So I have a server. Basic settings for Ultimate, going fine, only it seems copper is insanely hard to get. I decided to deal with it, not changing anything, and went through the game with the limited copper, saving every ore till I got an industrial grinder to triple them. took a lot of wok, but I did it. Anyways, to test a theory, I went and made a Mystcraft book with 10 Dense Ore pages, flat terrain, and Meadows and crystals.
So, I take out a quarry and spawn in a few redstone cells, and here is what I got:
Lots of vanilla ores, almost NO mod ores. I got eight. EIGHT COPPER from a standard size quarry. Where, as you can see, I got a STACK AND A HALF of diamonds.
This isn't natural. Either dense ores is bugged, or copper is WAY too hard to get. What do I need to change to balance it right now until a fix can be done?
So, I take out a quarry and spawn in a few redstone cells, and here is what I got:
Lots of vanilla ores, almost NO mod ores. I got eight. EIGHT COPPER from a standard size quarry. Where, as you can see, I got a STACK AND A HALF of diamonds.
This isn't natural. Either dense ores is bugged, or copper is WAY too hard to get. What do I need to change to balance it right now until a fix can be done?