Commands like /sethome /home and such?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay so I have a Direwolf20 v3 server, and im in need of commands like /sethome /home /setspawn and /spawn. I've heard some people talking about a mod from "fihgus" but I couldn't understand how to install it with forge, because when I changed to forge I got loads of errors in server console ( I have Multicraft and a FTP to my server ). So could someone help me and tell me what mods there are, or maybe help me install Fihgus correctly ( I think I installed it correctly though :D )?
Umm DW20 should be on Forge you can't really go changing that and Fihgu's mod should be compatible with Forge versions after .341.
I looked at it quickly, and it appears that the Core module needs to be added to the jar file. Because of this, I'd probably avoid it. If it was a simple mater of adding it to the mods directory and restarting, it would be OK. Modifying the main jar file is just asking for trouble - if only because it's one more thing you have to fix if you ever need to reload your server installation.
I looked at it quickly, and it appears that the Core module needs to be added to the jar file. Because of this, I'd probably avoid it. If it was a simple mater of adding it to the mods directory and restarting, it would be OK. Modifying the main jar file is just asking for trouble - if only because it's one more thing you have to fix if you ever need to reload your server installation.
I dont care if it's alot of work, I'm really in need of it ;)
I have the fihgus on my server you dont need to ad it to the server jar at all.. You just stick the core jar into your mods folder and whatever of the others you want in like the protection or commands..
@Jeff: Actually if you read the install instructions specifically from the mods creator you are to install the contents into your jar. Try asking for support if needed because you failed to follow simple instructions.

Before installation:
shut your server down
backup your server jar file

1. get winrar or 7zip,
2. open the "fighus core mod (2.1.2).zip" so you see its contents. select all files and copy
3. open your server .jar file using either winrar or 7zip, and paste files. close the server jar and upload.
4. then upload the other separate zip files (teleport, protection, permission, login) into your servers /mods folder
5. start server
Maybe necroing but in the interests of saving others a messed up jar I thought it worth it.

The instructions for installing fihgu's mod, as of September 2012 (three months before this thread) and linked to in Rivassallo's comment above state:

1.Install forge if you didn't.
2.unzip and put "fihgu's core mod.jar" into ".minecrat/coremods/" folder
3.drop all other mods into ".minecrat/mods/" folder.

Perhaps Rivassallo has instructions for an earlier release. Who knows? But I wouldn't be so rude to suggest he had not followed his own advice and followed simple instructions.
Perhaps I wasn't clear. The thread was started in jan 2013. The instructions were valid as of september 2012. The thread is still open and left with incorrect advice to start screwing with your jar. I apologised for NECROING in advance but thanks for pointing it out again.