Title Connection Lost Crash
Launcher Type Curse App
Modpack SkyFactory 3
Modpack version 3.0.6
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/8393b572
Details of the issue Minecraft and all the mods will load and bring me to the main minecraft Skyfactory 3 screen.
1. Click single player
2. Click my game instance to start
3. Game will load
4. The world will be displayed for less than 1 second
5. A message will show "Shutting down internal server"
6. A message will show "Connection Lost. A fatal error has occurred, this connection is terminated"
7. I can press a button that say "Back to server list"
Prior to this happening minecraft would hard crash forcing a CTRL-ALT-DEL restart.
There are no recent crash reports.
I have repaired minecraft through the curse application without and change in behavior.
I really do not want to lose the world I have built... =(
Launcher Type Curse App
Modpack SkyFactory 3
Modpack version 3.0.6
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/8393b572
Details of the issue Minecraft and all the mods will load and bring me to the main minecraft Skyfactory 3 screen.
1. Click single player
2. Click my game instance to start
3. Game will load
4. The world will be displayed for less than 1 second
5. A message will show "Shutting down internal server"
6. A message will show "Connection Lost. A fatal error has occurred, this connection is terminated"
7. I can press a button that say "Back to server list"
Prior to this happening minecraft would hard crash forcing a CTRL-ALT-DEL restart.
There are no recent crash reports.
I have repaired minecraft through the curse application without and change in behavior.
I really do not want to lose the world I have built... =(
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