Can someone explain this?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I was out caving when suddenly the power in my house died. Reloaded my game and everything appeared fine. When i tired to use my Ender pouch game crashed. Tried the pouch again and same thing. Figured that maybe I could fix by re-linking the pouch again.

Head back to my base to be met by a weird sight; 2/3 of my forestry tree farm had vanished, both modded and vanilla blocks. The area where it had disappeared seemed to have returned to the state it was before I ever built it. Same thing happened to half my storage room, which included the ender chests (Pouch was trying to open a chest that no longer existed?).

So whats the deal here? I can understand a save file becoming corrupted, but areas reverting back to there initial state?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That depends on the way the safe gets corrupted. If minecraft can't load a chunk from the region file (because it was written when the power went out, for example), that chunk gets regenerated.

Corrupted saves are cases where the chunk can be loaded, but triggers a bug (or is in an inconsistent state) -> instant crash.

I hope you have a backup...


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
If the save corrupted, then it may be that the game no longer registers that you've explored those chunks, so has regenerated them. Since it's all based on seeds, it will always regenerate back to the same landscape.

Bit of bad luck you had there really. Might be worth doing a save game backup each night when you've finished playing. You'd have lost a lot less.

But, think of it as an opportunity to rebuild your infrastructure but in a more optimal layout :D I would also switch NEI to cheat mode to reclaim the blocks that have been lost. Then you've only lost the contents of containers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I do backups each night, So I only lost a few hours of work. Still annoys the hell out of me, I don't really have any desire to repeat everything I just did. Question; Is the games save folder all that's needed for replacing my damaged save? In vanilla this would be the case, but im wondering if there are any modded files that need to be overwritten too?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It is enough. The save file also includes the data for TC3-Research, EnderStorages, Bee-Data etc. The only thing that is not stored there, but also not affected by the Crash are Reis Minimap-Waypoints. They are stored within the mods-folder.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is what happened on a regular occurance to me and the chunk the enderchest was in reset back to vanilla. I don't know how the enderchest causes chunk resets but no one seemed to care when I made the post and the findings from testing the chunk reset.

So back to your original question, when the enderchest causes a chunk reset it then becomes impossible to open or place another enderchest/pouch, this is because the enderchest settings are saved in a file which needs to be deleted. Be warned tho as it will remove all enderchests from the game, I can't remember the file I deleted so will go on a hunt for the post I made about it after I post this and come back and edit this one.