Can't Create a Quantum Entangled Singularity

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Hi All

So, now that i have my basic Quarry Sorting fixed and most of my stuff moved i want to be able to access both ME Systems in one place, so looking around i saw the above, looks perfect for what i need.

So i switched to creative for a play around before i commit the resources and i'm having major problems creating 2 Entangled Singularity from 1 Singularity.

The steps i have done are:

Place TNT (i've also tried Tiny TNT)
Throw one Singularity (this was created in a Matter Condenser)
Throw one Ender Pear Dust (says its from the Portal Gun Mod, presume that doesn't matter?)
Use Flint and Steel

It explodes, big hole but no Quantum, just the normal Singularity.

Am i doing something wrong?

I even tried creating it on another save i had, still nothing. I tried this is 2.3.5 of FTB Infinity Evolved and it didn't work so i then noticed a 2.4.2 was released recently, so i upgraded, still nothing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ender Pearl dust from Portal Gun doesn't work. Get ender pearl dust from AE by putting a pearl in a grindstone.


Ah, nice one, that worked a treat, How very manual with a crank however!

I didn't realise it was that i needed, all guides said Dust, that grinder created Powder, sorted now.

As long as it stays on and stops dropping the connection that is...



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Some other grinders also work, I think by default the Portal Gun version is actually created via smelting the pearl.

As for connection issues, make sure you have a chunkloader and a local power supply/storage on either side of the bridge.


I have a World Anchor next to each Ring and i have an Energy Accepter with Power right next to each. It seems to last as a connection for 1 minute then drops, it repeats constantly.

Very frustrating :(


World Anchor is about 5 blocks behind me in the first picture, the front. Second picture is behind the Ring, showing Energy Acceptor that's plugged into the creative energy cell


That's the other end, trying loads of different cables and stuff to see if anything works, so far, nothing for longer than a minute.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does the world anchor have enough range to cover whatever you're trying to access? For all we know your actual drives etc. could still be a thousand blocks away. Judging by your pictures the link breaks when you're in the End, so I suggest checking on your home side first. Specifically, ensure your ME controller, the quantum bridge and your target inventory as well as all connecting cables are chunkloaded, if you've got creative energy cells cheat in a couple ChickenChunks loaders and set them to max range if your computer can handle it.
Maybe try AE2's energy cells over external ones and see if that makes a difference, including regular/dense cells over the creative variety. The system might run its internal power storage dry and shut down during the dimension hopping if it somehow "updates" itself in a different manner than TE/EIO power (i.e. if the ME system isn't paused during the loading screen, but the external power supply is). I'm not a modder so I don't know if such a thing is even possible.
And of course "have you tried turning it off and back on again?", in this case try breaking both quantum rings and test different orders of reassembling them. If things continue to fail place the "remote" bridge right next to your main network and test from there, see when exactly the connection breaks.



Thanks for all the details. Firstly the Creative Cells are not permanent, i thought as it was working for a bit and then not i thought it could be a power thing, so i hooked those up to see if it made a difference, which it didn't. Normally they are powered via a Tesseract.

I have tried several times to break and reassemble, the place i want to access it isn't actually the end, i moved it there just to try another place to see if that made a slightest bit of difference, again it didn't.

However, i think what you have said could be the root of my problems. I, wrongly it seems, presumed that as long as you had the Quantum Ring loaded as a Chunk it would all fine, so i didn't pay much attention to where i placed it and i think that might be the issue, you are not far from right when you say my items could be a thousand blocks away. They probably aren't that far away from each other but a few hundred blocks easily, the ME Controller is on one floor, the drives underneath that by probably 100 blocks and then the ring was at the other end of my base.

The World Anchor i think as you say will not load enough chunks, it does 1 i think which, from where it is wont touch the drives let alone the ME Controllers.

So, now i have questions about Chunk Loaders, seemingly i should have researched this part more!

In my Mod Pack, unless it's called something else i can see only the World Anchor and a ChunkLoader (MineFactory Reloaded), the Anchor does 1 chunk and the MineFactory one can be configured as 0, 1 or 2 radius, which i think having one of those wont cover ME Controllers/Drives and Quantum Ring.

I can craft a couple of those but will it cause an issue if they overlap i don't want to end up making it unstable if i have a few of those overlapping each other.

I would also need to think about the Cables, from my ME Controllers to my Drives there is a floor in between, so cable routing is quite high i presume ALL of those have to be Loaded as well?

Sorry for all the questions!



