Whitelist Server Controlled Chaos [FTB][Whitelist][Survival][100 skyblock area in center of world][Mature only]

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- IGN: mythaell
- age: 23
- Why would you like to join: I'm looking for a fun environment with like minded people that don't grief.
- FTB/DW20 experience? I run a small 5 man server for myself and a few friends, I have about 2-3 months exp with DW20 pack.
- Playstyle: I like to build lots of machines and ways to sort, lots of automatic resources incomes, I love thaumcraft. I usually build independently, but I'm always willing to help others if they ask.
- Anything else, feel free to add: I play a lot, it wouldn't take me long to get a base up and running.
Sorry about that Hughbe,

There is currently a Memory Leak issue with the mystcraft mod that is causing some lag issues. The Creephost guys are looking into it. Its not us, just the Mod pack....we will monitor the server on the consol and do restarts if the MEM gets over 75%. I would recommend that if you can, allocate more ram to Java in the meantime. Sorry bout that =P

IGN: warantew993
- age: 19
- Why would you like to join: i have always enjoyed playing multiplayer in minecraft and being part of an nice community without griefing
- FTB/DW20 experience? a couple of months. dont remember exactly when i started playing with this mod pack.
- Playstyle: i usually try to find a nice place to build my base while still trying to help others who needs help. and generally just taking it easy
- Anything else, feel free to add: i play a couple of hours each day (unless something keeps me from doing so) and i am a very freindly player​
More of you have been added today, ty for the wait....if you were accepted...WELCOME! If you were not able to log in then we hope that you do find a server that will fit what your looking for elsewhere and TY very much for your app.

sorry about the downtime today for anyone who tried to log in, there was some weirdness happening , and we couldn't connect to creeperhost for some reason....but its all back up now =)

sorry about the downtime today for anyone who tried to log in, there was some weirdness happening , and we couldn't connect to creeperhost for some reason....but its all back up now =)

Yeah, sorry about that, Chicago wasn't feeling too healthy...will be good to find out what went wrong.
- IGN:Voodooroo2010
- age: 23
- Why would you like to join: Looking for a mature community to play on and to learn more about the FTB Mod-pack
- FTB/DW20 experiance? Got some experience with FTB i am very good with Bees but still learning things here and there
- Playstyle: I am a builder, i love to build managed to recreate keralis's underground house :D
- Anything else, feel free to add: Hope i can get in was part of another Direwolf20 server but host couldnt keep it up always had problems and everyone pretty much left
- IGN: ensio123
- age: 23
- Why would you like to join: i have been on smp servers before and loved it.. but vanilla servers just doesnt do it for me anymore.. i hope to find a server that i can call home :)
- FTB/DW20 experiance? minimal.. but i have played around with some of it.. i have currently played direwolf20 for about 14 days and i think its awesome :)
- Playstyle: i like to help :) i had the rank mentor(not in crew) on my last server.. i enjoy to make 1:1 scale of "famous" buildings as well as exploring the creativity of using materials in ways that they are not intended for.. i take greate pride in making my stuff look greate..
- Anything else, feel free to add: i am from denmark so my written english is probably not that greate but i speak and understand with no problems..
- IGN:mineboy2k12
- age:18
- Why would you like to join: i want to join because i want a comunity where every1 are friends and no one griefs over base's
- FTB/DW20 experiance? about a months experiance and hoping to get better
- Playstyle: i will help build and help with thaurncraft or buildcraft
- Anything else, feel free to add: is you have skype my name on it is mineboy2k12

thanks for readinng

This kid is NOT 18. He's 15.
Thx for the post Luke,

Yeah we figured something goofy was happening on your guys end =) But we also understand that these things happen! Thanks for being a great support team for the Creeperhost/FTB product.

This kid is NOT 18. He's 15.

thx for the catch =P

We will handle it.

Server is back up guys, sorry about that. We are not sure what happened, but it all seems to be running smooth now.

As a side note there may be a memory leak/issue with the Fabricator block from XYCraft, we notice huge spikes in memory usage when they are running. if you can get away with not using them or using very few, that would be great =)

Thx for being a great community!

