Whitelist Server Community Server|Mindcrack 8.3.2 Whitelist|20 slots| 24/7

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have just opened a Mindcrack FTB Community Whitelisted Server for a small group of people. I would like to recruit people to join. Since this server is pure FTB with zero plugins I will be very strict about rule breaking. If you are able to join you will be whitelisted and be given a tour and be reminded of the rules by the owner through Teamspeak or Skype.

I am a generally a very laid back kind of guy and the only reason you wouldn't be accepted is if your application included bad grammar and/or spelling, didn't meet the requirements, or didn't fill it out correctly.

You MUST be trustworthy because NOTHING is banned.

  1. No Griefing
  2. No Stealing
  3. No Racism
  4. No Excessive PvP
  5. No Exploiting of Bugs
  6. Don't use Others Things Without Permission
  7. Don't tell People about Glitches/Bugs
  8. Do not kill the Ender Dragon without Owner's Expressed Permission
  9. Try and Limit Lag Causing Items i.e. Chunk Loaders, Quarries etc.
Copy and Fill Out:
Minecraft IGN:
Skype or Teamspeak:
A little about yourself:
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech?
If you are accepted or I wish to talk to you I will send you a contact request on skype. If no skype name is left then I will send you a message on the forums.
Country: United States of America
Timezone: Central Time
Minecraft IGN: magical456
Skype or Teamspeak: magical456
A little about yourself: I have been playing minecraft since 1.7.3 beta. Although that was about 2 years ago I enjoy the game and I still never run out of ideas. The reason I am applying I because I would love to play with a nice community who enjoys to play as much as I do. I also have a friend who loves to play as much as me, but we can talk later. Thank you for reading my application and hosting a Feed The Beast server for the community!
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech? Well I love the feel of magic, but since I realized that magic comes with great response abilities I always have others in mind. Gregtech makes the game more challenging and always love a challenge!
Timezone:Central Time(US & Canada)
Minecraft IGN:Budrick97
Skype or Teamspeak: Skype-Budrick97/TS-Budrick97, I also own my own TS server.
A little about yourself: Well, right now I am currently still in high school taking all P/AP classes and I am also in football. I work out everyday from 5-6 but this up coming week i will have started 2-a-days. I have been playing Minecraft since it first came out in the early alpha stages. I have not stopped playing since and will not stop playing since minecraft is a good way to let off steam and just have a good time with friends.
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech? I am more on the Buildcraft side, because I love automated machines, not because I am lazy. :) Also i love GregTech because it gives the game more of a challenge and also postpones the end game, so we don't race to it and we are done within days. It also adds that challenge, which of course, a lot of people like.
Age:13(People say I act more mature)
Timezone: UTC
Minecraft IGN: Jacob58976
Skype or Teamspeak:Skype= jacob.weller4
A little about yourself:I am 13 and enjoy alot of time on the computer, having fun.I bought minecraft during beta, so i know most of the updates, and snapshots. But since last year or 7mouths(not accurate) i have been playing FTB. Have been on a few ftb community servers, which have stopped now. I normally on from early morning to late night.
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech?I find thaumCraft is realy great but manual. and buildcraft is a bit more automated.I prefer Thaum craft as its a bit more exciting for me. Greg Tech is also a good mod as its regularly updated and more to learn and keeps continuing. Watching youtube I would think thaumcraft is better as I watch etho, and other mindcrackers. Thaum craft is more mysterious.

Hope to hear from you soon(plz msg me on skype for any other questions :))
Age: 23
Country: Canada
Timezone: PST (GMT -8)
Minecraft IGN: CallOfDamon
Skype or Teamspeak: I have Skype and TS but would rather not posting for everyone to see
A little about yourself: I'm an airline pilot living in British Columbia and looking for a small, friendly, mature and helpful community. I've been playing MC for quite a while. I was on a FTB server for a few months which shut down.
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech? GregTech is my favourite because of the complexity and challenging nature of it. I was just really getting into BuildCraft when my server shit down but the automation is fun and challenging in itself. Didn't really get into ThaumCraft but I think I would like it because it is a vast addition to FTB.

