Cargo Distributor Help

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am having problems getting the cargo distributor to pull items from the manager and send it along pipes.

I'm using redstone engines, i can add items all day long but I CANNOT remove items Ive watched like 25 youtube videos, google searched it for about 1.5 hrs, I'm just running out of patience. What am I MISSING!?

I'm running a modified mindcraft pack. I disabled traincraft, soulshards, gregtech, enderstorage, and portalgun. Mostly so it would run smoothly on my machine, but I got rid of GregTech because its too unforgiving of a beginner.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does anyone have any help for me? Im using redstone engines and IC2 piping. This is really frustrating me


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do you mean with a cargo manager or manager from RP2? If it's the cargo manager, you need to have the distributor either on top or on bottom of the cargo manager, then drag "from cart" into the colour of the side that's facing the pipes/extraction device in the gui for the cargo distributor. I have a sorting machine in auto-pulse mode next to mine, with tubes that feed into the sorting system. If you're using BC pipes, you might need an engine or an autarchic gate on a wooden pipe on that side. Is that what you have? (Not quite sure from your description).