Hi All
So, now that i have my basic Quarry Sorting fixed and most of my stuff moved i want to be able to access both ME Systems in one place, so looking around i saw the above, looks perfect for what i need.
So i switched to creative for a play around before i commit the resources and i'm having major problems creating 2 Entangled Singularity from 1 Singularity.
The steps i have done are:
Place TNT (i've also tried Tiny TNT)
Throw one Singularity (this was created in a Matter Condenser)
Throw one Ender Pear Dust (says its from the Portal Gun Mod, presume that doesn't matter?)
Use Flint and Steel
It explodes, big hole but no Quantum, just the normal Singularity.
Am i doing something wrong?
I even tried creating it on another save i had, still nothing. I tried this is 2.3.5 of FTB Infinity Evolved and it didn't work so i then noticed a 2.4.2 was released recently, so i upgraded, still nothing.
So, now that i have my basic Quarry Sorting fixed and most of my stuff moved i want to be able to access both ME Systems in one place, so looking around i saw the above, looks perfect for what i need.
So i switched to creative for a play around before i commit the resources and i'm having major problems creating 2 Entangled Singularity from 1 Singularity.
The steps i have done are:
Place TNT (i've also tried Tiny TNT)
Throw one Singularity (this was created in a Matter Condenser)
Throw one Ender Pear Dust (says its from the Portal Gun Mod, presume that doesn't matter?)
Use Flint and Steel
It explodes, big hole but no Quantum, just the normal Singularity.
Am i doing something wrong?
I even tried creating it on another save i had, still nothing. I tried this is 2.3.5 of FTB Infinity Evolved and it didn't work so i then noticed a 2.4.2 was released recently, so i upgraded, still nothing.