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nice java mate
I sense a sarcasm.

When I use Eclipse, I do have a tendency to copy bits and pieces of code around, because it's faster than typing them out again. And in the project I was working on today, I did indeed intend to use print() rather than println(), as I had a bunch of things to print out all on the same line and it's easier and faster than concatenating them.

As for why I copied half of the print statement specifically... I have no idea. Probably while writing these lines:
            if(!q.isEmpty()) {
                System.out.print(", ");
            } else {
I apparently somehow managed to clear my clipboard without shutting down my computer.

One of my classes does this thing during lectures where they post a multiple-choice question on the screen, and then all the students have to use an electronic device of some sort to answer it, mostly to show that they're actually in class that day. The recommended way to do this is with an actual, physical clicker that wirelessly connects with some transceiver located in the lecture hall. However, this year, I'm using my laptop instead and going through a website to click in. In order to ensure that I'm actually, physically in class and not just goofing around somewhere else with my laptop open, the instructor posts a random six-digit number on the board at the start of class, which I have to enter into the website before I can answer questions and be counted as present. However, the website is a bit finicky, and sometimes forgets that I logged in if the instructor doesn't actually post a question until the end of class. So, I copy the number to my clipboard when I enter it so I can log back in.

That's where these random numbers on my clipboard come from.
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One of my classes does this thing during lectures where they post a multiple-choice question on the screen, and then all the students have to use an electronic device of some sort to answer it, mostly to show that they're actually in class that day. The recommended way to do this is with an actual, physical clicker that wirelessly connects with some transceiver located in the lecture hall. However, this year, I'm using my laptop instead and going through a website to click in. In order to ensure that I'm actually, physically in class and not just goofing around somewhere else with my laptop open, the instructor posts a random six-digit number on the board at the start of class, which I have to enter into the website before I can answer questions and be counted as present. However, the website is a bit finicky, and sometimes forgets that I logged in if the instructor doesn't actually post a question until the end of class. So, I copy the number to my clipboard when I enter it so I can log back in.

That's where these random numbers on my clipboard come from.
My java class used clickers. I still have mine I think.
doesNotUnderstand: aMessage
    |args selector|
    args := aMessage arguments.
    selector := aMessage selector.
    (args size >= 1 and: [args first isMyPoint])
        ifTrue: [
            |first butfirst|
            first := args first.
            butfirst := args allButFirst.
            ^ (x perform: selector withArguments: {first x} , butfirst) pair:
             (y perform: selector withArguments: {first y} , butfirst)
    ^ (x perform: selector withArguments: args) pair: (y perform: selector withArguments: args)
Messing around with smalltalk :)
There is something there, I can see it by using the arrow keys to move through it, but otherwise it is totally invisible. Any ideas?