Computer Controlled Frame Ship


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Recently I have been working on a frame ship that will be relatively small. But I want it to be able to move in all 6 directions, be relatively fast (Using multiple frame engines to move same direction or something), and be completely computer controlled. I need advice on how to properly set up the frame engines to be computer controlled. Also I was wondering if there are any ComputerCraft programs where I can type in coordinates and then have it automatically take the ship there (Cant code more than very basic programs). If anyone has any advice please let me know. Thanks!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would watch Nebris88's channel I think he had that same idea before he went MIA
Once he comes back he'll probably have it done so might want to watch his channel :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Btw I like gregtech too. Also i checked his channel and Nebris88 is making videos again. He released one yesterday.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Btw I like gregtech too. Also i checked his channel and Nebris88 is making videos again. He released one yesterday.
Yea, but that's not really FTB.
DW20 also does a mining frame-ship-quarry-thing-mabob with RP and CC and everything in between. Might want to check it out you may learn something about it..
And as for the Gregtech thing I'm not gonna start :p Too many a flame war have been started over my account name :p
Want to talk about it? PM me or write on my wall :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wrote/built something similar to what you want for a mining airship here:

The motor setup is pretty easy for single motors -- should be able to see the relatively simple design to handle the horizontal directions (2 directions around each diamond panel in the screenshots). You could work a design in to run 2 moves at a time -- it does not get much faster past that. Takes up a bit more space to do that though and the redstone gets more complicated.

Redstone control with a computer is easy. You can use bundled cable and turn on/off any of the 16 colors whenever you need to in your program. My design was a little hyrbid -- redpower pulsed the movement computer and whatever direction is selected on monitor touchscreen determines the motors that get pulsed. If you strip the redpower out and either ran a second computer or made a more complicated master computer you could easily have a movement program that you command move forward x blocks or move (x, y, z) from the current position. Then it pulses the motors and gets the ship there.

ComputerCraft computers/turtles do not know where in the world so telling the ship where to go with coordinate would not be easy. You can setup relative positions pretty easily, so machines can determine where they are in relation to each-other. And you can manually tell the machines where they are in the world and then use the GPS system to do coordinate movements. Or tell your movement computer where it started and then track each move it makes, but you won't know for sure it moved every time, so it could easily get out of sync. This type of advanced system quickly gets complicated. You won't see a lot of generic drop in programs to handle this task. If you want it you will need to find someone interested in writing it or write it yourself.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Um... I think I understood most of that. Thanks Peppe. Might have to read that more than once to completely understand though. Manually Tell the Computer where it is. Then have it remember where I last took it. Having it do some math to figure out how many different moves to get to a certain position. And learn Lua. :p As for the motors I was thinking of having

(ship im building) Each engine in the back of the ship move the ship a different direction using jumpdrive engines or something faster possibly (just not the stupid slow inchworms). The left one would have a engine moving the ship to the left. The right to the right and the middle would control up and down using inchworms. The computer would use only one engine at a time so that it would not get messed up. I think I could try and code it... Guess making a flying spaceship with navi computer is harder than I thought. I guess nothing worth doing is easy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Um... I think I understood most of that. Thanks Peppe. Might have to read that more than once to completely understand though. Manually Tell the Computer where it is. Then have it remember where I last took it. Having it do some math to figure out how many different moves to get to a certain position. And learn Lua. :p As for the motors I was thinking of having

(ship im building) Each engine in the back of the ship move the ship a different direction using jumpdrive engines or something faster possibly (just not the stupid slow inchworms). The left one would have a engine moving the ship to the left. The right to the right and the middle would control up and down using inchworms. The computer would use only one engine at a time so that it would not get messed up. I think I could try and code it... Guess making a flying spaceship with navi computer is harder than I thought. I guess nothing worth doing is easy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yep! The Consular Class Cruiser. I would say its about 1/2 scale but because this is minecraft It is nowhere near the exact scale so lets just call it a heavily modified version :p . I would post pictures but right now its still in the building stage and It looks like crap. Working on replacing thenessesary parts with frames and making if look decent :D
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