Whitelist Server CraftBeast|Ultimate Pack|Whitelist|24/7|New Server!|90 Slots! |Nice Community|Updated!

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
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In-Game Username: Rulerxx
Age: 15
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: No i have not.
If Yes, why? N/A
How often can you play?: 2-3 hours daily
What is the secret word?: Sponges!
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: Pretty much all there is to know, except for the new stuff
FTB Experience?: Highly Advanced
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak?: Yes
Will you follow ALL of our rules? Yes, this is the reason i have not been banned before
Why do you want to join CraftBeast?: Because i would like a good server to play on
What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: Just some more experience and entertainment mostly.
What will you be bringing to our server?: A lot of knowledge of FTB so i would be able to help others
If you are accepted, How do you plan on integrating with the community?: By living near others and helping others where needed and maybe even making a small community
Any questions you would like to ask: Is anything banned other than nukes and limited mystcraft?
Additional Information?: No, not really.
  • In-Game Username: SSM121
    Age: 15

    Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: No i have not.
    If Yes, why? N/A
    How often can you play?: 1-2 hours daily
    What is the secret word?: Sponges!
    Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: Pretty much all there is to know, except for the new stuff
    FTB Experience?: Pretty good
  • Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak?: Yes
    Will you follow ALL of our rules? Yes, this is the reason i have not been banned before
    Why do you want to join CraftBeast?: I want a server with a community
  • What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: Just some more experience and a good community
    What will you be bringing to our server?: A good spirit and experience
  • If you are accepted, How do you plan on integrating with the community?: By living near others and doing group activities
    Any questions you would like to ask: can i record for Youtube?
  • Additional Information?: No, not really.
IGN: halomurderer
Age: Under 15, but I don't like giving specific info about myself
Banned: No, never
When I can play: Nearly every day
Secret word: Sponges
Vanilla experience: Much, I am advanced
FTB experience: Somewhat, I know IC2 and some Buildcraft, Thaumcraft, and RedPower
Microphone: Sorry, none
Follow rules: Yeah, unless they change
Why join?: I have been looking for a server where I can have fun, not run into banned items, and where not everyone is a jerk.
What to gain?: Mainly Ultimate pack experience and fun.
What to bring?: I can make good-looking things that still serve a purpose and will share freely
Any questions?: Not really, but are the people nice?
Additional Info: I will not rage or cuss, I am not going to grief, and I can make friends.
  • Ingame name: Bjonnhy
  • Age: 18
  • Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server: No
  • How often can you play: Dayly
  • What is the secret word: Sponges
  • Vanilla Minecraft Experience: Loads on loads. Started in early indev. Played since.
  • FTB Experience: experience with most of the mobs, before slowpoke even though of making an modpack.
  • Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak: Yes, but I don't usually use TS.
  • Will you follow ALL of our rules?: Yes, of corse. You would probably kick/ban me otherwise ;)
  • Why do you want to join CraftBeast?: Want to play with my friend: thehydrogen3.
  • What are you looking for to gain from playing on our server?: Fun times I guess :)
  • What will you be bringing to our server?: A positive, helpful and experienced behavior.
  • If you are accepted, how do you plan on integrating with the community?: By picking on this Q. "How to you" is wrong spelled. Trololo! (no offence)
  • Any Q's you would like to ask?: Not rly.
  • Additional Information: Looking foraward to getting to know you! My friend told me about this fine server, and I though I'd join. And yeah, love them slang!
In-Game Username:bboykadaj
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?:No
If Yes, why?-----
How often can you play?:4-5 hours day
What is the secret word?:Sponges!
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?:Yes
FTB Experience?:Yes, but 1.2.5 - 1.3.2, starting 1.4.7 now
Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak?: Yes, but idk speak english fluent
Will you follow ALL of our rules? Yes
Why do you want to join CraftBeast?: i like play with mods and looking for a good community, single is boring.
What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?:Knowledge
What will you be bringing to our server?:I dont know
If you are accepted, How to you plan on integrating with the community?:I dont talk much, but if someone wants help or talk, be free
Any questions you would like to ask:The server has a town?
Additional Information?:Nop
In-Game Username:
18 will be 19 next week.

Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: No, when I play on a server I Always follow the set rules
Because that makes the game more enjoyable for everyone, even Admins :)

How often can you play?
Well, it really depends, you can't really say how often you can play, but on a good day 10+ hours :) and some days maybe only 1 hour. But I'm almost on everyday

What is the secret word?:
I read in the Mystcraft rules that the secret world is Sponges

Vanilla Minecraft Experience?:
ohh man, i've been on an off since the very beginning

FTB Experience?:
I must admit i have absolutely no FTB experience, however I have a lifetime of Tekkit experience :)

Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak?:
Yes I do have a microphone

Will you follow ALL of our rules? Yes I will follow all rules.

Why do you want to join CraftBeast?:
I mainly want to join CraftBeast because it's a server with large capacity, and that means there will be mininal lagg, no one likes lagg,
and it looks ok :)

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?:
Heh, what can you really gain from playing a server? maybe learn how to waste more time, kidding aside, i love experimenting with mods, so thats what i will be doing :) so what I'm saying, learning new mods.

What will you be bringing to our server?:
First, I'll bring a new player ;) Second, i guess ill bring my good mood and really horrible jokes :p.

If you are accepted, How to you plan on integrating with the community?:
Before posting this i joined your Forums, planned to apply there, but didn't really find the place to apply.
I'll try and be active in the chat, but mostly I'm a quiet Builder.

Any questions you would like to ask:
When can i start nolife? ;)

Additional Information?:
Guess I could introduce myself,
My name is Knut I live in a country known as Norway.
What i do in my spare time is work on my Volvo 850 T5-R Currently 500Bhp, looking to get 1000 out of it.
In-Game Username:Kaifas_


Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?:im pretty sure

If Yes, why?

How often can you play?:3-5h per day

What is the secret word?:Sponges

Vanilla Minecraft Experience?:half of year of experience

FTB Experience?:around half of year of experience

Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak?:yes

Will you follow ALL of our rules?Yes

Why do you want to join CraftBeast?:bescause i want to play on an server and this one looks pretty cool

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: fun and friends

What will you be bringing to our server?:i have basic experience of almost each mod and can help out new players

If you are accepted, How to you plan on integrating with the community?:Being helpful and fun

Any questions you would like to ask:nope

Additional Information?:
In-Game Username: Timcakes

Age: 14

Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: Nope

If Yes, why? N/A

How often can you play?: Almost Everyday if not everyday.

What is the secret word?: Sponges (Its in the MystCraft Rules)

Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: I've Been playing Vanilla since Minecraft was in In-Dev

FTB Experience?: First played FTB on the night where slowpoke streamed the release and nobody could play because the Minecraft login servers were down. So From the very start.

Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak?: Yes. I invested £100 into a Blue Yeti mic, and another £100 for a mic stand and radius shock mount.

Will you follow ALL of our rules? I don't see why not they are very reasonable rules.

Why do you want to join CraftBeast?: I want to play with active people to meet new friends who enjoy FTB as much as i do.

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: I am looking to gain some new friends who have the same interests as i do. Those being mostly FTB, CStrike : Source and programming.

What will you be bringing to our server?: I will be bringing my advanced knowledge of all the mods so if anyone doesn't know what a block or item does i can tell them. Ooh i almost forgot, I will be bringing my awesomeness along with me.

If you are accepted, How to you plan on integrating with the community?: I Will be in the Teamspeak. I will also post in the ClanVortex Fourms if needed

Any questions you would like to ask: Nope i think thats all.

Additional Information?: Why am i mature? Personally i don't find myself to be your average 14 year old kid. I have a huge interest programming i can write HTML, PHP, Java, Javascript, VB.net/C++, Arduino and CSS but i still have a thirst for learning more languages.
In-Game Username:
Sirstas ( But i go by Stas )

Age: 33

Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: No

If Yes, why?

