Hello everyone, I had this idea of making an adventure map with the feel of an RPG game such as Fable, the elder scrolls, etc. So I've put some mods togheder (wich I got most of the permissions for using others I have to be wait for response, I dont have all the permissions yet.) this mods are:
Implementing the mods like witchery and thaumcraft also give the player a lot to do, because they both can be used for quests,because of how they work.
Thanks to custom npcs we can create diferent types of hostile creatures and give them diferent drops and drop rates, we can also modyfy it to be strong or weak depending on their type of drops. It also allow us to create the quests with reward.
Mods Like Pams Harvest, Growth craft and Pams weee flowers can be used for diferent types of food and decoration porpuses wich give more imersion to a diferent type of gameplay the barrels from growth craft look really good and are also functional, the diferent brews you get from growthcraft give diferent buffs but they can also give you nausea so there is a chance of handicaping yourself.
Like the mods mentioned above most fo the mods in the compilation where chosen for a reason there is a lot of content that one can make with all those mods.
The way yhte map will work its also an important part for this project, if we made a completely open world it would be difficult to make areas for the npcs scince we cant cover the entire world with npcs so creating areas will be the easier way of gettign thigs sorted out, it also lets us choose the biome for for it, and like this there is a lot of things we can do for it and not all has been decided so if youre interested why not aply for it.
Also here are some screen shots of what ive built
If you want to aply just fill this:
What would you like to help with: (building, planing, npcs, storyline or quests you can pick more than one)
Experience with the mods : (wich mods)
Why would you like to join:
*Experience making maps:
*Ideas you want to add:
*Things you would take out or modify: (from what i explained above)
I started this project 2 days ago, i am hosting a server for the project, it needs more planning, scince i first considered doing it with a friend, that went unavailable for a while, i tried to start the project by my self and started building a town, while doing i noticed that i needed help to make it not only for building but setting up Npcs quests etc.
- Tinkers construct
- TMechworks
- Thaumcraft
- Thaumic Tinkerer
- Witchery
- Custom Npcs
- Yet another leather smelting mod
- secret Rooms mod
- Ropes Plus
- Quiver bow
- Pam's Harvest
- Pam's Weee Flowers
- More Player models
- More Nature (Might be taken out)
- Mantle
- Lantern
- Code Chicken Core
- NEI(not enough items)
- Chisel
- Carpenter's Blocks
- Biomes O Plenty
- Biblio Craft
- Tree Capitator
- Damage Indicators
- Survival wings (might be taken out)
- Space Core
Implementing the mods like witchery and thaumcraft also give the player a lot to do, because they both can be used for quests,because of how they work.
Thanks to custom npcs we can create diferent types of hostile creatures and give them diferent drops and drop rates, we can also modyfy it to be strong or weak depending on their type of drops. It also allow us to create the quests with reward.
Mods Like Pams Harvest, Growth craft and Pams weee flowers can be used for diferent types of food and decoration porpuses wich give more imersion to a diferent type of gameplay the barrels from growth craft look really good and are also functional, the diferent brews you get from growthcraft give diferent buffs but they can also give you nausea so there is a chance of handicaping yourself.
Like the mods mentioned above most fo the mods in the compilation where chosen for a reason there is a lot of content that one can make with all those mods.
The way yhte map will work its also an important part for this project, if we made a completely open world it would be difficult to make areas for the npcs scince we cant cover the entire world with npcs so creating areas will be the easier way of gettign thigs sorted out, it also lets us choose the biome for for it, and like this there is a lot of things we can do for it and not all has been decided so if youre interested why not aply for it.
Also here are some screen shots of what ive built

If you want to aply just fill this:
What would you like to help with: (building, planing, npcs, storyline or quests you can pick more than one)
Experience with the mods : (wich mods)
Why would you like to join:
*Experience making maps:
*Ideas you want to add:
*Things you would take out or modify: (from what i explained above)
I started this project 2 days ago, i am hosting a server for the project, it needs more planning, scince i first considered doing it with a friend, that went unavailable for a while, i tried to start the project by my self and started building a town, while doing i noticed that i needed help to make it not only for building but setting up Npcs quests etc.