Crafting Guide—the step-by-step guide to make anything in Minecraft—With Multiblocks!

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Andrew Miner

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A few more updates to report! First, now your preferences for which mods are active and whether tools are included
will be remembered between visits. Second, I've finished adding support for Thermal Expansion 4. The crafting algorithm
doesn't yet taken into account the ore-doubling/tripling machinery, but all the recipes for the entire mod are present
and functional. I'll work on using the machines in a future update. Next up: IC2 Experimental!

Andrew Miner

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've just finished adding support for the latest version of Industrial Craft (2.2.663 on the experimental branch). I've
also updated the site to let you select the version you're using.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've just finished adding support for the latest version of Industrial Craft (2.2.663 on the experimental branch). I've
also updated the site to let you select the version you're using.
I think you would have a much easier time of doing this if you got the recipes dynamically. Kinda like how ProjectE does to determine EMC value.
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Andrew Miner

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think you would have a much easier time of doing this if you got the recipes dynamically. Kinda like how ProjectE does to determine EMC value.

I agree, but I don't really know enough about Minecraft modding to do it myself. I'd love it if someone were able to cook up a little export mod for me. :) I currently use NEI to dump the item list and images using the "Item Panel" dump, so I suspect it wouldn't be hard for someone to tamper with it a bit to come up with the recipe data as well. Any volunteers?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I agree, but I don't really know enough about Minecraft modding to do it myself. I'd love it if someone were able to cook up a little export mod for me. :) I currently use NEI to dump the item list and images using the "Item Panel" dump, so I suspect it wouldn't be hard for someone to tamper with it a bit to come up with the recipe data as well. Any volunteers?
You could look at the ProjectE code
Find the method that assigns EMC value and you should be set on how to do it. Maybe a little bit of tweaking as far as what the end recursion case and some other things are, but otherwise it should be pretty similar

Andrew Miner

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just pushed up a big new feature! Now, each Mod has a dedicated page of its own which lists all the items available
in that mod. Clicking on an item will take you to the crafting guide for that item. It's super fast to switch back and
forth to explore the items in any given mod. This is the first of many steps for the new mod pages, so keep an eye out
for more to come!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just pushed up a big new feature! Now, each Mod has a dedicated page of its own which lists all the items available
in that mod. Clicking on an item will take you to the crafting guide for that item. It's super fast to switch back and
forth to explore the items in any given mod. This is the first of many steps for the new mod pages, so keep an eye out
for more to come!
Did you figure out the dynamic assignment?

Andrew Miner

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Did you figure out the dynamic assignment?

Meaning building the recipes from a mod? No, I haven't looked into it yet. Thanks for the tip, though! I've added a task to my queue to look into it. I'm thinking it would probably be best to somehow use the code you pointed me to from within NEI's dump facility. There are a few other things I want to tackle first, though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I really don't understand why this idea isn't getting more followers, I found it fantastic.
An offline version anyway could help those who don't have an internet connection.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think I know why it's not that popular. The constantly shifting and changing mod environment keeps adding new things leading this application to not be robust enough to cater to mod players needs.
I'm sure the effort put in to this project is immense and that it's Vanilla functionality is top mark but as far as mods go the selection of 5 mods is rather meager considering the bloated nature of modded minecraft today.

Also how could this application keep up with all the recipes that use custom crafting benches. I.e QED from Extra Utilities, the work table from RoC or the Arcane Worktable from Thaumcraft.
Then there are the mods that don't use classic crafting mechanics, say you want to figure out the mats for an undiluted Botania mana pool. Our human brains say the cost is simply 5 stone and mana becasue that's what we see. But how's a program going to be told livingstone is just stone?
Then you have another problem of sourcing materials for the crafting steps. Say you want to make a stone brick; In vanilla there's only two ways to get the stone, mine the cobble and smelt or silk touch pick, but in modded Minecraft you have other options, for e.g you could use an igneous extruder to get the smooth stone.
Getting a program to realize this from simple NEI dumps might be tricky. Even NEI it's self has this problem, you tend to need plugins added to it to get full functionality in the case a modder has introduced a new whacky crafting mechanic. The NEI author, the modder introducing the mechanic or a 3rd party needs to make NEI work with the new mechanic.
Making an all encompassing external application for plotting out mat cost and crafting plans sounds nothing more then a logistical nightmare. Then we ask the question of whether you want it to work with MineTweak'ed and ModTweak'ed instances.

