Cant make silicone from sand

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have the mindcrack pack installed, and im trying to get silicone from sand by using the industrial centrifuge. For some reason it does not work. I can get silicone only from redstone in a industrial centrifuge. I've checked both the ftb wiki, and the GregTech wiki, and according to both of them it should be possible to make silicone from sand. The Centrifuge is hooked up directly to a LW transformer, and it should have all the power it needs.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what my problem can be? I've checked the GregTech recipe config. and under centrifugeelectrolyze, sand is set to true (not sure if this is directly related to my problem tough).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Check some of the other recipes too. Greg moved a lot of old industrial centrifuge recipes onto the newer industrial electrolyzer, so this problem might come up again if you're used to the old GT. The main difference between the machines is that the electrolyzer takes MV and runs much faster, consuming much more power.