Call to Arms: WASD vs ESDF

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Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
I've just been challenged by a friend.
Likewise, I do further pass the challenge to you all.

We've known WASD for ages. It's easy, it's near SHIFT and other function keys, but if you get off it, it's hard to find again without looking down again.

Now ESDF is a new stranger on the block. More of a stretch to 1, less of a stretch to 6, can still hit shift and space and everything else. But it also adds QW to the left, not just Q. Most of you have texture on F, and it's slightly easier to find because of it. On the left, CAPSLOCK has no normal function, but adding A there this way might be good if we can make run into a toggle. The upshot is, more function keys.

In the old old days it used to be IJKL, if you remember it. It didn't feel too good, nither did most of the crazy things from the edge over there for those of us who are not left handed. Those of you over here on the right of the keyboard, the left handers, you have views of your own, and I will listen to them if you like... but for most such placements as IJKL are from olden days, if they even remember it existed.

So, folks, are you willing to try this?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
QWES. More natural hand position for the keys used most frequently. In my case, number keys are on my mouse so that renders pretty much any other consideration moot.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Had forgotten about the ESDF setup! A friend of mine showed it to me years ago, but I didn't really care about it back then ;) although I'll give it a shot, just as you said there are a lot of new keybind options with that one, something I've been missing in FTB with all the new keybinds needed there!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've never had any problems with WASD, it suits me fine.

new kid on the block for me... I still remember az<>

I still remember... oh, a ton of them, but the one that really stands out is HJKL, back in the golden age of ASCII games.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Now ESDF is a new stranger on the block.

It's really not new at all. It's used extensively in MMO's where you can never have too many keybindings. When I played Arena in WoW (back in the TBC days where Druids + Warrior = win) I used ESDF because it gave me more keys within reach. For MC or generic shooters it's really not relevant.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just wish Minecraft would recognize my Rat 5 and Blackwidow Ultimate. I got 5 extra keys on my board and 2 on my mouse and they would be awesome for FTB where you have a dozen mods adding key functions.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've been an arror key user in the beginning, but moved to WASD, and I liked the change, but I'll probably be not changing to another setup unless I run into a problem with WASD


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2013
I've never had any problems with WASD, it suits me fine.

I still remember... oh, a ton of them, but the one that really stands out is HJKL, back in the golden age of ASCII games.

Ah, the mighty Nethack.

But hands up who remembers ZXPL or QAOP...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
WASD all the way for me. That setup may be useful for bigger modpacks though, as I'm always having trouble finding enough keybinds.

I'd used the arrow keys for awhile, but when I started using a laptop they died for me, and I've never used them since. IJKL was pretty common when playing perfect dark split screen on an emulator with a buddy.

I never really have a problem finding WASD either, as I just find F and move over one.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My mind is slightly hard-coded, so I'll have to stay with WASD, even if ESDF is better. The same situation goes for keyboards that aren't QWERTY.

In my mind:

WASD (Movement keys. I can't use anything else)
Q and E (Usually having the same meaning but having opposite effects, such as leaning left or right. Can also function as utility keys, although I tend to completely ignore the E key as it's hard to reach due to the way I lay my hands on the keyboard)
X (Customization key. I picked this up from Crysis, actually)
F (Utility/mobility key. Coming from the grappling hook in Just Cause 2, this feels natural for opening doors, looting items, or activating short-range teleports or grapples.
G and H (Secondary and backup utility key. I picked it up from portal gun, where I use G and H for picking up blocks and resetting portals)
V (Shazbot!)
` (Maps)
R and J (Inventory buttons. R is best for games like Minecraft where you're using your inventory almost constantly, and J is best for games like Dishonored where you only open your inventory when you need to)
B (Choose class. I have no idea where this came from... possibly TF2, but I'm not sure, as I haven't played it in ages)
N (Crafting with things such as the clipboard, the minium stone, or the portable crafting table. I don't have use for this in any other games)

Honestly, I just map these keys to any game I can so that I'm familiar with the controls, and then I adapt to the new controls that the game has. The upside is having universal controls throughout all games, and the downside is not being able to adapt well to games that don't have easily rebindable keys. I don't play MMOs for that reason, actually, since they often don't have mechanics that this set of keybinds can fulfill.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm sorry, but things with keyboard controls predate the arrow keys on keyboards

You're completely missing the point. I know damn well that keyboard controls predate the use of a mouse. I'm 33 and I've played plenty games on both MSX and PC that did not use the mouse at all. Heck, our first PC didn't even have one.

The point is that the main reason to use ESDF over WASD is simply the extra amount of buttons you can reach. And that only applies in a few types of games, MMO's most particular. You're saying "Now ESDF is a new stranger on the block.", it's not new at all. It's been around for atleast 10 years.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And you don't get my point.
10 years is the new kid on the block. Gaming is old. Punch Card old. Show me something newer?

I've just been challenged by a friend.
Likewise, I do further pass the challenge to you all.

We've known WASD for ages. It's easy, it's near SHIFT and other function keys, but if you get off it, it's hard to find again without looking down again.

Now ESDF is a new stranger on the block.

Yeah, silly me for interpreting what you wrote as something you just discovered. Now where did I get that idea? *rolls eyes*


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2013
Ah, yes. Common back on the old apples. Got to be that I tried those before wasd sometimes.

The version of frogger that was passing around on floppies used it, didn't it?

I was thinking about the ZX Spectrum (aka the Timex Sinclair 2068) actually - I only ever used Apple ][ machines in school. Gaming was kinda frowned upon there :)

QAOP (and Space) was the standard key layout used in Melbourne House games, like the superb Penetrator.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I prefer Steelseries Merc Stealth for gaming.......


Got it mostly for WoW back in the day, playing a warlock you needed more keybinds than you could shake a shitty stick at and I liked the ability to keybind everything.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
hmm...I don't really use either most my left hand is normally resting on this...though, if I had to choose, I guess it would be WASD simply because I've got the built in muscle memory for them.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ESCF is the way to go - that way you can keep the thumb on C and have one finger/thumb for each direction without any strange squeezing. Oh, and sneaking ("shift") on Q for the little finger, so it's always at hand and doesn't interfere with directions.