I built 2 tunnel bores out of frames. They automatically get blutric power from fresh batteries using enderchests. The items are put into a sorting system which is fool proof, even if it has to void every bit of overflow. I have an unlimited supply of enderpearls. I send these to the bores and use managers to keep world anchors stocked with 16 pearls. Yet for some reason the anchors stop working once I leave the area, and the bore stops working. So, I ask you this.
Which, if any chunk loaders in MindCrack V8 will work with frames and load chunks that the bore is in?
The machines are in the overworld and the chunks must be loaded on startup. I am willing to add a mod if it adds such a loader.
Which, if any chunk loaders in MindCrack V8 will work with frames and load chunks that the bore is in?
The machines are in the overworld and the chunks must be loaded on startup. I am willing to add a mod if it adds such a loader.