Last things First....
- Logs
- FTBLaunch starting up (version 1.2.4)
- Minecraft Version: 1.4.7
- Direwolf20 Pack, Modded
- Updated Factorization to latest for 1.4.7 from mod website
- Updated Forestry to latest for 1.4.7 from mod website
- Added Gregtech from ultimate pack.
- Java version: 1.7.0_21
- Everything will be going great.... UNTIL anywhere from 10min - 2 hours into a NEW world.....
- All of a sudden, I will not be able to interact with anything. I can still place things in the world, but there is no access to the item at all. It is like everything is just pretty looking dirty for all the access I have to it's GUI.
- What mod the item is from does not matter.
- Vanilla Items are also effected
- Can not access anything with a GUI
- Items will not interact with each other.... Wrench, screwdriver etc..
- Can not drop items with "Q"
- All these things, ONLY affect this world, I can start a new world and everything is great.... Until 10min -2hour mark, then the same thing happens.
- Does NOT effect Vanilla Minecraft.
- Exiting and reloading the world does nothing.
- Saved the save, REMOVED Everything FTB and re-downloaded tried again.... Same thing....
- Removed Java, reinstalled Java... Still the same....
- Downloaded MultiMC and tried that, no such luck....
- Deleted the NEI stuff from the save folder... Nothing
- Deleted the NEI stuff from the save.... still nothing
- Deleted All FTB, Uninstall Java, Restart Computer. Install Java 64. Restart. Install FTB. login and download modpack, start new world, play for two hours and issue comes up again.