How often can you play?: I am a disabled vet so i have lots of time to play more than 10 hours on most days.

What is the secret word?:

Vanilla Minecraft Experience?:Not much

FTB Experience?: About 2 months, I went right to FTB d oto my draw to all the mods.

Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak?: Yes

Will you follow ALL of our rules? Yes

Why do you want to join CraftBeast?: Looking for a good server to be a part of. The last server i was on was not the same aver they did a restart.

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: Lots of fun and meeting good builders to build with.

What will you be bringing to our server?:Willing to help out when i can but i am still learning a good part of the mods. I have a good handle on the ones i enjoy to use and will exploring new ones.

If you are accepted, How to you plan on integrating with the community?: In any form i can i enjoy being part of a group.

Any questions you would like to ask:

Additional Information?:
In-Game Username: Chilldude333
Age: 24
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: Nope
If Yes, why? N/A
How often can you play?: I usually play about 2+ hours a day. Its how I wind down after a day of work
What is the secret word?: Sponges
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: Played since beta, can't exactly recall which version
FTB Experience?: About 6months+ After playing FTB I can't make myself go back to vanilla. I've been playing on another server and we've kind of hit end game and the server is now deserted.

Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak?: Yup (Even have my own mumble server as well)
Will you follow ALL of our rules? Yup. Rules are there for a reason.
Why do you want to join CraftBeast?: I've been playing on another server for a while and its kind of died. I'm looking for an active server, people I can talk to while playing, solve problems with and help out.
All in all, I'm trying to just join an active server that I can be a part of.
What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: Community that I can help out with and be a part of.
What will you be bringing to our server?: I have a decent amount of problem shooting experience with technical builds. I'm all for helping others out, and I'll be an active player.
If you are accepted, How to you plan on integrating with the community?: Helping out around the server (once I'm able to get infrastructure put up). I'm all for community builds as long as there is some direction to them.
Any questions you would like to ask: 2 Major questions for me personally:
1. Is there a mining age or anything of that sort?
2. Chunkloaders. Would I be allowed atleast 1 for my base for automation sake? I have plans for like a community accessible liquids system, but without a chunk loader, that'd be kind of hard.

Additional Information?:

In-Game Username: Feedthejordan
Age: 18
Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: Nope
If Yes, why?
How often can you play?: lets just say, i have alot of free time....
What is the secret word?: Sponges
Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: Alot :L but havent played vanilla in a long while since FTB
FTB Experience?: About 6months+ After playing FTB I can't make myself go back to vanilla.

I used to play on your DW20 Server as Amr0 with Jarradw
my minecraft or FTB account name is jkl543 im 12 ive n from a minecraft server . I can play on any day of week for at least 2 hours . The word is sponges . I have one saved file of vanilla mincraft . I ve played FTB for a couple of days . I dont have mic but I can buy one in the next week or so . I will follow all the rules . I want to craftbeast because public servers have to much greifing and stealing . I plan to have a lot of fun playing the modpack and meet some new people who are interested in the same game as mine and have fun playing on the server with them .
  • Minecraft Username: cocoaguy
  • Age: 13 but am quite mature i do not joke inappropriately say rude things to anyone i am not sexist racist or homophobic and will not judge anyone by gay different gender or different colour (im Canadian btw)
  • Have you been banned before?: Never
  • Secret word: Sponges!
  • Will you follow all of our rules: Yes i will
  • Why should we whitelist you: because i really want to be part of a server and i am very friendly and i like to help others.
  • Can you be part of the community? Yes I can i will help people and build things to help people and i am very good with all of the mods (except gregtech)
In-Game Username: Two people. Angelswag and Red_scare

Age: 18, 21

Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?: Not to my knowledge

If Yes, why?

