Can't kill the Ender Dragon in Sky Factory 3

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Active Member

I am having a lot of trouble with this. It just does not work. The Dragon is immune to projectiles, even after the ender crystals are destroyed. It moves too fast so I cannot locate it until it regenerates. This is driving me insane. No matter how I try, I am just running into circles. Why the hell was the dimensional builder recipe was modified to require Awakened Dranonium? This is the most insane twak I never saw. The Dragon is just too hard, it makes no sense that anything depends on killing this!


Popular Member
Aug 24, 2013
. It moves too fast so I cannot locate it until it regenerates. This is driving me insane. No matter how I try, I am just running into circles.

The dragon does not regenerate HP unless there are still some healing crystals kicking around.
Also new Dragon mechanics you may be unaware of if you haven't killed the dragon recently, she is immune to arrows when hovering and spitting out dragon's breath. You must use a sword (and this is also the best time to do massive damage to her). Basically make sure all the healing crystals are destroyed, shoot at her with your arrows if you want, but wait for her to land and take it to her with your maxed out damage weapon of choice.

*EDIT* Damnit, I just realized you are talking about the Chaos Dragon, not the vanilla one... My bad.

Max out all your Draconic gear. Max out the speed and damage on your bow, and get the biggest Draconic battery you have. The fight is meant to be the hardest thing you do in the game.

For visual help, check out Direwolf20's attempts at the Chaos Dragon to see what he uses and give that a shot.


Active Member
Thanks. That's what I ended up doing. Punching the Dragon with a sword while landed was the only effective way to damage her. Arrows had no effect. I tried with both a Demonic-Manyullan Shuriken and Superium Bow with Power V, Infinity and Soul Bound.