST
How often will you play? i play very often with friend especially
Skype? chipmunksftw1
Have you ever been banned? Why? i have never been banned from anything ever.
Whitelist Application:
All applications are researched heavily. Be honest or you will be denied. I will PM people who are accepted.
In-Game Name: Lexisurate
Age: 14
Country: Korea
Time Zone: (UTC+09:00)
How often will you play? About once a day
Skype? Waddles. Just type in [email protected]
Have you ever been banned? Why? Never cuz I'm to good for that.
Hi my name is alex and ever since i downloaded crazycraft i have been wanting to play all day but i cant find any servers :( then i found this and was hoping you will accept me to play on this server all i want to do is have fun

Age: 12
Country: usa
Time zone: est
How often i will play is nearly everyday
Skype: will only message you on the server because people can see. Just to be safe
Have i ever been banned well yes but i was reporting an admin that was hacking and that admin banned me[DOUBLEPOST=1403587524][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hi my name is alex and ever since i downloaded crazycraft i have been wanting to play all day but i cant find any servers :( then i found this and was hoping you will accept me to play on this server all i want to do is have fun

Age: 12
Country: usa
Time zone: est
How often i will play is nearly everyday
Skype: will only message you on the server because people can see. Just to be safe
Have i ever been banned well yes but i was reporting an admin that was hacking and that admin banned me
Ingame name: alex_da_pro11
In-Game Name: ReMiXLeGeNdS
Age: 17
Country: PA, USA
Time Zone: eastern
How often will you play? 24/7
Skype? frank <3333 email [email protected]
Have you ever been banned? NO Why? CUZ I ONE OF THE BEST/NICEST/UNRUDE/MOST HELPFUL players you'll evr meet plz send m a ssage on Skype if I am requested