[Crash Report Help]MekanismInduction.

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Tristam Izumi

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, just at a guess, having never used that mod before, it looks like a tile entity of some sort tried to make a graphical effect of an "electric bolt", but it created a null pointer exception instead.

Tristam Izumi

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hm...no idea what that meant but thanks for reply. :)
Well, hopefully your issue has been resolved, but I'll still try to explain what I said. I obviously just described the symptoms of your error and not the cause, so keep that in mind.

Well, just at a guess, having never used that mod before, it looks like a tile entity of some sort tried to make a graphical effect of an "electric bolt", but it created a null pointer exception instead.
A tile entity is the "extra data" stored in a block. It's how chests, furnaces, and the like can have inventories and can do things. It's also how various blocks like end portal blocks have graphical effects. You can read more about vanilla tile entities here.

So when looking at that crash report, we see that the crash is in reference to a "Ticking tile entity", which means that it crashed when a tile entity tried to do something. Just to cover all the bases, a "tick" in Minecraft is one game cycle, and optimally, 20 ticks happen every second. You can read more about ticks here.

Now back to the report. So the report is telling us that tile entity crashed when it tried to tick. We have to read further to get a better idea of what it was. The next bit we read says we're dealing with a "NullPointerException", which is Java's way of saying it was expecting something and got nothing in return. Ok, we guessed something was wrong when you crashed. It's the next few lines that tie everything together; the next three lines mention "mekanism.induction.client.FXElectricBolt.". So the source of your null pointer exception (and thus your crash) came from a tile entity trying to make a graphical effect called "FXElectricBolt". So to (hopefully) stat it plainly, the game crashed because something went wrong when trying to generate a graphical effect for one of the blocks that Mekanism Induction added.

This is where my lack of knowledge of Mekanism Induction made things harder for me, since I had no clue what block (and thus tile entity) from that mod would have a lightning bolt-style graphic attached to it, and that there had been a fix for the bug in a later version. But I still hope this further explanation of what I said is somewhat helpful for you.
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