So you have on one hand the long arduous task of manually setting the values for every crafting recipe or the mind bendingly complicated dynamic method.

Andrew Miner

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just pushed up another big update! This one adds detail pages for each item from each mod. These detail pages show:

  • the item's basic information (name, icon, ...)
  • a link to the item's full crafting plan
  • the list of all recipes for that item
  • the list of all items it can be used to make
  • the list of all similar items

All of this gives you an extensive reference of related items and recipes. Check it out by seeing what you can do with
a Diamond!

Andrew Miner

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I really don't understand why this idea isn't getting more followers...

I've really only been working on it seriously for a month or so, and things are looking quite good, actually. :)

I think I know why it's not that popular...

You're right that it's a big task to get all the data in, and that there are a ton of mods out there. NEI is awesome, and for most mods you really don't need anything more than that. However, there are a few mods which have such complex crafting recipes that you really need help in figuring out crafting plans. Naturally, those are the mods I've started with. Once you've narrowed the field that far, you realize that they just don't change that often, and it's very little work to update the data files which drive Crafting Guide, so it's pretty manageable. At some point, I'll get around to creating an extension to NEI to dump the data I need, and that will make it even easier.

Andrew Miner

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This recipedumper mod might help you, it's for 1.7.10 and can use a command inside the game to dump all registered recipes.

Great find! The format is pretty far from what I'd need for Crafting Guide, and it doesn't seem to support all the extra crafting possibilities added by specialty machines (e.g., the IC2 Macerator), but it is certainly be a huge step in the right direction. Thanks for bringing that to my attention! Now only if the author is willing to take it just a bit further... ;-)

Andrew Miner

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just released another exciting update for Crafting Guide! This update adds a lot of small tweaks and adjustments to
the site's animations and some performance enhancements, but the big news is an enhanced crafting algorithm and
Railcraft support!

The new crafting algorithm, instead of using the first available recipe for any given item, will now choose the recipe
which is most effecient at producing that item. In other words, if you have a Macerator, it will be smart enough to use
it. It is also smart about using machines like the Block Cutting Machine to make plates. And, as an extra bonus, it's
about twice as fast as the old algorithm.

With Railcraft support not only comes the huge richness of that mod, but the first multi-block structures in Crafting
Guide. For example, check out how to make a Blast Furnace!

Andrew Miner

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Another big release for Crafting Guide! This time, I've been working on the navigation of the site itself. You'll now
see a small navigation bar at the top of each page which both tells you where you are as well as letting you jump to
another location. This make the whole item/mod-browsing part of the site much more visible, and simplifies the crafting
page a bit. There's even a real home page with a change log!

Andrew Miner

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's been a while, but I just posted some new stuff for Crafting Guide. First, a volunteer took on the rather daunting
task of adding Forestry support! It's all there in all its glorious plethora of species. Major kudos to Sheldon Griffin
for making it happen.

Second, I've just finished the coding to majorly improve the item pages. Now, its possible to add a markdown description
of the item (including images) as well as videos for each item. Of course, actually filling in the content is a whole
different kettle of fish. The Buildcraft guys have generously given me permission to copy in their content, so I'm
going to be busy doing that for a while. However, you can see the finished product for the
Advanced Crafting Table. More to come!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is so useful! Instead of constantly checking materials to make some quantum armor, I could just check! Bookmarked!