Carbon Explains Science Stuff: Part I (The Laws of Thermodynamics)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I will be writing random stuff when I am bored, and now I feel like explaining The Laws of Thermodynamics, so I will.

There are 4 Laws of Thermodynamics each explaining a constant (otherwise known as law) in Thermodynamics. But before we go into them here is a list of definitions you may need to know. All words with definitions will be underlined.

A state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced.

The measurement of disorderliness.

Yes you probably know what Isolated means but if you make a slight mistake in interpreting this you will not get ANYTHING!

Not affected by anything but itself.

The Zeroth Law:
Why is this the zeroth law and not the first? Maybe this guy was a programmer or something who was obsessed with arrays (which start with 0 for all you non-programmers) or something, but for information farther then that don't ask me because I cannot give you an answer.

But to start out with this law states that if Object A and Object B are both at a thermal equilibrium (the objects each have a balanced temperature) and Object C is at a thermal equilibrium with both Objects A and B, Objects A and B are at a thermal equilibrium with each other.

Basically if x = y and y = z, z must equal x

The First Law:
Hey, now we are using normal numbering conventions. Well I guess not since the list already started with 0.

Well the second/first law states that heat is a form of energy (and no, heat is not thermal radiation) and all energy that is taken in or used changes the amount of energy in the system. This law also states energy not used stays in the system (not necessarily in the form of thermal-energy).

So no Perpetual Motion :(

The Second Law:
The second law is not special at all it just says a basic acknowledged part of everything we know.

The second law states that an isolated system's entropy increases over time.

The Third Law:
This is the last of the four and fairly easy to understand.

As and objects temperature decreases (properly said as lowers toward absolute value) the entropy decreases. The entropy of a system at absolute zero is typically close to zero (To the exception of glasses(Look up why if you want to know, it is a whole other discussion)).

Well Thank You for Reading!