PM me for Skype or any other questions
Age: 15
Country: America
Timezone: Central Time
Minecraft IGN:Foxdude99
Skype or Teamspeak: Zurlman26
A little about yourself: I feel that after playing since 1.7.3 beta I need a little more challenge in the minecraft world. I have been playing feed the beast for 6 months and enjoy it very much. I have now realized that I would enjoy feed the beast more if I was to join a fun and great community. I love to help others with projects and enjoy showing off a bit of my buildings. I am also a friend of one of the server members and it would be great if I am able to play on the same server! Thanks for reading and considering my application
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech? I personally think the technical way is my way, but I will always respect others and there opinions. I am not a fan of gregtech it makes the game so challenging it takes me a huge amount of time to makes useful tools. Judging from the server description I think this would be the perfect server even with gregtech!
NOTICE TO ALL: We have gotten quite a few new member so the standards have been raised a LOT higher on applications.
UTC 10:00+
Minecraft IGN:
Skype or Teamspeak:
I do have skype but I will not post it. Use PM.
A little about yourself:
I have been playing minecraft sine 1.2.5 and FTB for 1 year and i like playing ftb with other players.
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech? I think magic and sorcery for Thaumcraft and for buildcraft i think machines, automation and electrical and GregTech im not really a fan of gregtech.
Age: 21
Country: Canada
Timezone: UTC -5
Minecraft IGN: onsenrparle
Skype or Teamspeak: just pm me for it I don't want to give it out here
A little about yourself: I've played minecraft for about a year especially Mindcrack, personally it's my favorite modpack in the ftb package. For now I've only played on single player server and I want to start playing with a community.
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech? I prefer buildcraft to thaumcraft because of all the automation but I also like the magic side of thaum. And I like the way gregtech make the game a bit more challenging.
Age:13 i know im young but im very mature
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
Minecraft IGN:MrManatee1234
Skype or Teamspeak: MrManatee1234 (skype)
A little about yourself: i started minecraft when it was 1.2.5 and i have loved it. i have been playing FTB for about 9 months now and am Addicted to it!!!!!!
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech? Buildcraft, i like the machines and how it makes minecraft so.. so... automated, now i wont lie, i love a good session of GregTech or Thaumcraft but my favorite is buildcraft.
Age: 15
Country: Norway
Timezone: UTC +1 (i think)
Minecraft IGN: sigsus
Skype or Teamspeak: i have teamspeak, but havent used it
A little about yourself: i am bored and i want to play minecraft on servers with challenge. ( i know not much )
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech? thaumcraft... i love it same as buildcraft but gregteck not so much but, need a challenge in life
Age: 17
Country: Australia
Timezone: Australian EST
Minecraft IGN: slipfish405
Skype or Teamspeak: yes skype slipfish405
A little about yourself: i am part of a small server but it is really laggy and i would love to be part of a small community.
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech? id go with buildcraft and gregtech because i love the automation it provides to the game
Minecraft IGN: Al3x_woo
Skype or Teamspeak: Skype al3xwoo
A little about yourself: I have been playing Minecraft since alpha. I have a Youtube channel where i upload most of my Minecraft videos. I really want to join a server where everyone can be trusted and no grief is taking place.
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech? ThaumCraft (Magic) Vs BuildCraft (Machines) i don't play GregTech much but i think all of these titles add an extra element of fun to the vanilla game.
13 (I'm surprisingly mature for my age.)



Minecraft IGN:

Skype or Teamspeak:
CoolioCors (Skype)

A little about yourself:
Well, I love playing minecraft. I pretty much play it everyday. I've been playing for two years now I think, so I know quite a bit about the game. Feed the beast, however, I have only been playing for one year. I don't know much about it, but I would love to join the server and learn new things with other people. I also have a Youtube channel, and I will probably (If I get accepted) be making videos on this server.

What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech?
Hmm.. Well, Thaumcraft vs Buildcraft... It makes me think of machines versus magic, factories vs brewing labs (Or whatever you would like to call them.). Gregtech, however, I'm not very familiar with. I don't think I've ever heard of it.

Youtube (In-case you wanted it):

Hope you consider this application. :)
Country: Netherlands
Timezone: GMT 1+
Minecraft IGN:r2range
Skype or Teamspeak:got both (skype:r2range)
A little about yourself: erm am a gamer i play different games and am studying ict
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech? i love those mods mostly use buildcraft myself and gregtech will make that harder , got a question is Applied Energistics mod added ?
If you are accepted or I wish to talk to you I will send you a contact request on skype. If no skype name is left then I will send you a message on the forums.
NOTICE:I am choosing the last couple members from these apps. Any made after this have little to no chance of being accepted.
Age: 15
Country: U.S.A ( MURICA)
Timezone: Central
Minecraft IGN: Kuramagan
Skype or Teamspeak: Either
A little about yourself: I am Budrick97"s friend and I suck at explaining myself so beware this will be bad, I do have one cool thing about myself I was named times magazine 2006 person of the year. I kinda don't know what else to say but I just remembered something wich was I will be starting up school and football again soon so I wont be on very much except late at night or weekends.
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech? I haven't messed around much with greg or buildcraft but thaumcraft was very fun and cool.
Age: 15
Country: USA (Fuck Yeah)
Timezone: East
Minecraft IGN: Mrsonicfan3200
Skype or Teamspeak: gus.born (or augustus302) (skype)
A little about yourself: I love ftb and my recent server got closed down so I really needed a new one. I have never been banned from a server and I am really funny. I got great pranks in mind so be ready >:3. Im also pretty good with redstone (no where near Etho or Seth).
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech?: magic. I really haven't messed around with these for a while. But I really will get back into things if I get accepted.
Age: 24
Country: Norway (but I speak english fluently)
Timezone: GMT: +1
Minecraft IGN: MrGyronimo
Skype or Teamspeak: SMJako for skype, but I rarely use anything besides TS
A little bit about myself: Not much of relevance to share about me personally, but I am an experienced Minecraft player, and have been playing with mods since early on. I have been playing FTB Mindcrack the last few months, and have been moderating a server over at www.moddedgaming.org (which unfortunately seems to have died off.. :( ). I tend to avoid shortcuts, and usually stay away from overpowered items/blocks.
My favourite mods are as of now are; Computercraft, Redpower, Forestry and MFFS, but I dabble in everything if I can find the time ;)
What do you think when I say ThaumCraft vs BuildCraft? or GregTech? Well.. Thaumcraft vs. Buildcraft is a tough one, but I would have to go with Buildcraft, as I require it to use Forestry. With that said, I love Thaumcraft, and think it's one of the most well-written mods out atm.
GregTech is also a mod I have come to like quite a bit, but it is not essential. It certainly adds to the longevity and challenge of the game.

- I know I'm late to the feast, but "little to no chance" might mean there's a spot. May aswell take a shot at it:p