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
All chunkloaders should completely disregard vertical distance, so you only have to worry about the X, Z grid. Minimap mods generally have an option to show chunk boundaries, and one mod in FTB Infinity adds a hotkey to display them in the world itself (might be NEI but I'm not sure). FTB also recently added some kind of "chunk claiming" mod which lets you load chunks from your inventory screen without actually placing a loader block in the world. If adding mods to your pack is an option I would suggest that one or the aforementioned Chicken Chunks whose chunk loaders can support something ridiculous like an 11x11 square of loaded chunks per block.
If adding mods is not an option at least use Admin Anchors for testing so you don't have to worry about fueling those.
Neither the act of chunkloading nor the blocks themselves cause any kind of "instability" by themselves. Maybe a specific mod adds this as a balancing mechanic, but I never heard of one. Instead the main problem is the additional computing load from processing these chunks. Ingame you mainly have to deal with the consequences of the chunkloading border, which you can already produce in vanilla by constantly standing a certain distance away from your base. This can cause moving entities like mobs, items, minecarts and so on to become "stuck" in unloaded chunks, unable to perform their function and instantly reloading with the chunk itself (which can cause major lagspikes if you funnel hundreds of mobs or items into an unloaded chunk...). With modded gameplay you also have to worry about multiblock structures spanning multiple chunks and forgetting to also load any required inputs for automation. Railcraft steam boilers in particular are notorious for exploding violently if you don't chunkload their water supply.

I never really tested it myself, but unless AE2 deliberately works some magic behind the scenes I expect any component that isn't chunkloaded to behave as if it didn't exist at all.


Thanks again for a detailed explanation, it's helping me a lot!

I had a look in the mod list for Infinity and i noticed that ChickenChunks is in there, but i couldn't see or use any mods. Had a poke around and noticed it was disabled for some reason, enabled that and i now have the Chunk Loader that seems to get talked about the most available, and from what i can see it doesn't take power, the MineFactory one takes nearly 4k RF a tick on Radius 3, so i will change that for the Chicken one.

I did see you could go up to some crazy radius with it, my base is a decent size but i don't think 11x11 is going to be needed just yet, hah.

I'll give it a go on 3 or 4 at first, it's just hard to see where it covers when i have my base on multiple layers.

The MiniMap mod i am using is JourneyMap so there must, as you say be some options to turn the chunks on in there so i will take a look around and read the web to see if anything can help, i think without knowing too much i might need more than a 4 radius, but i can trial and error that if nothing else.

Resource wise, my PC is pretty decent, its 64bit Windows/Java and i have 32gb memory available, so using more if needed isnt that much of an issue. I think i have it at 4gb currently but can change that.

The main worry will be the AE2 cabling, i have it all over so making sure all that is covered could be a problem!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Again, you only have to care about the horizontal spread of your base. If you're living in an abandoned mineshaft that still means trouble, but most base designs have a fairly clear perimeter. Also the ChickenChunks block has a "show lasers" option to outline the chunkloaded area with animated red laser beams, which extend extremely far vertically. If you are living in a mineshaft use F3 to log the coordinates of your base, a chunk is 16 blocks. Or just set it to max range for testing purposes if your computer can handle it.


Well, i set it to a Radius of 4 and it cut off just before the end, so although 5 covers a lot of space that hasn't anything in, i have left it at that, it covers all of my base. The extra space that covers will just have to be filled with something :)

I have taken the Quantum Ring out of the end, and im building the ore processing place that it will go into, so once i have that done i'll reinstall the Quantum Ring and see how it goes

I can already tell the loader is doing something, my wireless always reached to where my reactor building is but it always used to drop, now it doesn't its a constant signal so must have been the same loading issue.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
F9 gives visual indication of chunk boundaries, FYI. One press gives a vertical line in the corner of each chunk, and a second press gives a grid along chunk boundaries.

If you are unfamiliar with chunks, they measure 16x16 blocks horizontally and reach from bedrock to build limit. Thus, as mentioned above, a loaded chunk is loaded from floor to ceiling. Having empty chunks loaded is of minor consequence, as most of the CPU strain from loading chunks is not the act of loading the chunk but loading the entities (and the processing required to make them function) inside it.

There was some talk at one point not so long ago linking ChickenChunks to world corruption. A number of packs moved away from the mod in the same period of time. I've never run into the issue myself, and the move away from ChickenChunks could be attributed to balance (zero upkeep loading on a large scale is hard to ignore) as much as anything else. Just thought I'd throw out the possibility - better warned than worldless (reminder to backup your world regularly). Anyone with evidence of this claim is hereby asked to step forward with it, as I'm not fond of spreading falsity.


Thanks for the update, i could see the chunks it's just had to see all over my base. I think its working well on a range of 5, the Ring hasn't dropped once and all seems OK.

I did read about some people having problems with corrupt worlds so i have been trying to read up on saves and stuff, i see a lot of folders in my install some updated and some not regarding saves im not actually sure which folder it is!

It does an auto backup each half hour i think, but finding that backup im struggling with.

I'll post some screenshots in a bit because id like to know for sure which one i need to backup, i have tried but the one folder that i thought it was i put into a zip file to move to a backup location just in case and it failed because some paths were too long for it!


So, these are the folders i have been looking at

Which one of those is the best to take a full copy of, so in the event of it all going belly up i can just copy it back and resume? The "backups" one with the dated folders worrys me the most, it seems to have stopped last week but i have been seeing save notices in the client all day.

Just had a quick look in one of those Dated Folders and there is a zip file in there, and the folder is Discovery, so that's what i want i guess, just don't know why it stopped on the 7th March


Edit: Discovery is the main world i play, Waterworld is just a test place so don't care on that