How often can you play?: Probably everyday, more or less depends on my plans for the week, although I plan on going out of state around June 20th for a few weeks. Red_scare will be playing a bit less because he isn't a bum like me and works.

What is the secret word?: Sponges

Vanilla Minecraft Experience?: About two years, same with Red_scare

FTB Experience?: A year, I've been keeping up to date with mods from people like the Minecrackers and Direwolf20

Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak?: Yes both of us do.

Will you follow ALL of our rules? Of course, a silly question.

Why do you want to join CraftBeast?: Summer can be quite boring so I have been looking for a time sink as well a place where I can do community projects.

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?: Entertainment

What will you be bringing to our server?: HAM mode like you've never seen before.

If you are accepted, How to you plan on integrating with the community?: Giving free milk to everybody I come into contact with.

Any questions you would like to ask:

Additional Information?: I like bears, they're powerful, me too.
  • Minecraft Username: D0unutMan
  • Age: 17
  • Have you been banned before?: No i have not and i have been on many servers
  • Secret word: Sponges (Insert Patrick meme)
  • Will you follow all of our rules?: Yes, to the end of time
  • Why should we whitelist you: I have been playing on many servers but most end up imploding from poor community of admin teams and I hope that this server can be different and stand out from the rest!
  • Can you be part of the community? Yes, i play well with others and I can be very helpful to others that need it.
  • How often can you play?: I can play every day since its summer
  • Additional Information.: If the server ever needs new mods or admins I have been a mod before on both a vanilla and modded servers with some coding knowledge.
  • Minecraft Username: Roufous_808
  • Age: (15+ Younger players that are mature are fine) 14
  • Have you been banned before?:No
  • Secret word: Sponges!
  • Will you follow all of our rules?: Yes, i will.
  • Why should we whitelist you: I would like to be whitelisted because i bring extensive knowledge of the direwolf20 pack and i like to build minecraft inventions.
  • Can you be part of the community? I would love to be part of a closed server community and i dont think i would cause any pproblems.
In-Game Username:

15 (Almost 16)

Have you ever been banned from any type of Minecraft server?:

If Yes, why?

How often can you play?:
I can usually play for 1-3 hours every night, depending on how much work I have to do after school.

What is the secret word?:
Sponges! (It's in the Mystcraft information place.)

Vanilla Minecraft Experience?:
I played vanilla for about 1.5 years. I currently play FTB, as well as on a bukkit minigame server.

FTB Experience?:
I have been playing ever since it came out. Before that, i played tekkit and created my own mod packs. I took a break from FTB for a while, but I am ready to get back into it.

Do you have a microphone for TeamSpeak?:
I do, however, it is poor quality and i don't like to talk very much.

Will you follow ALL of our rules?

Why do you want to join CraftBeast?:
I played on another server for a while, however the language got really bad. I am hoping this server is better.

What are you looking to gain from playing on our server?:
I look forward to helping others have fun, while having fun myself.

What will you be bringing to our server?:
I will be bringing years of experience (see above), as well as a very mature individual to help the server run smoothly.

If you are accepted, How to you plan on integrating with the community?:
I will participate in the chat. I love chatting with people I am playing with.

Any questions you would like to ask: Is there typically a lot of crudeness (is that even a word?) on the server?

Additional Information?:
I was a moderator on the old FTB server that I played on and I am a well-respected member on the minigame server I play on. I wish to be given some sort of rank on the server, so that I can use my abilities to manage things and keep everything running smoothly. I hope you consider my request.
Sadly for you I think this topic has been deserted a while ago, the server changed name to Team Vortex and this topic got deserted too :([DOUBLEPOST=1372870442][/DOUBLEPOST]I mean the Team vortex topic has been deserted[DOUBLEPOST=1372870481][/DOUBLEPOST]Here's the new topic if you want to check it out http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/thr...0-slots-teamspeak-minimum-restrictions.14022/

He has not deserted this topic, he is simply starting up another server. The other one is a no-whitelist server.