- IGN:RedIceMage
- age:14
- Why would you like to join: I would like to join because the previous server I was on for the Direwolf20 pack is down for now and would like to make some new friends on the server,
- FTB/DW20 experiance? I have played with the mods DW20 uses since season 3 and have watched all his videos since then and I am very big into Thaumcraft, IC2, Xycraft. and working my way into thermal expansion.
- Playstyle: I like to work somewhat Independently.I like to build by myself with all the machines but am willing to work with others for trade and I usally build community projects that everyone can use.
- Anything else, feel free to add: I have before ran a small server and assisted in running 2 before. I hope you will accept this application or atleast read this.Thanks for your time. (P.S. My birthday is Monday)
IGN: WTBjellybean10
Age: Recently 15
Timezone: US central (GMT - 5:00)
Mic: I have Skype and a Mic, unfortunately, I do not have teamspeak
Skype: wtbjellybean
Preferred Job: I am fine at mining and pretty much anything, but I am really good at the later game mechanics, like, frame quarries, BC and IC power stations, and pretty much anything. I am fine with anything though and I will help with anything (even crafting HVs or gravity suits!)
Why I want to join: I would like to join you to finally indulge in multiplayer, I haven't played multiplayer in a very serious manner since 1.2.5 on Hardcore Darwinism tekkit server (I know tekkit). The server was shut down as the owner had a mental breakdown, it was a raiding server but I remained neutral and the people I lived with did as well (We got rich by trading and mining NOT RAIDING). Overall I think getting back into a multiplayer environment, with a tight knit group, would be a ton of fun
My knowledge with mods: I am VERY knowledgeable with the mods on the Direwolf20 pack, the first modpack I played was the original yogbox. I switched over to technical mods with tekkit and the technic pack back in 1.0. I played these mod packs till 1.4 when I got really serious in the single player aspect of FTB and the Direwolf20 pack. I know almost everything about all of the mods in the pack and I can build extremely efficient mining machines or power stations or even farm.

My MCbans:
I have never played on a server with MCbans and here is the link to save you some time.

Thank you for considering me as a candidate to join your group, I really appreciate it and I would love to join!
- IGN: jrabb1t
- age: 23
- Why would you like to join: Join a growing mature community to get to know people and have fun experiencing FTB MC
- FTB/DW20 experience? Been playing it for about two months, watched tons of youtube videos and know a good amount about the pack. Always looking forward to learn new things!
- Playstyle: I like being creative and efficient with my builds. I enjoy long projects that require planning. I also enjoy exploring caves and such especially with other people.
- Anything else, feel free to add: I do like to be on Teamspeak3 or Skype with people when I play so hopefully I can do that. Thanks for looking into my application.
Is there any way to contact any of the ops during the day, to restart the server if it goes down? If it drops in the morning (USA times here), it'll go hours without an op finding out. I wouldn't normally presume to offer myself for that ability, seeing as I'm so new, but if there's nobody else, I can...offer myself for that ability, lol

*edit* also wondering if you guys would like a server forum? Nothing elaborate, just a free host maybe? Mainly to keep this junk off of the promotion thread, but also for other announcements, conversations, etc...
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Hey guys, for some reason when I try to get on I tend to crash the server, might be my chunk loaders. The server is down right now, next time I can get on I'll reset all my chunk loaders just in case. If that isn't it I don't have the foggiest clue what could be the problem.
- age:16
- Why would you like to join:for ftb is very good of fun and all of the sever's i go on i always get grethed on them and also this making me not able to show my good buildings and now if i cane get on to this i will be able to show the good building's
- FTB/DW20 experiance?i have been playing for 6 years and i have a lot of skills on this
- Playstyle:i will make a lot of things parity fast if i cane get there also i have a lot of making comunerty's join together for good bilding
- Anything else, feel free to add:i will play for naly 24he of playing
Heya Guys,

So the server is running pretty good, yeah its had some crashes, but that's because our players are so awesome and just love to push the boundaries of the DW pack ! However our Ops are on top of it and keep a watchful eye on things.

So we have some very good technical players who know how to push the envelope of the mods in this pack. What we are looking for now are some more build focused players, ppl who really enjoy great aesthetic builds and have an eye for making buildings and custom terrain look great!

Currently our resident Builder is SomaBelovue or just Soma to the community. He is looking for a small team to work on large scale projects to help enhance the civic areas of the server......interested? Please reply.

- IGN: nick137
- age: 28
- Why would you like to join: I dont like to play on singleplayer. It's more fun to play with a group of mature people.
- FTB/DW20 experiance?: Unfortunately, i have like no experience with FTB/DW20. I only played a bit one some tekkit server. But the went down very fast.
- Playstyle: In Minecraft i use most of the time to build. If i could join your server, then i would probably use a lot of time to learn somthing about the mods of FTB.
- Anything else, feel free to add: I hope i can join your server :)